World myths claim that the gods were divided into two groups: one of the Earth gods, associated with darkness and led by Enki and his children, Marduk and Ishtar, and one of the celestial deities, associated with light and led by Enlil and his son, Ninurta. Ninhursag was originally part of the first group, later joining the Celestials. Both divine clans were led by Anu, the master of the Universe. The two groups were in constant conflict, which led to two great wars of the gods. At first Enki ruled the Earth, then he was dethroned by Enlil, who eventually had to yield the leadership of the planet to his nephew, Marduk, at the order of Anu. To truly understand who the gods were and to uncover their hidden history, it is necessary not only to decode myths but also the accounts of those who claim to have come into contact with extraterrestrial entities. Since their number is huge, we will present only a few examples:
George Adamski recounted that on 20th November 1952 he met a humanoid being, about 1.70 meters tall, with blond hair falling on his shoulders, dressed in a brown ski suit. His name was Orthon and he claimed to have come from Venus on a friendly mission. Adamski was taken on Orthon’s ship to other planets, where he met many humanoid beings, whom he called „space brothers„. Another entity with whom Adamski claims to have met is Ashtar Sheran, the commander of an army of 10 – 20 million beings, who has a huge fleet of „universal peace” spaceships coming from the „Free Federation of Planets„. Ashtar was 2.10 meters tall, blue-eyed, with a high forehead, prominent chin and light blond hair falling on his shoulders.
In 1951, George Van Tassel established contact through channeling with the same Ashtar, presumed commander of a space station controlled by the Council of the Seven Lights on the planet Shanchea. Shortly thereafter, Van Tassel established telepathic contacts with other extraterrestrial entities such as Zoltan or Desca. He also claims that, at one point, he was taken aboard a ship by an extraterrestrial named Solganda.
Frank Stranges said he met Valiant Thor in the Pentagon building, a Venusian whose appearance was perfectly human, but his hands were soft as if they were not made of flesh and bones, and his fingers were smooth without any fingerprints. The same character was also mentioned by officer Harley Andrew Byrd who said that in March 1957, in the area of Alexandria, Virginia, Valiant Thor landed next to the car of two policemen, whom he asked to take him to the Pentagon. There, he spoke with one of the Deputy Secretaries of Defense and then, for two hours, with the Vice President of the United States at the time, Richard Nixon. After that, he was hosted in a room in the Pentagon until 16th March 1960, when he returned to Venus.
On 5th November 1975, in Snowflake, near Heber, Arizona, forestry worker Travis Walton was taken aboard a spacecraft and examined by two types of creatures: small gray humanoids with big heads and huge eyes, and tall, athletic, blonde human-like individuals.
In 1932, sign painter Howard Menger saw a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair, dressed in a translucent ski suit, on the edge of a stream in a forest. In June 1946, Menger was taken into space by the same blonde woman and two well-built men.
One night in July 1952, in the Mojave Desert area of California, maintenance mechanic Truman Bethurum was invited into a ship by eight or ten little men 1.40 – 1.50 meters tall. There he met the expedition leader, Aura Rhanes, a beautiful woman.
Aviation mechanic Orfeo Angelucci constantly contacted extraterrestrial entities, which he called „space brothers„, just like George Adamski and Reinhold Schmidt. In January 1953 Angelucci was spiritually transported to another planet, where he met a beautiful extraterrestrial named Lyra and her friend, Orion.
Swiss farmer Eduard Meier claims that on 28th January 1975 he met extraterrestrials from the Pleiades star cluster, among whom there was Semjase, a stunning blonde, despite being 400 years old.
London taxi driver George King was mentally informed one night in May 1954 that he would become the spokesperson for an „Interplanetary Parliament„. The message came from the „cosmic brotherhood of space masters„. One of these „cosmic brothers” was the Master Aetherius, a 3000-year-old Venusian.
Betty Andreasson-Luca said that one evening in October 1978 she experienced an astral projection after hearing a humming sound above the roof of her house. She saw a bunch of little beings working around three tables on which there were three people covered in sheets. In July 1986, a gray little being dressed in overalls appeared next to her. This entity manipulated some strange devices and she left her body. Betty also saw tall entities, measuring 2.10 – 2.20 meters, with white or blonde hair falling on their shoulders, wearing white robes, that seemed to have some authority over the small gray beings when the two types were seen together.
Courtney Brown, a sociologist and political science professor at a university in Atlanta (in the U.S. state of Georgia), conducted several remote viewing sessions, in which he learned that the main race entrusted with the mission of watching over us is that of the gray little beings, about 1.30 meters tall, hairless, with large and hypnotic eyes. Several times Brown found himself transported to a distant realm, in a huge, metallic building in the shape of a tower. He learned that he was at the headquarters of the Galactic Federation, an organization that unites many civilizations in our galaxy. There, he observed a multitude of humanoid beings with light skin and bald heads, dressed in long white shirts and cloaks. He was led to an important character, with an imposing stature and appearance like that of Buddha.
On 2nd October 1984, at 11:45 PM, Karen L. from Norway saw three entities with human appearance enter her room, over 1.80 meters tall and dressed in silver body-hugging jumpsuits. This was followed by several automatic writing contacts and astral travels. One of the entities she encountered in these travels was named Tzador.
David Paladin’s four-year-old son said that a tall individual named Itan, dressed in a white jumpsuit, abducted him in a UFO. There were several „space friends” there who were part of the Kantarian Confederation, beings who have been taking care of the human species since ancient times.
Ida Kannenberg believed that a presence named Hweig had installed itself in her mind and presented himself as a messenger of the masters of UFOs. According to Hweig, they prefer to remain invisible so as not to frighten us.
On 4th July 1989, in Hidropark in Kiev, located on an island in the Dnieper River, retired Vera Prokofievna, engineer Alexandra Stepanovna and her six-year-old daughter encountered three tall, blond individuals. The three told the women that they were extraterrestrials, that their mission was to take people from Earth to their planet and that they would like to take them as well. When the frightened women replied that they wanted to stay with their families, the three responded that they would choose someone else and then climbed into a UFO and departed.
Between 12th and 17th June 1992, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), one of the world’s most famous technical universities, a Conference on the Study of Alien Abductions was organized. The two presidents of the conference were Professor David E. Pritcard, an atomic and molecular physics specialist, a physicist at M.I.T. since 1968 and a winner of prestigious international awards, and Professor John E. Mack, a psychiatrist for 20 years at Harvard Medical School in Cambridge and former director of the psychiatry department at the same university hospital. The conference was attended by Thomas Bullard, Professor David Jacobs, Budd Hopkins, Jenny Randles, John S. Carpenter and other prestigious investigators of the UFO phenomenon. The participating researchers studied approximately 2,000 cases, examined rigorously. In the attached reports, most of the victims claimed to have been abducted by UFOs and then examined by gray creatures, 1 – 1.3 meters tall, with thin limbs, telepathic abilities, huge skulls and immense black eyes. Tall visitors with blonde or white hair and long, shining white robes are also frequently reported. They appear in groups of two, three or four, surrounding the abducted person.
Most of the abducted or contacted individuals claim that there are two types of entities: the small, gray ones with big heads and eyes, and the tall, white ones with long, blonde or white hair. The two races are often seen together, suggesting the possibility of a collaboration between them. Although the small, gray ones are the most commonly encountered, they appear to be subordinate to the tall, blond ones. Therefore, if the blond ones are the true leaders, we will focus on them for now.
What do the entities considered gods by our ancestors look like? According to the accounts of those who claim to have had close encounters, the gods / extraterrestrials are humanoid, tall, with white skin, blue eyes and blond or white hair. Not surprisingly, this is how the ancients perceived them as well. Gods were depicted as giants all over the world. For example, a bas-relief discovered in the Sumerian city of Sippar, over 5,500 years old, depicts three men facing the giant god Shamash. In Greek mythology, the Titans and their brothers, the Giants, were also very tall. Osiris of the Egyptians was almost five meters tall. The leader of the Roman pantheon, Jupiter, was called „Optimus Maximus„, meaning „the greatest” or „the tallest”. Giant gods are also found in the legends of Central and South America, where they were believed to have built cities and pyramids. In fact, giants are found in all cultures, mostly as deities or descendants of gods. The epithets „his majesty” or „his highness„, applied to monarchs (traditionally considered descendants of divinities), were originally used for gods, indicating their tall stature.
The skin color of the gods was almost always white, as described in legends and depicted graphically. However, there are some exceptions. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was green or black, Seth was red, Ra was yellow, Amun was blue and Sebek was green. Some Indian gods are also red or black. However, these colors do not symbolize skin color but rather the elements represented by these deities. Red is the color of fire, blue is the color of water or sky, yellow is the color of the Sun, green is the color of vegetation, and so on. Most myths say that demigods, the children of gods and mortals, had white skin, undoubtedly an inherited characteristic from their divine parents. An example of this can be found in the story of Noah’s birth, as described in the Book of Enoch. Because Noah had white skin (unlike the rest of the people), his father believed he was the son of an angel. Therefore, if any child of the gods had white skin, regardless of the color of their mortal parent, we can easily deduce that the god who gave the predominant gene also had white skin. Let us not forget that Hitler considered the Aryan race to be superior to all others because it was the race of the ancient gods.
From the drawings of the Sumerians we cannot find out the hair color of the gods, but we can deduce it. The first humans were called „black heads„, alluding to the color of their hair. This expression indicates a comparison. Since the only beings in those times were humans and gods, it means the comparison was being made between them. If the gods had also been brunettes, like humans, they would have all been called „black heads„. However, since the epithet only applied to humans, it means that the gods had a different hair color, most likely the opposite, namely white or blond. The Nordic gods also had long blond hair. The god seen by the biblical figures Enoch and Ezekiel had long, white hair. Zeus and Poseidon in Greek mythology, or Jupiter and Neptune in Roman mythology, were also depicted with long, white hair. Quetzalcoatl in Central America was blond with white skin. In almost all religions, the gods almost always had long hair. Of course, there are exceptions: very few had short hair and one Sumerian god was bald. One difference between those of the past and those of today is the beard, which was present in the majority of those of the past but is absent in those today. However, there is an explanation for this aspect: since a beard indicates old age, bearded gods were the elderly ones, namely the first to come to Earth. Those who arrived later, being younger, were depicted without beards to differentiate them from the earlier deities.
In addition to being tall, having white skin, blue eyes and long hair, the gods had another predominant physical characteristic: beauty. Howard Menger’s blonde woman, Aura Rhanes of Truman Bethurum, Lyra of Orfeo Angelucci or Semjase of Eduard Meier were described as stunningly beautiful. In Christianity, Lucifer was considered the most beautiful angel. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, one of Osiris’ epithets is „the Beautiful One” and the Egyptian god Ptah was also called „the One with a Beautiful Face„. Aphrodite in Greek mythology, Hathor in Egyptian mythology, Inanna in Sumerian mythology, Ishtar in Babylonian mythology, Freya in Norse mythology, and generally all the goddesses of love were breathtakingly beautiful. In a Greek legend, Prince Paris had to choose the most beautiful goddess among Aphrodite, Hera and Athena, which proved to be an extremely difficult task based solely on physical criteria because all three were incredibly beautiful. The young man chose only based on the gifts they offered him. Dumuzi, known as Tammuz in Babylonian mythology, was also imagined as a handsome young man, similar to the Greek Adonis. Among the many epithets of the Indian god Krishna there is „Shyamasundara„, meaning „the Dark and Handsome One„. Apollo of the Greeks and Romans was so beautiful that he made numerous conquests among women and men. Ares, known as Mars to the Romans, was tall and handsome. The gods of the Greeks (and not only them) chose their wives based on beauty; thus, Zeus chose Hera, the most beautiful of his sisters, and Hades chose Persephone, his beautiful niece. The national poet of Romania, Mihai Eminescu, describes in his poem The Morning Star („Luceafarul” in Romanian) an entity named Hyperion, „with soft golden hair” (blonde), descended from heaven to mate with a mortal. The chosen one, named Catalina, was impressed by his beauty: „Oh, you are as beautiful as only in a dream an angel appears„. It is worth noting that Hyperion was also the name of one of the Titans of the Greeks, the first gods on Earth. Last but not least, we remember the biblical episode of the destruction of Sodom, in which two angels aroused the sexual appetite of the city’s inhabitants. Without a doubt, this happened because of the beauty of the two angels. Indeed, in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, angels are physically perfect creatures of unparalleled beauty.
After discovering what the gods look like, we need to find out how their society is organized. George Adamski spoke of a „Free Federation of Planets„, which has a huge fleet of „universal peace” and an army of 10 – 20 million beings, led by Commander Ashtar Sheran. For George Van Tassel, Ashtar was the commander of a space station controlled by the „Council of the Seven Lights„. George King contacted the „cosmic brotherhood of space masters„, becoming the spokesperson for an „Interplanetary Parliament„. Professor Courtney Brown saw the headquarters of the „Galactic Federation„, an organization that unites many civilizations in our galaxy. David Paladin spoke of „space friends” who were part of the Kantarian Confederation. His abductors told Bill Hermann that they were part of a network that had been observing us for a long time. To Richard Miller, Commander Soltec confessed that he came from the planet Centurus, which is part of an „Universal Confederation” of over 680 planets. Others spoke of the „Ra Union„, which patronized the ancient Egyptians. Ra, one of the entities that the Lab Nine group was in contact with, claimed that Earth is protected by the „Council of Saturn„, which is composed of 9 members and 24 guardians. One of the Lab Nine members, Hurtak, claimed that our solar system is governed by the „Council of Nine„, which answers to the „Seventy Brotherhoods of the Great White Fraternity„. According to all of these statements, the visitors do not come from an isolated planet, but are part of an organization that unites many civilizations, a „network„, „federation” or „confederation„, led by an Interplanetary Parliament or Council. Although they are at least technologically more advanced than us, their clothing and titles indicate more of a feudal society rather than a modern one, similar to ours. Although they want to appear as a democratic society led by a parliament, some clues suggest that things are not quite as they seem. That Council (of the Seven Lights, of the Nine, of Saturn, and so on) indicates an assembly of counselors similar to those at royal courts. Although most visitors wear tight-fitting suits, similar to ski suits, it seems that these are just flight equipment, because on their planets almost all are dressed in robes or long shirts. Professor Courtney Brown even claimed to have met a prominent character who looked like Buddha. And these costumes are similar to those that we, earthlings, wore hundreds of years ago. George King’s „cosmic brothers” consider themselves the „masters of space„, which is also obvious from the title of Master Aetherius with whom King was constantly in touch. The entity with whom Ida Kannenberg often communicated presented itself as being sent by the „masters of UFOs„. In a democratic society led by a parliament, government or president, there is no title of „master„. However, in a feudal one, there is. Sara, one of Professor John E. Mack’s patients, declared under hypnosis that she saw a being named Mengus sitting on a throne made of a silver metal. There is no doubt that Sara could distinguish between a throne and a chair or armchair, and a throne suggests monarchy. Therefore, if their society is a feudal one, it is most likely led by a monarch. Since they speak of an organization made of many planets and civilizations, we can consider that the most appropriate name for it is not Federation or Confederation, but Empire. And an empire can only be led by an emperor. Why do the gods / extraterrestrials hide this detail from us? Most likely out of fear of people’s reluctance to this form of government. Superior beings to us, at least technologically, who come to Earth to establish a connection between our world and theirs, could try to take us over into their empire. Monarchy, in its essence, is a form of dictatorship, which implies that if we were to accept it, we would become servants of the emperor, just like the rest of the worlds included in their empire. However, if they present themselves as being part of a democratic society, they give us the illusion of preserving our planetary independence. Thus, in our eyes, they will seem like allies, partners or neighbors, not conquerors. But no lie can last forever. The monarchical organization of the gods’ society also emerges from Sumerian mythology, where the great gods were assigned a number. Although researchers do not know their significance and prefer to call them „magic numbers„, in reality they are only the ranks of the major gods. Half of the 12 „magic numbers” (60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10) were reserved for men, and the rest (55, 45, 35, 25, 15 and 5) for women, as in the table below:
60 | Emperor | 55 | Empress |
50 | King | 45 | Queen |
40 | Grand Prince | 35 | Grand Princess |
30 | Prince | 25 | Princess |
20 | Duke | 15 | Duchess |
10 | Count | 5 | Countess |
The 12 noble titles were reserved only for the great Anunnaki („the Noble people of heaven and Earth”) gods. There were only seven of them, but the Sumerians invented alter egos for them to occupy all 12 positions. For example, we have Nanna, Enki transformed into the son of Enlil, and Ishkur, Enlil transformed into the son of Nanna. A god could hold several ranks singly, as was the case with Marduk, who initially held rank 20 and 50 before receiving the throne of Earth. Decoding the myths allowed us to identify the main gods, and thus correctly attribute them the „magic numbers” or noble titles.
An, the supreme leader, had the number 60. His title „lugal kurkurra” („ruler of lands”) shows that he was the master of multiple domains, not just one. The Sumerian myths describe him as the ultimate source of authority in both the world of gods and on Earth. As multiple kingdoms / domains / worlds form an empire, the number 60 can only represent the title of emperor. In his honour, the Sumerians invented the sexagesimal numeral system (based on the number 60) in the 3rd millennium BC, which was also adopted by other ancient peoples. 60 is the number of minutes in an hour, the number of seconds in a minute and the number of minutes in a degree in geometry. Each angle of an equilateral triangle measures 60 degrees. In mathematics, 60 is a semiperfect number and a perfect unitary number. 60 years represents the diamond anniversary in a marriage and a Chinese sexagenary cycle.
55 was the number assigned to the consort of An / Anu, called Antum by the Akkadians, meaning the title of empress.
Enlil, the ruler of Earth and the right-hand man of Anu, was assigned the number 50 or the title of king. Moreover, the Mesopotamians even called him „The King of Earth„. When Marduk became the ruler of the planet, replacing Enlil, he was given the 50 names according to Babylonian mythology. That is, he was granted the number 50 or the title of king. In honor of this rank, 50 was one of the most used numbers in Antiquity. For example, 50 is the number of years in a jubilee, in Kabbalah there are 50 gates of wisdom and 50 gates of impurity, and Genesis, the first biblical book, has 50 chapters.
In mathematics, 45 is the sum of all digits. In Sumerian myths, when Ninhursag became the wife of Enlil, she was given the title Ninlil and the number 45, the rank of queen.
Enki had the number 40, which represented the next rank, that of grand prince. All of our ancestors, regardless of their culture, called him a prince. In respect for their god’s father, the Jews often mentioned Enki’s rank in the Bible. For example, the Deluge lasted 40 days and 40 nights; the Israelite spies explored Canaan for 40 days; Saul, David, Solomon and Jehoash each reigned for 40 years; the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years; Moses fled Egypt at the age of 40, returned after 40 years to take his people and died 40 years later; Moses spent three periods of 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai; Jesus spent 40 days in the desert and ascended to heaven 40 days after his resurrection.
When she was Enki’s wife and bore the titles Ninki or Damkina, Ninhursag had the rank of grand princess, which was represented by the number 35.
In Sumerian mythology, Nanna, Enlil’s eldest son, had the number 30 or the title of prince. In reality, Nanna, the god of the Moon, was an alter-ego of Enki. Since he could not hold two ranks at the same time, the title actually belonged to Ninurta, Enlil’s true first son. The character of Nanna was assigned the number 30 solely because it represents the number of days it takes the Moon to complete one rotation around the Earth.
Officially, Ningal („Great Lady”), Nanna’s wife, held the number 25, the rank of princess. Unofficially, the title belonged to Ninurta’s wife, Nintinugga / Bau.
The number 20 belonged to Utu, Nanna / Enki’s son, who was none other than the Babylonian Marduk. 20 represents the title of duke, one of the highest noble ranks. Dukes were usually relatives of a sovereign family, which applies to Marduk as well. In Germanic tribes, dukes were the leaders of troops during wars; world myths suggest that Marduk led his father’s army during the second war of the gods.
The number 15, representing the rank of duchess, belonged to Inanna, Utu / Marduk’s sister, who was none other than Ishtar of the Babylonians.
The numbers 10 and 5, or the ranks of count and countess, were attributed by the Sumerians to Ishkur and Ninhursag. However, Ishkur was actually Enlil, so he had the number 50, while Ninhursag occupied the ranks of 45 and 35 depending on the group to which she belonged. Therefore, other deities were assigned the last two titles in the list of the 12. The title of count was often an honorary title bestowed by a monarch on someone for their services, often without granting any feudal domains. The only gods who could have held these titles were Nabu, the son of Marduk, and his wife, Tashmetum. From myths we know that Nabu did not have a domain of his own but only administered Enlil’s after the Deluge. In addition, in the Myth of Adapa, it is said that Anu rewarded him for his services, which could explain his noble rank, although he was not one of the great gods.
Numerology has been an important part of mysticism since ancient times, although its secrets have always been reserved for initiates, while the masses were only presented with stories. And the initiates knew that important numbers symbolized deities.
– The number 1 represents a single deity, usually the supreme one.
– 2 is a couple of gods, as in the case of the Divine Twins present in many religions.
– The number 3 signifies a ruling trinity, such as the Vedic triad (Varuna, Indra and Mitra), the Trimurti in Hinduism (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva), the Holy Trinity of Christianity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost), the Sumerian triad (An, Enlil and Anu) or the Babylonian triad (Ea, Marduk and Ishtar).
– 4 symbolizes a divine family made of parents and children, such as that of Enki, alongside his sister and wife, Ninhursag, and their children, Marduk and Ishtar.
– In addition to the last rank among the 12 great gods, the least important, the number 5 had another significance. In most cultures the gods were matched with celestial bodies. The Mesopotamian peoples counted the planets of our solar system from the outside toward the Sun. The five-rayed star represents the fifth planet, Jupiter, but also the deity which it was associated with, namely Enlil. That is why the god was sometimes matched with the number 5.
– The Hexagram or six-rayed star is nothing but the sixth planet of our solar system, Mars, associated with the Sumerian deity Martu, called Marduk by the Babylonians. The ancient initiates matched the deity with the number 6, which is also observed in Hebrew mysticism, where 6 represents Yahweh, the god of the Jews.
– Since Earth is the seventh planet in our solar system, it was symbolized by a seven-pointed star, and the number 7 signifies Earth.
– 8 is the number of the planet Venus, the eighth in our solar system (which was represented as an eight-pointed star), and implicitly the goddess associated with the Morning Star, meaning Ishtar.
– The nine-rayed star symbolizes the ninth planet, Mercury. Therefore, the number 9 represents the deity matched with the planet closest to the Sun: Nabu, the son of Marduk.
– 12 is one of the most common numbers in world cultures. For example, we find 12 Olympian gods and 12 primordial Titans in Greek mythology, as well as 12 labors of Hercules, 12 apostles of Jesus in Christianity, 12 ranks of the Anunnaki gods in Mesopotamia, 12 months of the year, 12 zodiac signs in Western and Chinese astrology, 12 Jyotirlingas in Shaivism, 12 names of the god Surya in Hinduism, 12 sons of Odin in Norse mythology, 12 Shiite imams who succeeded Muhammad in Islam, 12 Israelite tribes and 12 sons of Jacob in Judaism, 12 battles fought against the Saxon invaders and 12 rebel princes defeated by King Arthur in British legends, and so on. The use of this number worldwide, especially in connection with the gods, indicates its special importance. What is its hidden meaning? Marduk was matched by his followers with the number 6. When he assumed the leadership of Earth, according to Babylonian myths, he became superior to all the gods except his father, Ea / Enki, who enjoyed a position of equality. If Marduk was the number 6, a god equal to him would also be 6, hence 12 (6 + 6) represents the two of them together. This juxtaposition was also symbolized by the number 66 (two gods 6 side by side) when they were part of a divine trinity (which also included Ishtar), with 66 being the percentage of the two deities in that trinity. In contexts where the triad was not present, Marduk and Enki were symbolized by the number 12, but even here the initiates resorted to a small artifice. The first digit of the number is 1 and the last is 2, so 12 was used when the first god, Enki (the father), was in charge. When Marduk became the leader of the clan, the number 12 was reversed and transformed into 21, so that the first digit would be 2, meaning the second god (the son).
– The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters. As the 22nd letter is the last one, for Jews the number 22 represents the end.
– 33 is one of the most important numbers in Freemasonry. By order of the 33rd president of the United States and 33rd degree Mason Harry S. Truman, Americans tested the first atomic bomb at Jornada del Muerto in New Mexico, on the 33rd parallel north. The same president dropped the two atomic bombs on Japan at equal distances from the 33rd parallel north, with Hiroshima located on 34rd parallel north and Nagasaki on that of 32nd. Also on 33rd parallel north there is Roswell (New Mexico, USA), the famous place where a UFO crashed in 1947. At the opposite side of the Earth, on the same parallel, lies Mount Hermon, the place where the Book of Enoch claims the Watchers of Azazel descended to Earth. Saddam Hussein’s nuclear reactor, Osirak, was located on the 33rd parallel north. Its coordinates (33.123 N, 44.313 E) hide the number 666 (3+3=6; 1+2+3=6; 4+4+3+1+3=15; 1+5=6), and the name Osirak is made up of Osiris + Iraq. In 1963, near the 33rd parallel north, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dealey Plaza, the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas. The date of the president’s death, 22nd November, indicates the same number (22+11=33). In 1968, Robert Kennedy, the former president’s brother, was assassinated in Los Angeles, also near the 33rd parallel north and near a Masonic temple. Christians believe that 33 is the year in which the Jews crucified Jesus and the number of miracles he performed. In addition, it is the age at which Alexander the Great died, by the will of the gods, because he dared to invade India. 33 is also one of the symbols of the Ku Klux Klan (the letter K is the eleventh in the alphabet; 3 times K = 33). 33, in percentages, represents one-third of a whole. The most important thirds are the divine ones and the number 33 symbolizes only one part of the third, that is one god. Given that this number is of particular importance to Freemasons, logic suggests that 33 is their god, Yahweh / Marduk. In Babylon he was indeed part of a trinity, alongside his father and sister. Moreover, modern numerology considers 33 as the numerical representation of the Star of David (the one with six rays), that is of the god symbolized in this form.
– In ancient Rome, 42 was the minimum age required for the position of consul. In Kabbalistic tradition, 42 is the number through which Yahweh created the Universe. Considering the letter A as the number 1, B = 2, C = 3 and so on, the sum of the letters in „Big Bang” is 42. Additionally, 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the Universe, and everything, provided by the supercomputer Deep Thought. Chapter 42 of the Tao Te Ching, one of the most important classical Chinese texts, explains the birth of the Universe. In the Talmud it is written that the divine name formed from 42 letters is the greatest of all mysteries; these 42 letters contain the names of all ten sephirot. In Japanese tradition, 42 is an unlucky number because, when the two digits are pronounced separately („shi ni” = „four two”), it also means „death”. According to Mesopotamian tradition, the surface area of the Tower of Babel was 42 agricultural measures. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead it is said that there were 42 judges of the dead in the afterlife, in the Double Hall of the goddess Ma’at; these gods and goddesses asked the deceased 42 questions, and the god Thoth wroted down the answers. Additionally, there were 42 principles of Ma’at, the personification of truth, order and justice, and 42 books of her husband, Thoth. Furthermore, ancient Egypt was divided into 42 districts, called nomes. The connection between the number 42 and Egypt is also found in the Bible. In chapter 42 of Genesis, Jacob sent his ten sons to Egypt to buy grain; there they met their brother, Joseph, who had become the vizier of Egypt. In chapter 42 of the Book of Jeremiah, Yahweh threatens the Jews that he will strike them with wars, plagues and famine if they try to return to Egypt. According to the evangelist Matthew, from Abraham to Jesus there are 42 generations (it is worth mentioning that the evangelist’s name is derived from that of the Egyptian goddess Ma’at), while the evangelist Luke believed that from David to Jesus there were 42 generations. The Book of Job has 42 chapters, 42 people from Bethazmavet returned from Babylon to Israel (Ezra 2:24), two bears killed 42 children who were cursed by the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2:24), the famine during the time of Elijah lasted three and a half years or 42 months (Luke 4:25) and the Beast will rule the Earth for 42 months (Revelation 13:5). Each page of the Gutenberg Bible has 42 lines. The city of Jerusalem has an area of 42 square miles. In western hermeticism, 42 is the sum of the values of the true spheres 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (1 and 2 are considered modes of existence and 10 is the completion of what we see from our sphere, meaning 11), each representing an aspect of the body of the Supreme Deity through which it observes the world. The sum of the squares of each of these numbers is 216 or 6x6x6, which is the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation. Whether it’s a coincidence or not, Muammar Gaddafi was killed by NATO after ruling Libya for 42 years. 42 represents rank 30 plus the number 12, that is Enki and Marduk treated as a whole occupying the position of prince.
– The calendars of the Central American peoples (Mayans, Aztecs, Toltecs, and so on) were based on cycles of 52 years. This Great Sacred Cycle was established by the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl / Kukulcan, who announced to his subjects that he would return at the end of a 52-year cycle. Today, Mexico’s telephone prefix is 52. The solar calendar of the Maya was identical to that of the Egyptians. This calendar, with 52 weeks of 7 days each, was given to the Egyptians by the god Thoth, the same Quetzalcoatl of the Mesoamericans. For the Egyptians, 52 was a magical number associated with the same god. The sides of the three pyramids at Giza are inclined at an angle of approximately 52 degrees. The Great Pyramid was considered by the Egyptians to be the work of Thoth. Some believed that the pyramids at Giza were the tombs of Thoth, his son and his daughter. 52 represents rank 40 plus the number 12, that is Enki and Marduk together occupying the position of a grand prince.
– As I have said before, Marduk was symbolized by the number 6. His father, Enki, was on an equal footing with him, and therefore was also viewed as a 6. Their combination was symbolized by the number 12 usually, and by 66 when it came to them as parts of a divine trinity, 66 being also the percentage of the two deities in that divine third. Thus, we understand the importance that Freemasonry attaches to this number.
– 72 represents the number of hours in three days. In geometry, the exterior angles of a regular pentagon measure 72 degrees each. Room temperature is considered to be 72 degrees Fahrenheit. The lifespan of an egg is 72 hours. On average, the resting heart rate of an adult beats 72 times per minute. 72% of the human body is made of water. The axis of the Earth moves one degree every 72 years. According to historian Plutarch, the god Seth was aided by 72 accomplices to lock Osiris in a box. In another Egyptian myth, to help the goddess Nut give birth, Thoth played dice with the Moon and won every seventy-two day of the year. Also in Egypt, embalming the dead took 72 days. In Kabbalah, Yahweh has 72 names. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus sent 72 apostles to announce his arrival (10:1). In Alexandria, 72 Jews translated the Tanakh into Greek, giving rise to the Septuagint. The Quran says that 72 Muslims fought in the Battle of Badr. 72 is also the number of martyrs who fought alongside Imam Hussain at Karbala and the number of virgins waiting for martyrs in paradise. According to the Lesser Key of Solomon, there are 72 demons. According to the Zohar, the ladder that Jacob saw in his dream had 72 steps. The Chinese philosopher Kong Fuzi (Confucius) had 72 disciples. According to tradition, before the destruction of the Tower of Babel, there were 72 languages on Earth. In Angkor, the capital of the Khmer Empire, 72 temples were built. In astrology, the equinox point moves one degree on the ecliptic every 72 years. 72 signifies the rank of 60 plus the number 12, representing Enki and Marduk occupying the position of emperor. Since this episode did not occur, it represents the ultimate goal of the two deities: the overthrow of Anu and their coronation in the supreme position of the Universe.
To decipher the true history of the Earth, we must understand the symbolism used by our ancestors, which was not limited to numerology alone. Divine symbols had secret meanings, hidden from ordinary people, reserved only for initiates in the mysteries of the gods. Here are some of them:
– The sun god, present in most cultures, signifies the function of a ruler god. Just as the Sun is at the center of the solar system, with planets orbiting around it, the ruler divinity is situated in the midst of other gods, who „orbit” around him. This is best seen in Egyptian mythology where Ra, the sun god, was at the leader of the pantheon. Although Egyptologists have tried to translate the name of the god in various ways, the true meaning can be found in Sumerian, where „ra” also means „leader”. Therefore, the Egyptians named the god at the head of their pantheon „The Leader”, also giving him the function of a sun god.
– The shepherd god or king has the same meaning as the sun god, that of a leader. Just as a shepherd leads his flock of sheep, so too does the god or king lead his „flock” of subjects. For this reason, Egyptian pharaohs had the shepherd’s crook as a royal symbol, in addition to a scepter. The shepherd gods Osiris and Andjety in Egyptian mythology, Dumuzi in Sumerian or Tammuz in Babylonian were different aspects of the Sumerian Enki, the first divine ruler of our planet.
– The bull god also represents a ruler divinity. However, in addition to the function of leadership, it also has a fertilizing aspect. The bull god was considered the creator god at the head of the pantheon. For example, the leader of the Ugaritic pantheon, El, was a bull god. Similarly, his nephew Baal, who later took his throne, was also a bull god.
– The ram god has the same significance as the bull god, that of a leader of the flock and a creator. It is possible that the differentiation between the ram and the bull deity appeared in ancient Egypt. Since the Egyptians were cattle breeders, their supreme god could only be a bull, unlike the deity of the Hyksos shepherds, whose divinity had a ram aspect.
– In most cultures gods were matched with celestial bodies. Our ancestors saw their gods coming from the sky and heading towards the same place. Since only stars and planets were visible in the sky, logic told the ancients that the gods could only be those celestial bodies. For this reason, planets still bear the names of gods today. A good example is the Book of Enoch, in which angels are considered stars (fallen angels are falling stars) and humans are animals. In hidden symbolism, the number of rays of a star represents the number of the planet equivalent to a god, counting from the outside towards the Sun. The four-rayed star is Saturn, the fourth planet in our solar system, the five-rayed star is Jupiter (the fifth planet), the six-rayed is Mars (the sixth planet), the seven-rayed is Earth, the eight-rayed is Venus and the nine-rayed is the planet Mercury. Often, the star with rays was replaced with a circle surrounded by dots, the number of which had the same significance as the number of rays of the stars. I don’t think there are any researchers who do not recognize that the eight-rayed star was in many cultures the symbol of the goddess of love, identified with the planet Venus, the eighth planet in our solar system.
– The cross is one of the most widespread ancient symbols. In Sumerian cuneiform writing, the sky was represented by a cross. In many ancient cultures, the Earth was illustrated by a circle. The Ankh or Egyptian cross, which has the shape of a cross united with a circle, represents the connection between heaven and Earth. The cross inscribed in a circle, also a commonly encountered symbol in the world, signifies a place where heaven and Earth, or more precisely, the spiritual and material worlds, were united.
In all the world religions, the gods were divided into two groups. In the secret doctrine reserved for initiates, Enki’s group was considered malevolent, while Enlil’s was beneficial for humanity. The two sides of the divine families were symbolized in various ways, always opposite. Here are some of them:
– Light is the symbol of good and darkness of evil. Therefore, Enki’s groups was associated with darkness, while Enlil’s was associated with light.
– Day and night, characterized by light and darkness, became symbols of good and evil. Thus, Enlil’s gods had the Sun as a symbol while Enki’s had the Moon, the brightest celestial body of the night. For this reason, Marduk, who was initially considered the son of Enlil, in many religions was the god of the Sun. After declaring himself the son of Enki and switching to his father’s side, Marduk lost his association with the Sun and the Jews called him Yahweh, „The One who became the Moon”.
– Right and left also represent good and evil. Mesopotamian myths held that in the Council of the Gods, Enlil sat to the right of the emperor Anu, while Enki sat to his left. The same meaning is found in Christianity, where it is said that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father in the kingdom of heaven.
– For our ancestors, there was a clear differentiation between the two families of gods. Those led by Anu and Enlil were the gods of the sky, while those of Enki and Marduk were the gods of the Earth. Therefore, the serpent became the symbol of earthly divinities, while the bird (usually the falcon or eagle) represented the celestial ones. The fight between serpent and bird deities is found in many ancient religions, such as the one between Ra (the god with the falcon head) and the great serpent Apophis in Egypt or that of the eagle and the serpent in the Sumerian Myth of Etana.
– The cardinal points also had hidden meanings for the masses. The North, meaning the top or the sky, was associated with celestial deities, while the South, meaning the bottom, was associated with earthly deities. The East was the right side or the good, while the West, the left side, represented evil. Thus, in some cultures, we find deities of the sunset or sunrise, which suggested their belonging to one of the two divine families. For example, in ancient Egypt, one of the epithets of Osiris (Enki) was „Foremost of the Westerners„, which was also borne by his son, Anubis. Also in Egypt it was believed that the Sun had three names: Atem or Atum at sunrise, Ra or Re at noon and Khepri or Khepra at sunset. However, the Heliopolitan priests knew that it was not about a deity with three names, but about three sun gods (rulers). The Sun in a central position, Ra, is Anu in the Council of the Gods. Atum at sunrise is the god on his right, Enlil, and Khepri at sunset – the one on his left, Enki.
Why did the ancients use symbolism? Everything in the Universe emits vibrations, whether we are talking about a word, a thought or an action. These vibrations can positively or negatively influence to some extent the human subconscious. Also, symbols emit vibrations that act on the subconscious. For this reason, there are lucky numbers for some or unlucky ones for others. Those who know the hidden meanings of symbols use their power to obtain various benefits depending on how the vibrations of each symbol act on the human subconscious. Because of this power, symbolism has always been kept away from the common people, being available only for the initiated.
To conclude, we have learned that Enki’s serpent gods, earthly deities (Igigi for the Sumerians), had the Moon as their symbol and were associated with evil, darkness, night, the left side, the South and the West, while Enlil’s bird-gods, celestial deities (Anunna in Sumer), had the Sun as their symbol and were associated with good, light, day, the right side, the North and the East. Thus, after decoding the symbols of the gods and learning details about their society and physical appearance, we can try to discover their true nature, one of the best-kept secrets of the gods.
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