The Secrets Of The Gods 50

The Secrets of the Gods 50. The Secrets of the Humans
After so many years of searching for the secrets of the gods, I did not imagine that the most difficult part could be the conclusion. Did I really discovered them? Maybe a small part of them at least? Or is it all just a big illusion? What is the truth? And how much does it […]
The Secrets of the Gods 49. Time Travelers
Decoding ancient chronicles helped us uncover the hidden history of the world, completing this huge puzzle from the few surviving pieces that have withstood the test of time. It is said that a long time ago, in an immaterial dimension, a being called Autogenes by the Gnostics split into two different entities, one male and […]
The Secrets of the Gods 48. Game of Throne
Having ascended to the throne of Earth about four millennia ago, Marduk couldn’t enjoy the reign he had dreamed of. Under the Celestials’ strict supervision, and therefore limited in exercising his power, the new king was forced to share the rule of Earth with his sister, Ishtar, whose thirst for power led her trying to […]
The Secrets of the Gods 47. Possession of Jesus
The belief in the ability of an ethereal entity to invade a human body exists in almost all cultures. It is called either possession or reincarnation, usually depending on the duration of the entity’s „visit” to a physical body. Soul migration from one body to another exists in extinct religions as well as in many […]
The Secrets of the Gods 46. Moses, the Manipulated Pharaoh
In 1939, Jewish father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Schlomo Freud, published the book Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion (translated as „Moses and Monotheism” in English), in which he demonstrated that there are great similarities between the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten’s religion and the teachings attributed to Moses. For example, he wrote that one of the […]
The Secrets of the Gods 45. The Twilight of the Gods Chronology
The rulers of the Akkadian Empire, according to the Sumerian King List: Sargon the Great 2334 BC 2279 BC Son of an azupirane priestess Rimush 2278 BC 2270 BC Son of Sargon Manishtushu 2269 BC 2255 BC Son of Sargon Naram-Sin 2254 BC 2218 BC Son of Manishtushu Shar-Kali-Sharri 2218 BC 2193 BC Son of […]
The Secrets of the Gods 44. Akkadian Prince Abraham
Abraham is considered the ancestor of the Israelites and Arabs, holding a very important place in Judaism, Islam and Christianity, which is why these religions are called „Abrahamics„. Originally named Avram, biblical scholars place him around 2000 BC. According to the Bible, he was born 1200 years before the construction of the Temple of Solomon […]
The Secrets of the Gods 43. Twilight of the Gods
In Antiquity people did not believe, as they do now, in omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and eternal deities without beginning or end, attributes that surpass the barriers of logic. The gods of the ancients were similar to humans: they had flaws and qualities, weaknesses and strengths, they were born, they loved, hated and, of course, died. […]
The Secrets of the Gods 42. The Aryan-Semitic War
Taking advantage of the chaos created by the gods, who no longer cared about the territories and races assigned in the peace treaty, Ishtar created her own race, the Semites. Researchers believe that the Semites emerged in Levant around 3750 BC. They were formed from a mixture of Enlil’s red people and Marduk’s white ones […]
The Secrets of the Gods 41. The Wars of Gods and Humans
Written in the 8th century BC by Greek poet Homer, the Iliad describes a great war, considered mythical by historians, between Trojans and Greeks. The events that triggered the war are described in Cypria, attributed to Stasinus of Cyprus, the first book of the Trojan Epic Cycle. It all started with the golden apple thrown […]
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Carte „Secretele Sionului” 69,99 lei
Carte „Secretele Olimpului” 54,99 lei
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