Throughout history, people have always wanted to discover the true nature of the world which they live in. What is the Universe, how did it come into being and why? Many opinions have been put forward, which have remained at the hypothesis stage due to the impossibility of being proven. The simplest such theory (and the most widespread at the same time) considered the Cosmos the creation of gods. With the development of science, people began to seek alternative options, some even more bizarre than the religious ones.
In the 1920s, the priest and astronomer Georges Lemaitre launched the Big Bang theory, which today is agreed upon by the majority of scientists. And not only them. Pope Pius XII declared on 22nd November 1951, during the Pontifical Academy of Sciences meeting, that the Big Bang theory is in accordance with all Roman Catholic concepts regarding Creation. According to this hypothesis, a long time ago, the Universe did not exist. There was absolutely nothing, only emptiness. About 13.7 billion years ago, a huge explosion suddenly erupted in this immense nothingness, from which the Universe was born. This first Universe was so hot that it contained only pure energy. After only one second, some of that energy was transformed into the seeds of matter, and the Cosmos was filled with dense fog. For 400 millennia the Universe grew and the fog began to form atoms. After one billion years, a fog cloud became so dense that it exploded, giving birth to the first star. Other clouds followed suit and the stars thus formed slowly grouped together into galaxies. To confirm the Big Bang theory, researchers rely on three major clues:
- The age of the oldest star is 12 – 13.2 billion years old, which partially corresponds to the age of the Universe.
- Analysis of the light emitted by galaxies shows that objects in space are moving away from each other at a speed that is greater the farther they are from Earth, suggesting that the galaxies were once gathered in a single region of space.
- In all regions of the Universe there is still a very weak background radiation, a remnant of heat and light torrents from the early moments of the Cosmos.
Many elements of the Big Bang theory are encountered in mythology. The void from which the world was born at the beginning was called „chaos” or „ocean” by most peoples. At Heliopolis in Egypt, Ra, the Sun, stood on a rock emerged from the primordial ocean, Nun, while at Memphis the god Ptah was the one born on the rock. In another Egyptian myth, the waves of Nun gave birth to an island on which four pairs of gods appeared. In Finnish-Ugric mythology, the primordial chaos had the form of a huge ocean, from which Num was born, the god who created the world (it is worth noting the similarity of this name to Nun of the Egyptians). For the Turks, Sombol-Burkan built the world from clay taken from the primordial ocean. In Mongolian mythology, two gods descended from the sky into the primordial sea and fashioned the world from mud on the back of a turtle. In Chinese mythology, chaos had the form of an egg (the spherical shape of the Universe immediately after the Big Bang) from which Pan Ku was born, the one who created the sky and the Earth from the eggshells. In Babylon, chaos was represented by the winged serpent Tiamat; god Marduk, who signified order, killed Tiamat and created the world from her body. In Norse mythology, chaos (the void) was a chasm that delimited fire and ice; from the collision of the two elements (the Big Bang), the giant Ymir was born, from whose body the world was made. In Greek mythology, according to Hesiod’s Theogony, chaos is the one who gave birth to the goddess of the Earth (Gaia), the god of the Underworld (Tartarus), the god of love (Eros), the goddess of the night (Nyx) and the god of darkness (Erebus). The Valentinian Gnosis claimed that the First Principle or the Father emerged from chaos. The Big Bang or the explosive creation of matter is also encountered in Hermopolis Magna, Egypt, where it was believed that the world appeared from the collision of the four primordial elements: water, boundlessness, darkness and air. Also, the Dogon people of Mali say that the earth, air, fire and water in the egg of the goddess Amma collided, causing seven explosions from which life was born.
The story of the Big Bang, however incredible it may seem, was invented with the most important tool of scientists: the ability to transform real events into mathematical equations. This allowed cosmologists to create a mathematical replica of the Universe, called the „Standard Model of Cosmology„, which describes the entire evolution of the Cosmos from the Big Bang until today. For cosmologists, the Standard Model works perfectly. However, it has a major flaw: it does not explain everything. The more scientists study the Universe, the more they realize that the Standard Model is not an exact copy. Despite all its complex mathematics, the Standard Model incorporates a series of theories that were proposed to explain observations that do not make sense, incomplete or unproven theories, without which the story of the Big Bang remains just a bedtime story… for adults.
The Big Bang theory states that the Universe was created through an explosion. However, an explosion would produce a disordered Universe, with areas that would have large temperature differences between them and the Cosmos is not like that at all. In all directions, the temperature seems to be the same. The temperature problem has caused problems for the Standard Model, seriously shaking the hypothesis of the Big Bang. Fortunately for cosmologists, a scientist apparently solved this problem. In 1980, Alan Guth, a professor of particle physics, proposed the theory of inflation, which suggests that the primordial Universe began to expand slowly, allowing the temperature to become uniform. Then, in a fraction of a second, it expanded suddenly, leaving everything perfectly smooth and uniform. Although Guth’s theory solves the temperature problem, it cannot explain what caused the inflation. If it did occur, it would have required more energy than we could imagine. Therefore, it seems that the inflation occurred miraculously and stopped just before destroying the Universe. Avoiding this aspect, the theory of inflation seems to fit perfectly into the Standard Model. The new version of genesis begins with the Big Bang, then in a fraction of a second the inflation contracted the Universe by a quadrillion quadrillion times. When the temperature cools down, blocks of matter form and gravity begins to take effect. However, at this point, the Standard Model runs into another problem: galaxies seem to rotate much too quickly.
According to Newton’s law of gravity, stars on the edge of a galaxy should move much slower than those near the center. This is clearly observed in our solar system: the farther planets are from the Sun, the slower they move. The speeds of the planets produce a line called the „rotation curve„. Galaxies should produce the same curve, but they do not. Surprisingly, when the speeds of stars on the outskirts of galaxies are measured, it is observed that they move just as fast as those near the center. In this case, the rotation curve is not a curve, but a straight line. This should lead to a universal catastrophe, with galaxies breaking apart at such enormous rotational speeds. But because this does not happen, it means there is more gravity. To have more gravity, more matter than that existing in the Universe is necessary. As cosmologists have not found the necessary matter, they have invented it. Thus, the „dark matter” was born, a purely theoretical concept that solved the problem of rotation curves. According to calculations, dark matter is five times more abundant than ordinary matter, representing 84.5% of all matter in the Universe and 26.8% of everything that exists in the Universe, namely matter plus energy, according to experts in the Planck mission. However, dark matter also has a major flaw: cosmologists do not know what it is. It cannot be ordinary matter, because it would have to either emit or reflect light. And dark matter must be invisible, made up of particles that we do not know and able to pass through ordinary matter. Despite the fact that dark matter seems to exist only in the imagination of cosmologists, the Universe cannot function according to the Standard Model without it.
After the acceptance of dark matter, the story of genesis seems to be solved. The Big Bang occurs, inflation takes control and everything expands. After a billion years the first star is born, then dark matter intervines: it creates the gravity that allows the formation of galaxies. The Universe continues to expand and as time passes, the expansion slows down. Soon, the Universe will stop. The problem is that this does not happen in reality. The Universe does not slow down its expansion but, on the contrary, accelerates it. This problem suggests that it is powered by a new force, which has been called „dark energy” and although no one knows what it is, it causes a kind of anti-gravity, making distant things repel each other. For cosmologists, it seems to have magical properties: not only does it cause the expansion of the Universe, but as it expands further, more dark energy is created to fill the voids. Which means that there is something hidden in nothingness. The void between galaxies should be empty, without any particles, but it seems to be full of energy. Like dark matter, dark energy is not a solution, but the description of a problem.
Another obstacle that cosmologists have encountered comes from observations made with the Hubble Space Telescope, which show that 80% of the ultraviolet light in the Universe comes from nowhere. „It’s like being in a large, intensely lit room, but looking around you only see a few 40-watt light bulbs„, said Juna Kollmeier of the Carnegie Institution for Science, author of a study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. „Where does all this light come from? It’s missing from our observations„, she remarked. Ionized photons, the type of high-energy that ultraviolet light needed to turn hydrogen atoms into ions, mainly come from quasars, active galactic nuclei that emit enormous amounts of electromagnetic energy. Since the number of known quasars is much smaller than the number needed to generate the amount of hydrogen ions measured by researchers, it remains unknown where 80% of ionized photons come from. Their origin from an unknown source, perhaps even from the hypothetical dark matter (which is used to explain more and more unknowns of cosmologists), is being considered. This discrepancy only appears in the nearby regions of the Cosmos, which are relatively well studied. In more distant galaxies, things seem to fit. „At least one thing we thought we knew about the actual Universe is not true„, admitted David Weinberg of Ohio State University, one of the study’s authors.
In 2009, a group of NASA scientists announced that the Universe makes a sound that is as incomprehensible to humans as the shape, dimensions or genesis of the Cosmos. While trying to find traces of heat emitted by the first generation of stars by using a radiometer, NASA researchers captured some radio waves coming from cosmic space, which represent the so-called „space roar„. No one knows what it is or what the source of this „voice” of the Universe is, which is six times more intense than it should be according to scientists’ calculations. Which once again proves that we, humans, have no idea what world we live in.
In addition to all these problems, there is also the most important one, the starting point of the Standard Model: if the Universe really began with a huge explosion, how could it occur from nothing? Cosmologists have come up again with a „solution”. Within the void, a point of a special nature appeared (a so-called „singularity”), something without dimensions but with infinite energy. For unknown reasons, that magical point emerged from the state of singularity and manifested its immense energy through a colossal explosion, which continues to this day. Immediately after that explosion or Big Bang, the Universe was enclosed in a subnuclear-sized sphere (the cosmic egg from which the world emerged, present in the myths of many peoples), only 10-33 centimeters in diameter. And from that moment on, the Universe has been expanding at an increasing speed, due to dark energy.
If we accept the idea that the material universe was born from the explosion of that dimensionless point with infinite energy in the void at the beginning, one question arises: what made it come out of the state of singularity? The answer is simple: a vibration. „In the beginning was the word„, says the New Testament, a sentence known to many but understood by very few. What word was in the beginning? How was that word? Spoken? Thought? Written? Was it really a word or something else? How is it possible for a word to give birth to the Universe? If we replace „word” with the vibration it represents, the biblical idea makes sense. The primordial vibration, which gave birth to the first atoms about 13.7 billion years ago, which divided and expanded, resulting in the Universe known today, created the „explosion” mentioned in the legends of the world, the Big Bang of the scientists. The Bambara tribe from Mali believes that the Universe emerged from Yo, the root sound that could not be heard, the same vibration mentioned in the Bible. The Mayans believed that the world emerged from darkness after two serpent gods, Tepeu and Gucumatz, shouted „Earth!„. Again, the creator vibration is represented by the word. In an Egyptian myth, the god Amun brought himself to life thinking about himself, then making the egg from which he emerged. Also in Egypt, at Memphis, the god Ptah created the world from his head and his tongue, thinking it and speaking it. Here, the creator vibration is represented by a thought or spoken word.
If indeed a vibration created the world, what created that vibration? What gave birth out of nothing to that dimensionless point that triggered the Big Bang? What caused the inflation that allowed temperature to even out after the explosion? What causes that surplus of gravity, if dark matter exists only in the imagination of cosmologists? What is that energy that makes the Universe continue to accelerate its expansion? Perhaps the correct question would be who, not what. Our ancestors attributed the creation of the world to superior beings, the gods. Ra, Amun, Thoth or Ptah in Egypt, Pan Ku in China, Izanagi and Izanami in Japan, Zurvan in Persia, Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism, Marduk in Babylon, Anu in Akkad, An in Sumer, Odin, Vili and Vé in Scandinavia, Sombol-Burkan in Turkey, Ocirvani and Tsagan-Sukurty in Mongolia, the Phyva gods in Tibet, Chaos in Greece, the Devil in Bogomilism, Viracocha for the Incas, three serpent gods and three celestial gods for the Mayans, the four gods Tezcatlipoca for the Aztecs, Nzame for the Fang tribes in Africa, the goddess Amma for the Dogon people in Mali, En-kai for the Maasai in East Africa, Tangaroa for the tribes in Oceania, and so on. The same goes for current religions: God made the world in the Christian vision, Allah in Islam, Elohim in Judaism, Brahma in Hinduism, and so on.
But what do scientists think? Is it possible for a being to have created the world? Surprisingly, many of them say yes. After extensive research, especially in the last 60 years, most tend to lean towards a universe created by an intelligent entity. In support of this statement, over 600 scientists, doctoral students at the world’s largest universities, have signed a document expressing their skepticism about the hypothesis that only chance led to the complexity of life. Although many scientists agree with the theory of the English naturalist Charles Darwin, there is not even a single piece of evidence for a common ancestor of all beings. The most famous example in this regard is a geological error called the „Cambrian Explosion„. Fossil studies have shown that beyond a certain point life did not evolve slowly, as Darwin claimed. About 530 million years ago, evolution occurred suddenly, at an astonishing speed. In a geological moment, the animal kingdom jumped from simple organisms to extraordinary creatures with a spinal column, compound eyes and articulated limbs. In the 1960s, geochemists concluded that the Earth’s atmosphere was initially different from what it is today, consisting of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapors, which is what comes out of a volcano when it erupts. Numerous experiments proved that no living cell could have arisen naturally in that atmosphere. In other words, life on Earth could not have appeared by chance, from nothingness, which undermines the concept of evolution. In addition, the complexity of cells and the property of DNA to store information led biochemists to the same conclusion: life could only be created by an intelligent being. Physicists also support this conclusion, based on the fact that all the forces present on Earth (from gravity to the electromagnetic force) have the exact values necessary to sustain life. Any deviation in the values of these forces would make the existence of any living organism impossible. It is worth mentioning an article that appeared in the British newspaper The Telegraph on 31st August 2010, in which, following the experiment at the Geneva particle accelerator, it was launched the hypothesis that our universe could have been created in a laboratory by beings from another dimension. Not gods with supernatural powers, but probably humans like us, but much more technologically advanced. But even the world of these „people”, if it were material, would have had to be created by someone. Is it possible that there are multiple parallel worlds or a Multiverse, as the American philosopher and psychologist William James called it in 1895?
Trying to find explanations for the „zero moment” of the original explosion, several physicists have demonstrated, based on the theory of quantum physics, that an elementary particle can be detected in two places at the same time. This generated the idea that space and time are abstract things, illusions of human thought. There is also the theory of „supergravity”, based on the fact that gravitational force is much weaker than electromagnetic force or other forces (although in the Universe it seems to be ubiquitous), which says that gravity flows into a parallel universe and that the gravitational force that remains in our universe is greatly diminished. These two theories have led to the development of the M-Theory (or Membrane Theory), which concludes that there are more dimensions in the world than the three of our universe. And cosmologists have encountered a new problem, although the Standard Model seemed to explain the birth of the Universe: entire groups of galaxies move in an inexplicable way. This movement has been called the „black flow” and has generated the idea of the existence not only of one universe, but of many.
The belief in multiple worlds (or parallel universes) has existed since ancient times. In Norse mythology, the world tree, Yggdrasil, connected the nine worlds of the Universe. A similar tree is also present in Maya tradition, where it connected Earth to the thirteen upper worlds and the nine lower worlds. Let’s not forget about the multitude of worlds in Hinduism or the nine or seven „heavens” in Christianity and Islam. Kabbalah claims that before the appearance of the material world, there were multiple worlds that were destroyed due to a universal imbalance. According to Kabbalists, these worlds are symbolized in the Bible by „the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any king over the children of Israel” (Genesis 36:31). To rebalance the Universe, the physical world (Asiah) was created, which allows the other three spiritual worlds (Atzilut – the world of emanations, Beriah – the world of souls and Yetzirah – the world of angels) to exist without the danger of being destroyed. The destruction of the first world and the creation of another one also existed among the Incas, where it was believed that the god Viracocha made a world without the Sun, Moon and stars (immaterial), which he later destroyed and reconstructed. In China, it was believed that three gods (Fuxi, Nuwa and Shannong) recreated the world, which was in a state of total disorder after the death of the first human, Pan Ku. Among the Aztecs, the four gods Tezcatlipoca had to build the world several times because, after each attempt, the female crocodile Cipactli would eat or destroy everything they had done. In India, at the end of each cosmic cycle that lasts 2,160,000,000 years, the god Shiva destroys the Universe and Brahma rebuilds it, thus giving birth to a new cycle. According to the Collection of the Six Voices, one of the books of Kandlour (which gathers the sacred texts of the ancient lamas), there are six different heavens that are not accessible to all deities, all domains being divided into 28 domiciles.
If there really are multiple parallel material universes, like ours, then they too had a beginning. If there are immaterial worlds, as religions of the world have claimed from ancient times, the inhabitants of these worlds could be responsible for the appearance of the material world (or worlds). Jewish Kabbalah offers us a version of this problem: at the beginning there was an immaterial world in which the first being was born, called Adam Kadmon, an ethereal entity, part of the energy that governs the entire Universe, which religious people call God. Light and energy emanating from Adam Kadmon formed „vessels” (called „kelim” in Hebrew) that were meant to support the overwhelmingly powerful divine emanations. However, these vessels were destroyed, causing chaos and a rupture in the Universe, which split into two worlds: the material one and the spiritual one. Adam Kadmon himself was divided into a multitude of souls (which contain the same divine energy as the primordial being), casted into the other world (the material universe). Thus, we again encounter the idea of the explosion that created the physical Universe, as well as that of the sacrifice of the primordial being, found in many cultures around the world. For example, in Aztec mythology, the four gods Tezcatlipoca split open the female crocodile Cipactli and from her body emerged the world, the god of rain and the first humans. The supreme god of Babylon, Marduk, created the world from the body of the goddess Tiamat. The Scandinavians believed that the gods Odin, Vili and Vé killed the giant Ymir, the first being, and then used his corpse to make the Universe. In Brahmanism it is believed that the gods killed the giant Purusha to create the world. Polynesian tribes believe that Tu, the god of war, wanted to kill his parents to bring light and life into the world. Also, the Dogon goddess Amma scattered pieces of one of her sons, Nommo, throughout the world to restore order. Exactly the idea of cosmic disorder mentioned in Kabbalah, Chinese mythology and many others.
Is it possible for immaterial worlds and beings to exist? We have seen that gods / angels / demons / spirits / extraterrestrials are such entities. Furthermore, we can confirm this by looking at ourselves. According to most religious and philosophical traditions, humans are not made up just of the body, but also of two other components: the soul and the spirit. For the ancient Greeks, humans had three parts: soma, psyche and pneuma. For the ancient Egyptians, after the physical body died, two immaterial components survived: the Ka (a subtle substance) and the Ba (the soul, represented graphically as a bird with a human head). Since the spirit and soul are immaterial, the body only represents their vessel. As the spirit comes from somewhere at birth and heads towards something after death, we can assume that the place from which it comes and to which it heads is an immaterial world, just like itself. What this immaterial world is, no one knows exactly. We also don’t know what happens there, what laws govern it or who inhabits it. We can only speculate that that is our true home, the place we come from and where we are heading after a short life (or more) in the material world. Californian occultist Meade Layne named this state of reality „Etheria„. Occultist Stanislas de Guaita called it „Astral” in 1897. Christians, Muslims and Jews call it „Heaven„. However, the most commonly used name is „The Otherworld„. Many researchers of the UFO phenomenon and various individuals who have come into contact with extraterrestrial visitors concluded that aliens come from an invisible, ethereal, transcendent world. All religious and occult beliefs claim that not only human spirits, but also other superior entities live in this immaterial world. In this case, they may be responsible for the birth of that point of energy that, through a strange explosion, led to the appearance of our material universe.
If the physical world was created by immaterial beings, how was this achieved? Did someone make each atom individually and then attach it to others to create all celestial bodies? Did he take every soul and incarnate it? Did he give every single force, from gravity to electromagnetic force, specific values so that life could exist? Looking closely at our world, everything seems to be made according to the same pattern. Clouds of galaxies gather into structures almost identical to cells viewed under a microscope. The shape of atoms resembles that of solar systems or galaxies: a nucleus (a black hole) around which electrons (stars) revolve. Ernest Rutherford, a Nobel laureate, even stated in 1911 at Cambridge: „Most of the mass of an atom is concentrated in the center, in a heavy nucleus, which is surrounded by the orbits of electrons, which resemble those of planets around the Sun„. Everything seems to be made according to a pattern and, given the immensity of the Universe and the bodies within it, it seems impossible for one or more entities to have manually created everything. The most logical possibility is the one that suggests that the material world was created (and is still governed) by a kind of program of a supercomputer. Only such a program could automatically achieve absolutely everything in the Universe, based on parameters set by „programmers”.
But what if the world was not created by a supercomputer program, but is actually such a program, similar to the one described in The Matrix movie series? What if our reality is virtual? Since ancient times, many thinkers from around the world, both European and Asian, have concluded that reality is just an illusion. For example, René Descartes (1596 – 1650) and David Hume (1711 – 1776) questioned whether our world is real or simulated. In Hinduism there is the concept of „Maya„, the universal illusion that represents the world we live in. Even Albert Einstein once said that „reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one„. For Buddhists, reality is created by our minds, and American comedian and satirist Bill Hicks attempted to explain this philosophy by suggesting that „matter is energy condensed to a low vibration„. Professor Robert Staiger also mentioned a „reality game” that has been imposed on us by a hidden and superior intelligence. Also Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, said in the Quran: „The life of this world is nothing but diversion and play” (29:64) and „The life of this world is nothing but game and distraction” (6:32). However, some of the most surprising theories come from scientists. In 1971, physicist David Bohm from the University of London proposed a holographic model of the organization of the Universe. He believed that objective reality does not exist, despite its apparent solidity, and that the Universe is at the center of a fantasy, a giant hologram remarkably created, down to the smallest details. American psychology and psychiatry professor Karl H. Pribram developed Bohm’s idea, stating that the human brain functions like a hologram, gathering and reading information from a holographic universe. This theory was supported by laboratory results that showed that brain structures see, taste, smell and touch through a mathematical analysis of temporal and spatial frequencies, leading biologists to conclude that the „depth structure” of the brain is essentially holographic. In the 1990s, physicists Leonard Susskind and Gerardus’t Hooft (a Nobel Prize winner in physics in 1999) suggested that the Universe could be a huge hologram. In 1997, Argentine physicist Juan Martin Maldacena put forth a theory according to which the gravity in the Universe is caused by a series of thin vibrating strings, which are holograms of events that occur in a flat or two-dimensional universe. After more than two decades, a group of Japanese researchers from Ibaraki University managed to provide mathematical evidence in support of Maldacena’s holographic principle. According to mathematical calculations, the Universe can be considered „a two-dimensional structure projected onto a cosmological horizon” or, more simply, our universe is nothing more than a three-dimensional projection of an alternative two-dimensional universe. In other words, the material universe is only a hologram projected by an immaterial universe. This brings to mind the „on Earth as it is in Heaven” from the Christian prayer Our Father, the first universal law in Hermes Trismegistus’ Emerald Tablet, which states „as above, so below„, or Egypt as a reflection of the sky, a concept also found in Hermeticism. According to Craig Hogan, an expert at the Fermilab particle physics laboratory in Batavia, Illinois (USA), researchers involved in the GEO600 project (a huge gravitational wave detector built in 1995 near the German town of Sarstedt) have stumbled upon a fundamental limit of the spacetime continuum, reaching the point where space and time begin to dissolve into „grains”, ceasing to behave in the harmonious way described by Einstein. „If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a cosmic hologram„, Craig Hogan declared. Quantum physics has shown that space and time are abstract things, illusions of human thought. Nick Bostrom, a philosophy professor at the University of Oxford and director of the Institute for Humanity, claims that we live in a computer simulation, with scientists capable of producing simulations of the Universe at a very small level. „People need to realize that they are part of the simulated minds and that nothing that seems to be is real„, he stated. Also, during a conference in Metz, France, in 1977, American writer Philip K. Dick astonished his audience by stating that we live in a reality programmed by a computer.
The material universe created by immaterial entities, being just a vast hologram or a big illusion… It is not an easily digestible hypothesis, yet great thinkers of all time have considered this option, which modern science seems to confirm. The hypothesis of the material universe as a computer program, similar to that presented in the Matrix, does have logic. And it is indeed supported by the philosophical and religious ideas of all times. Here are some arguments in favor of this version:
– We are aware that all matter is created from identical atoms, yet we cannot understand how a human being is made of the same atoms as a stone, for example, as flesh and stone are very different. The human mind cannot comprehend this, but if we compare atoms to bits, everything makes sense. A computer can create different sounds and images, even though everything is made up of bits. A supercomputer created by beings much superior to us could create diverse matter using atoms instead of bits or, more precisely, that hologram referred to by modern physicists.
– If the material world is just a program, then it explains how certain people manage to overcome pain (which is only programmed in our minds) or gravity (through levitation). Similarly, the teleportation of objects or people can be explained by the similarity with computerized „cut” and „paste” operations.
– This hypothesis would also explain destiny, which is said to guide all our actions; if we live in a kind of supercomputer program, then destiny is just a computerized programming of each of our actions. Or, more precisely, a scenario implemented for each individual being. In religions, this „scenario” was usually made by the gods, mortals being unable to not follow it. For the ancient Greeks, the three Moirai (Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos), daughters of the gods Zeus and Themis, controlled destinies. In certain cultures, such as the Mesopotamian ones, sorcerers had the power to modify the „scenario”, succeeding through magic in changing people’s destinies, which is why they were feared even by the gods.
– The Akasha of the Indians, adopted by occultists, would also find its place here, being a kind of universal database that contains all events that have ever happened, every thought, word and deed, as well as those yet to come. In Jewish folklore, Akasha is the Book of Life, in which some angels record all the deeds of mortals. In Christianity, God will use the Book of Life to judge each soul individually during the Last Judgment. In Islamic belief, there is the Al-Lawh-Mahfud or the Preserved Tablet, a holy tablet that retains memories of all events that have happened or are yet to come. It doesn’t take extensive computer knowledge to notice that Akashic Records, the Book of Life or the Preserved Tablet resemble a computer hard disk, a device used for storing data.
– In most religions, divine punishments and rewards are not only reserved for after death but also occur during people’s lives. It seems absurd to consider that entities continuously monitor billions of mortals to apply punishments or rewards as appropriate. In Eastern religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism or Jainism, there is karma, a philosophical-religious concept that weighs all physical and spiritual actions, decisions and deeds, determining a mandatory positive or negative consequence for each. In other words, karma gives each individual what they deserve in their current life or a future one, a law of nature where you reap what you sow. Eastern karma makes more sense than deities watching our every move and thought. It can be understood through the same hypothesis of the Universe as a super-program of a super-computer. Thus, karma could be considered an application that influences the „scenarios” of each being according to a set of parameters (good or bad deeds or thoughts) entered by „programmers”. When encountering these data, it merely offers the individual a punishment or reward accordingly. However, karma seems to reject the idea of destiny or the scenario created for each person, although there may be a middle ground in this case. Perhaps the super-program in which we live has only established parts of the „scenario”, with the rest being completed by karma.
If this is real, it would mean that reality is indeed just an illusion, as enlightened minds have always claimed. Perhaps this is what spiritual leaders meant when they taught their disciples that matter does not matter, only the soul does, and perhaps for the same reason numerous hermits withdraw from the world, preferring to focus only on spirituality. Instead of inventing dark matter to explain the surplus of gravity or dark energy to expand the Universe, we could accept the idea that our world is virtual, where everything follows a program created by superior entities. In this case, another question arises: why did they create this super-program that we consider the material universe?
The Gnostics, who took their name from the Greek word „gnosis” (meaning „knowledge”), believed that in an immaterial world there were spiritual entities called aeons. One of them, Sophia, sinned and was thrown into a world full of darkness and emptiness (the initial void). „Her desires were the substance of the matter from which the world was formed (…) From her tears, a liquid nature was formed, from her smile, everything is shining, and from her anger and amazement, all the corporeal elements of the world were made„, wrote Irenaeus, the bishop of Lyon, in Against Heresies („Adversus Haereses”) in the 2nd century. The Gospel of Philip supports the same idea: „The Universe came into existence because of a mistake„. The Gnostics not only believed that the material world was created because of a mistake, but also that the human body is a prison: „And we entered into the midst of their prison, which is the prison of the body” (Apocryphon of John); „And so they were imprisoned in the prison of the formed shapes until the time of fulfillment” (On the Origin of the World); „This is the cave of the embodiment of the body in which the crafty ones have clothed the human being” (Apocryphon of John). Looking at things from this perspective, the question arises: were the Gnostics were right and the material universe was created as a prison? We do not know the laws governing the world from which we come, that immaterial dimension of the Gnostic aeons, but it is possible that there are some kind of crimes or „sins” there and, of course, a form of punishment for these rule violations. In the 5th century BC, the Greek philosopher Empedocles considered earthly life an exile, admitting, like the Hindus, the pilgrimage of the soul through animals or plants until the final purification, which allows it to merge with Divinity. For philosopher Plato, the embodiment of the soul constituted a punishment for sins committed, with the ultimate goal of the soul being the return to the happy world of ideas, truth, goodness and beauty. Let us not forget the Gnostics who considered matter to be malefic and the human body as just a prison for the spirit.
Looking at our solar system, it does look like a prison. It is surrounded first by the Kuiper Belt, a belt of primordial matter that extends far beyond the solar system, reaching up to about 30 – 50 astronomical units away from the Sun (one astronomical unit is equal to almost 150 million kilometers). Beyond planet Pluto, which is in the Kuiper Belt, lies the Oort Cloud, a field of planetary remnants that, as a result of collisions, give rise to meteorites, asteroids and comets. The Oort Cloud extends up to 50,000 astronomical units (approximately 7,500,000,000,000 kilometers) or almost one light-year, with its outer limit representing the border of our solar system. In addition to the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud there is also the heliosphere, an outer layer made up of high-energy particles, a kind of magnetic protective bubble. Beyond the heliosphere is the heliopause, a zone in which the solar wind no longer has any influence, located between 75 and 90 astronomical units. Researchers were amazed when they observed that the heliosphere did not behave as it was supposed to, analyzing data sent in 2012 by NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) satellite. Contrary to physicists’ calculations, the heliosphere does not create a shock wave when traveling through space because it has a slower speed than previously thought, and interstellar space has a stronger magnetic field. Instead, in place of the shock wave, IBEX discovered an unexpected „ribbon” or „band” of high-energy emissions that regularly change in intensity. Therefore, our solar system is enclosed in a sphere that, through the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, prevents matter from penetrating, and through the heliosphere blocks the breaching of any form of energy. A true prison, just as the Gnostics and philosophers of Antiquity claimed! The sphere in which our solar system is confined is in line with the spherical worlds of ancient philosophical-religious systems, such as Gnosticism or Jewish Kabbalah. And this sphere can also explain the Universe through the prism of its holographic nature. A holographic universe cannot be as large as we think. Thus arises a new question: what if there is nothing beyond the sphere that encloses our solar system, with the rest of the Universe being just a holographic projection on the inner wall of the sphere? What if the inside of the „cell” serves as a giant screen on which a false universe is shown to us, to maintain the illusion of existence in an enormous space? This would solve the multiple problems encountered by the Standard Model of cosmologists, without the need to invent dark energy or dark matter. If the Universe we see is nothing but a hologram, it is perfectly normal for it not to obey the laws of physics as we would expect it to. Let’s not forget that the gods have always been masters of deception, often resorting to illusions and lies. If this hypothesis were true, it would mean that the material universe is just our solar system, the prison that no being can leave due to its physical and energetic barriers. In this space we are enclosed and connected, like in The Matrix, to a kind of super-program of a super-computer, with the illusion of material reality programmed into each of us. Why would such an illusion be necessary? If we are truly energetic, spiritual entities, our true world is an immaterial one and here we are in a prison. It is logical that no one will try to go back home since they do not know their true nature or that of the illusory world in which they are trapped. Not knowing that we come from an immaterial world and believing that we live in an immense universe, we have no way of trying to „escape” for returning to where we belong. The great inventor and physicist Nikola Tesla seems to have discovered the truth about the world in which we live, stating: „If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration„. The American comedian and satirist Bill Hicks added to this, explaining that „matter is energy condensed to a low vibration„. Therefore, the true universe, the one hidden from us, represents only a multitude of energies with diverse frequencies and vibrations.
This hypothesis cannot gain too many supporters because not many can easily accept the idea that they live in an illusory prison and their own life is a punishment. Most people prefer nicely packaged lies over a harsh truth. However, this is the most logical version. The world is composed only of energies, with different frequencies and vibrations, some of them even intelligent. When an energetic entity was considered a danger to its fellow beings, it was imprisoned in a material world created from condensed energy at a low vibration. In order to maintain the illusion of the condemned entity’s imprisonment and those it attracted, the illusion of a virtual world was implanted in them in a way that resembles a super-evolved computer program. However, since there is no chance to prove the veracity of this version, we can only keep it as a hypothesis. We will try to discover the role that humanity plays in this cosmic „prison”, but until then we must find the real reason for the creation of the material universe as a prison. Because, no matter how much it may bother some of our fellow beings to hear this, the world was not made for us, humans, to rule. Even if John Chrysostom, one of the saints of Christians, deluded himself that „The Universe was created for man, not man for the Universe„. We can find out who built the „prison”, why and for whom by following the story of Sophia, the fallen goddess, as it was told by the Gnostics.
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