Noiembrie 2023 3
The Secrets of the Gods 50. The Secrets of the Humans
After so many years of searching for the secrets of the gods, I did not imagine that the most difficult part could be the conclusion. Did I really discovered them? Maybe a small part of them at least? Or is it all just a big illusion? What is the truth? And how much does it […]
The Secrets of the Gods 49. Time Travelers
Decoding ancient chronicles helped us uncover the hidden history of the world, completing this huge puzzle from the few surviving pieces that have withstood the test of time. It is said that a long time ago, in an immaterial dimension, a being called Autogenes by the Gnostics split into two different entities, one male and […]
The Secrets of the Gods 48. Game of Throne
Having ascended to the throne of Earth about four millennia ago, Marduk couldn’t enjoy the reign he had dreamed of. Under the Celestials’ strict supervision, and therefore limited in exercising his power, the new king was forced to share the rule of Earth with his sister, Ishtar, whose thirst for power led her trying to […]
- Carte „Secretele zeilor” (3 volume) 110,00 lei
- Carte „Secretele Sionului” 69,99 lei
- Carte „Secretele Olimpului” 54,99 lei
- eBook „Secretele zeilor” (pdf) 35,00 lei
eBook „The Secrets of the Gods” (pdf)
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