1. Secretele Zeilor 53

The Secrets of the Gods 30. The Deluge
The most widespread myth on Earth is that of the Deluge. Currently, there are over 500 deluge legends known worldwide. After researching 86 of them, German geographer and cartographer Richard Andree concluded that 62 are completely independent of Mesopotamian and Hebrew sources. This means that there is a great chance that such an event occurred […]
The Secrets of the Gods 29. Ragnarok
As per Greek mythology, after the creator of humans was chained, the giants rebelled against the Olympian gods to overthrow them, to free Prometheus and to avenge the Titans imprisoned in the Underworld. According to Alexandru Mitru’s The Legends of Olympus, the giants „grew as tall as mountains, taking on horrifying forms. They wore long […]
The Secrets of the Gods 28. The Crucifixion
After learning about the Watchers’ deeds from Nabu, Emperor Anu ordered their punishment. In Chapter 10 of the Book of Enoch he commanded archangel Raphael to: „Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon […]
The Secrets of the Gods 27. Nabu, the Scribe of Justice
When Emperor Anu allowed the Divine Twins to create humans to work in place of the gods, he commanded all the deities, Celestials and Watchers, not to intervene in the development of the new creatures. However, the Watchers did not heed this order. Without the supervision of Enlil, who had left the Earth dissatisfied with […]
The Secrets of the Gods 26. The Enlightenment
The Book of Enoch tells us that, after having children with „the daughters of men„, the Watchers shared with humans some of „the secrets of heaven„. In chapter 8, Azazel („The Rebel God”) taught them how to make swords, knives, shields and armors. He made known to them the metals and the art of working […]
The Secrets of the Gods 25. The Watchers
The emergenge, 40,000 years ago, of a race of people with European characteristics, ranging in height from two to three meters and with a cranial capacity of 1800 – 1900 cm3 is one of the great mysteries of science. In 1982, the Stern and Science en Vie magazines published a series of scientific articles accompanied […]
The Secrets of the Gods 24. The Creation of Man
Two millennia ago, Roman poet Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) wrote about the ages of humanity, which he believed to be four: – The Golden Age – an era dominated by peace and justice. People had not yet learned the art of navigation and therefore did not know the whole world. – The Silver Age – […]
The Secrets of the Gods 23. The Theogony
Once again in each other’s arms and far from the Garden of the Gods, Enki and Ninhursag continued their love story without disturbance, which gave results, according to world myths. In the Book of Genesis from the Old Testament, after being banished from the Garden of Eden, „Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, […]
The Secrets of the Gods 22. The Divine Twins
Myths from all around the world speak about gods, beings that have spent a good amount of time on our planet. Why did they visit us and why did they stayed here? There are many hypotheses, especially since the emergence of paleo-astronautics, some of them incredibly fantastic: they might be space explorers, extraterrestrials who came […]
The Secrets of the Gods 21. Jurassic Park
To be able to talk about dinosaurs first it is necessary to recap what is known about them so far. First, scientists have identified over 700 species of dinosaurs to date. Of these, only five species have complete skeletons, while the rest are just isolated bones. How were the others identified? Through the imagination of […]
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