Nu obișnuiesc să postez materiale care nu-mi aparțin. Însă de data asta fac o excepție, pentru că merită. O prietenă mi-a trimis niște versuri pe care le-a compus vineri, în ultima zi a lunii februarie. Pentru că mi-au plăcut, am hotărât să nu le păstrez doar pentru mine, ci să le împărtășesc și altora. Bineînțeles, cu permisiunea autoarei:
The Secrets of the Gods
by Diana-Maria Ilie
From underneath the rocks they speak
The ancient gods, of lust and blood.
A quest for power they incite
Into the weakest of the hearts.
To strife to be forever good, it is a lie
Because, you see, the evil is what the gods want.
To bring to flames mankind.
Do not be fooled by those who preach
About the wonders of the skies.
There’s no such thing, there’re only lies
To keep men occupy and thus, forever blind.
The gods exist, they’re real, free to do along their will
To burn us all, to bring us down,
Forever on our knees.
These are the secrets of the gods,
Creators of all things!
To be forever at their hands
And never truly free.
It stands in us to free ourselves
From lies and misconceptions
And learn where heaven’s always been…
Inside the human nature!