Septembrie 2023 7
Dacia preisterică 1. Capre diem
A fost odată ca niciodată, bla, bla, bla, știți continuarea. Se spune că demult, foarte demult, la începutul lumii, pe când Dumnezeu crea vietățile care aveau să umple Pământul, Diavolul îi ceru voie să facă și el un animal. Fiind bun la suflet și mult prea ocupat cu creația, Dumnezeu îi acordă permisiunea. Așa că […]
The Secrets of the Gods 40. The Golden Apples
The greatest hero of ancient Greece was Herakles („Glory of Hera”), called Hercules by the Romans. He was born with the name Alkaios or Alkeides, but he changed it to Herakles adviced by the Oracle of Delphi after he killed his children in a fit of madness apparently caused by goddess Hera. Hercules was said […]
The Secrets of the Gods 39. The Spring of Life
„And Yahweh Elohim said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore Yahweh Elohim sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground […]
The Secrets of the Gods 38. The Gods of the Dacians
„The religious creations of the Thracians and Geto-Dacians seem to have shared an equally unfortunate fate… With the exception of a few precious pieces of information communicated by Herodotus regarding the mythical-ritual scenario of Zalmoxis, information about Thracian and Geto-Dacian religions are few and approximate„, noticed Mircea Eliade, the greatest specialist in history of religions. […]
The Secrets of the Gods 37. The Land of the Gods
The Greeks believed that the Pelasgians were the first people in the world, emerging before the Deluge. What was their place of origin? Where were the survivors of the Deluge taken to live alongside the gods? And what happened to the Pelasgians? Do they still exist today or have they disappeared? What is their history, […]
The Secrets of the Gods 36. The Peace
According to the Bible, one year after the Deluge began, Noah / Nabu returned to Earth along with the other survivors. As ancient writings always referred to divine years, we can assume that their return occurred after 360 earthly years, around the year 29,640 BC. Ancient writings also suggest that, at that time, the Watchers […]
The Secrets of the Gods 35. The Cross-breeding of the Gods
In most ancient cultures and even in current religions, Enki, the leader of the exiled gods on Earth, was nicknamed „the Serpent„. Why did he get this epithet? In the Old Testament, the word for serpent is „nahash„, which comes from the root „nhsh„, meaning „to decipher, to find out”. In other words, it describes […]
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