The emergenge, 40,000 years ago, of a race of people with European characteristics, ranging in height from two to three meters and with a cranial capacity of 1800 – 1900 cm3 is one of the great mysteries of science. In 1982, the Stern and Science en Vie magazines published a series of scientific articles accompanied by photographs of amazing paleontological evidence. Thus, in 1895, a group of miners found the mummified remains of a woman 2.03 meters tall in the American state of California. In 1898, anthropologists from Harvard University discovered a 2.38 meters tall woman’s skeleton in the same area. In 1876 in North Carolina and in 1912 in Wisconsin, dozens of 2.40 meters tall skeletons were found. These discoveries are all more remarkable when we realize the average Native American was 1.55 meters tall. In 1930, an ancient cemetery, containing hundreds of graves of a population with an average height of 2.44 meters, was discovered in northern Mexico. In 1970, a 20,000-year-old ancient necropolis was found in Central Africa, containing 60 skeletons of 2.85 meters tall men. In 1976, two skeletons over 30,000-year-old were found in Flanders, one belonging to a 2.47 meters tall man and the other to a 2.38 meters tall woman. In 1982, almost 1,000 skeletons with an average height of two meters were found in an ancient cemetery near the German city of Soest, as well as the tomb of a military leader whose skeleton measures 2.30 meters. Also in 1982, a team of archaeologists discovered on the territory of the Soviet Union a 3,500-year-old woman’s skeleton measuring 2.65 meters. In addition to the skeletons of these two-to-three-meter giants, some belonging to even taller beings have been found all over the world. For example, between 1947 and 1950, in the town of Argedava in Giurgiu County (Romania), archaeologists unearthed 80 skeletons measuring four meters tall. American archaeologist Maria Gimbutas believes that these giants, belonging to the Kurgan civilization, invaded Europe from the east 7,000 years ago. Who were these giants and where did they come from?
Legends about giants exist in all world cultures. Romanians called them jidovs and believed they lived underground. The Celts believed that the giants were the first beings to inhabit the Earth, and humans emerged after them. Ancient Greeks claimed that the giants, the Titans’ brothers, fought the Olympian gods in the second great war of the gods, the Gigantomachy. For the Norse, giants (called jotnar, singular: jotunn) fought the gods in the great apocalyptic battle of Ragnarok. Chapter 6 of the biblical Book of Genesis explains the emergenge of the giants: „And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose (…) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Elohim came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown„. So according to the Bible, the giants were the offspring of angels and humans.
„The sons of Elohim” („Bene Elohim” in Hebrew) and their deeds are described in detail in the Book of Enoch. Here they are called „Watchers” („iyrin” in Aramaic and „egrigori” in Greek): „And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children’. And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: ‘I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin’. And they all answered him and said: ‘Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing’. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it” (6:1-6). After we are introduced to the 19 leaders of the Watchers, we are told that „and all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them (…) And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand cubits (1,440 meters)” (7:1-2). Byzantine chronicler George Syncellus, who wrote about the Watchers, does not mention the height of the giants, only that „And they (the women) bore three races: first, the great giants. And the giants begot Nephilim, and Nephilim begot Elioud. And they increased in size” (Chronicle, 36). Although the Book of Enoch believes the giants to be malevolent, the Book of Jubilees says that only the Elioud tried to destroy humanity. In the biblical Genesis there is only one category of angels’ offspring: the Nephilim. In chapter 6 of the Book of Enoch, the leaders of the Watchers are listed as: Semiazaz, Arakiba, Ramaeel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael and Sariel. In chapter 69, their names are written differently. In addition to these angels, we also encounter „the leaders of their hundreds, and the leaders of their fifties, and the leaders of their tens„, namely Yekun, Kesabel, Gadrel, Penemue, Kasyade and Kesbel or Beka. Although in the rest of the Book of Enoch Azazel is the leader of the Watchers, in these two chapters Samyaza is at the top of the list. It is assumed that this book was written by at least two authors, in different periods, thus explaining the differences between the chapters. In chapter 6 there are 19 leaders of the angels, in chapter 69 there are 21 plus 6 more, with the name Turel listed twice. Some of these angels have different names (Zaqiel, Satarel and Sariel on the one hand, Armen, Busaseial, Turael and Neqael on the other), and the names of those listed in both chapters are written differently (Semiazaz – Samiaza, Ramiel – Rumial, Ramaeel – Rumael, Arakiba – Artaqifa, Kokabiel – Kokabel, Tamiel – Tumael, Danel – Danial, Ezeqeel – Izezeel, Baraqijal – Baraqel, Batarel – Batraial, Ananel – Hananel, Samsapeel – Simapesiel, Asael – Azazel, Jomjael – Ietrel). If both chapters had been written by the same person, undoubtedly he would not have named the angels differently. Chapter 6 is the original, with 69 being added later by a second author.
And yet, was Azazel or Samyaza (also called Semihazah, Shemyazaz, Semiazaz, Semjaza, Samjaza, Shemyaza, Shemhazai or Amezarak) the leader of these Watchers? To find out, we only need to translate both names. Even to this day, no exact interpretation has emerged, although the answer is simpler than one might think. A Jewish tradition interpreted his name as „az” („rugged”) and „El” („God”), as a reference to the rugged and rough mountain cliffs of Judea. The translators of the Greek Septuagint understood his name as meaning „the sent away”. According to the Peshitta (the standard version of the Bible for churches in the Syriac tradition), Azazel is rendered Za-za-e’il („strong one against / of God” in Syriac). However, in Hebrew, „azaz” means „rebellion” or „revolt” and „el„, as a common noun, means „god”. Therefore, Azazel is correctly translated as „The Rebel God” or „The God of Rebellion”. The same goes for Samyaza or, more exactly, Shemyazaz. This name is made up of the particles „shem” („renown”) and „azaz” („rebellion” or „revolt”), with the most correct translation being „The Renowned Rebel”. Considering that both names signify the same thing, there are not two leaders of the Watchers, but rather two epithets of the same deity, known as „The Rebel God” and „The Renowned Rebel”. And the most renowned rebel, who embodies the largest part of the rebellious spirit of Sophia, is the Lucifer of the Christians, Cronus of the Greeks, Mahasammata of the Tibetans, Loki of the Norse, Shiva of the Indians, Susanoo of the Japanese, Dagon of the Phoenicians or Enki of the Sumerians. An important detail that connects the story from the Book of Enoch to the myths of other peoples is the discovery of a tablet from around 2300 BC in Ebla, where the god Dagon is the head of a 200 gods pantheon, just like Azazel, the leader of the 200 rebellious Watchers.
In Jewish folklore, in addition to the Book of Enoch, the Watchers are also found in the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Lamentations and the Old Testament. For example: „And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him” (The Book of Daniel 4:23). In addition to these Hebrew sources, there are many others that mention the Watchers.
The Sumerian civilization, considered to be the oldest in the world, emerged in the territory called Mesopotamia by researchers. The Sumerians called their country Kiengir which, according to the writer Zecharia Sitchin, translates as „The Land of the Watchers”, although the correct translation is „The Land of the Noble Lords”. The Egyptians called the Sumerians’ country Sngr, the Hittites called it Shanhar and the Akkadians called it Shumeru. In the Bible it is named Shinar. The name Sumer, by which the country of the Sumerians is known today, as well as that of the sacred mountain Meru in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, called Su Meru („Great Meru”), considered to be the home of the god Brahma and the angels Deva, comes from the Akkadian name of the country, Shumeru. This means that, for the ancients, the gods lived in Sumer. In Sumerian mythology, the deities Anunnaki („The Noble Ones of Heaven and Earth”) were divided into two categories: Anunna, the celestial gods („The Noble Ones of Heaven”), and Igigi, the earthly ones („Eyes of the Earth”). In the Babylonian poem Enuma Elish, the Igigi are called „fallen gods„, and in the Epic of Atra-Hasis they are the deities condemned by Enlil to hard labor; after some time they rebelled and Enki created humans to work in their place. Although not much is known about these deities, their identity can be discovered through the translation of their names. The word „igigi”, made up of „igi” („eyes”) and „gi” („Earth”), can be translated as „The Eyes of the Earth”, which means that they are the observers, overseers, guardians or, more precisely, the watchers of the Earth. The fallen gods of the Sumerians, the Igigi, are nothing but the Watchers of the Jews.
The Egyptians called their deities „neteru” (with the singular forms „neter” for masculine and „netert” for feminine), a word conventionally translated by Egyptologists as „gods”. However, in ancient Egyptian, „neter” means „guardian” or, in other words, „watcher”, a name with the same meaning as the Sumerian „igigi„. In Egyptian religions, the role of the Guardians was to preserve or restore balance in nature. In Chapter 169 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, these Guardians are called „Guardian Spirits” who watch over humanity. Additionally, in Egypt we encounter eye deities, who were usually aggressive and vengeful. In Chapter 71 of the Book of the Dead, the Divine Eye cuts off heads, severs necks, crushes torn hearts and massacres the damned from the Lake of Fire, at the command of the seven judges of the Underworld (identical to the seven Anunnaki of the Akkadian myths). In a myth developed around the annual festival of the goddess Sekhmet, the supreme god Ra sent Hathor as the Divine Eye to punish those who conspired against him; the goddess, turned into Sekhmet, thirsty for blood, was on the verge of destroying all of humanity, requiring a trick from the gods to calm her down before she annihilated all humans. In addition to Hathor and Sekhmet, the snake goddess Wadjet was considered „The Eye of Ra” and later „The Eye of Horus„. Undoubtedly, these „Divine Eyes” of Ra and Horus symbolize the deities who oversaw the Earth on behalf of the ruling gods, just like the Igigi of the Sumerians. „The Eye of Ra” can only be one who observes for Ra, that is a Watcher. The most important Watcher for the Egyptians was Asar, called Osiris by the Greeks. Greek historians Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus believed that the Greek name of the god meant „The One with Many Eyes”, made up of „os„, meaning „many”, and „iris„, meaning „eye”. In other words, he was the leader of the Watchers. However, Plutarch’s and Diodorus’ translation is not very accurate, as Osiris actually means „The Open Eye” („os” means „open”, „iris” means „eye”). The hieroglyph of Osiris’ name is made up of a deity kneeling beside a throne, above which an eye is depicted. Osiris was the first ruler of the Earth, the eldest son of the Sky (Nut) and the Earth (Geb). After being killed by his younger brother, Seth, the god of storm, he became the ruler of the Underworld, called Duat. We have already matched Osiris with Enki of the Sumerians, who was the leader of the Watchers for the Jews, Azazel.
The Secret Books of Dzyan speaks of the Lhasi, ancient spirits who built the city of Lhasa („The Place of the Gods”) in Tibet. At one point they „returned, driving their chariots around their leader, the One Eye„. This „one eye”, the leader of the Lhasi spirits, can only be the leader of the Watchers, Enki / Osiris / Azazel. It is also worth mentioning the similarity between the name of the Tibetan city of Lhasa and the Sumerian city of Larsa, built by the Igigi gods before the Flood.
Further evidence of Enki’s identification with Azazel is provided by the Rohonczi Codex, a 1000-year-old book kept in Budapest, which contains the verses of a battle song called The Oath of the Blaki Youths. It has been translated as follows:
„Oh, life, coal of the Serpent, strong watcher,
Deceiver, do not accept to unite
With the yearly prophecies of the Serpent, for you will be struck.
I hear the song of the city for a long time.
Go lively, swear on the cap, on the strong cap!
Swear with maturity and conviction!
To be living power to you, I live to be in the fight!
The chosen oath treasures your hawk, go with a strong oath!„
In this battle song the Serpent is called „strong watcher„, and the strongest Watcher, their leader, was Azazel. This means that The Oath of the Blaki Youths confirms the matching of Azazel with the serpent Enki. Even the epithet „deceiver” in the second verse is one of the epithets of Lucifer in Christianity or of Loki in Nordic mythology, both being aspects of the same deity.
In Hitat, a collection of texts by Coptic chroniclers compiled by Muhammad Al Makrizi in the 15th century, it is said of the god Hermes Trismegistus that „the data about him are different. It is said that he was one of the seven Watchers, with the mission of watching over the seven houses (planets) and that he was supposed to carry out the commands of Utarid (Mercury), he was also named after him; for Utarid means Hermes in the Chaldean language. According to others, he traveled Egypt for various reasons and ruled the country as a king; he was the wisest of his time„. Hermes Trismegistus was invented by combining the Greek Hermes with the Egyptian Djehuty (Thoth), and we already know that these are two of Enki’s names, the god of wisdom and the first king of the Earth. And so, the text above confirms his membership in the group of the Watchers.
In Hymn to Ishtar, written around 1600 BC, the goddess is called „the greatest among the Igigi„. In the Epic of Atra-Hasis, „the god Ennugi (Enki) was the Great Watcher„. In the prologue to his famous code of laws, the Babylonian king Hammurabi wrote: „When the exalted Anu, king for the Anunnaki and Ellil, lord of heaven and Earth (…) granted the divine rulership of the multitude of people to Marduk, the firstborn son of Ea, he exalted him among the Igigi„. Moreover, one of the 50 epithets of Marduk, the god exalted among the Watchers / Igigi, was „The Watcher of Purification„. As the god of the Sun, Marduk was called Shamash in Babylon; in the Book of Enoch we encounter him among the leaders of the Watchers under the name Shamsiel („God of the Sun”), who taught people „the signs of the Sun„. Thus, it can be noticed from Mesopotamian writings that Enki and his children were the leaders of the Watchers.
The evidence presented above shows that Enki, along with his Watchers / Igigi, mated with earthly women, giving birth to new beings. The Bible says that „the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose„. This passage should not make us think of weddings between gods and mortals, as ancient myths suggest that most of the time it was about rapes, with victims being deceived, abducted and forced. The Greeks have preserved in their legends most of these divine abductions followed by rapes, with almost all Olympian deities mating with mortals. Just like in the biblical account, the gods of the Greeks chose their victims based on physical beauty. The main rapist in Greek mythology was Zeus. He abducted Europa in the form of a white bull, taking her to Crete. He raped the nymph Io hidden in a cloud. He took Antiope by force, appearing as a satyr. He took princess Elara inside the Earth. He raped princess Danae of Argos under the guise of a golden rain, Dia in the form of a stallion and Eurimedousa transformed into an ant. To approach the nymph Callisto, Zeus took on the appearance of the goddess Artemis. To lie with Alcmene of Thebes, he transformed into her husband, Amphitrionus. With Spartan Queen Leda, Zeus mated as a swan. He visited Semele, with whom he had a constant relationship, in the form of an eagle. Other victims of the king of the gods were Protogeneia, Niobe and Pandora II.
If the Greeks assigned these rapes to the leader of their pantheon, they could not do otherwise with his heir, Aglaulus, Dimonice, Pelopia, Chryse and princess Aerope of Arcadia being just a few of Ares’ victims. For the Romans, he also raped the priestess Rhea Silvia in a forest, which led to the birth of the founders of Rome, the twins Romulus and Remus. However, other peoples believed that Zeus / Enlil and Ares / Ninurta did not engage in such activities that they were only assigned to them to highlight the superiority of some demigods over others. For most peoples, Enki and his family practiced abductions followed by rapes, which is obvious also in Greek mythology.
Regardless of whether he was called Poseidon, Hermes or Dionysus, Enki was at the top of the list of sexual predators. Proteus, one of the sea gods in Greek mythology (an alter-ego of Poseidon), appeared to the mother of Apollonios from Tyana, telling her that he wanted to embody himself in her; after she dreamed of swans singing while the sky was streaked with lightning, she gave birth. Poseidon seduced Alope in the form of a bird, abducted Theophane and took her to the island of Crinissa, where he raped her transformed into a ram, and lured Tiro by taking on the appearance of the god Enipeos, whom the girl was in love with. Other victims of his included the princesses Eurynome from Megara, Aethra, Astipalaia, Lisianassa, Mitilene, Euriceda, Sime, Canace, Iphimedia, Celaino, Hermippe, Libya and Amimone. As Hermes, he raped Aglaulus, Chione, Theoboule, Polimele, Acacallis of Crete and Chthonophile. Alexander the Great was said to be the son of Dionysus, who mated with Olympias, the wife of Philip II of Macedon, in the form of a snake or dragon; the Egyptians considered him the son of Amun, the same Enki of the Sumerians. Dionysus also abducted from the island of Naxos princess Ariadne, lover of demigod Theseus and daughter of King Minos of Crete, to take her as his wife. He left Erigone pregnant by taking the form of a grape, which the girl swallowed, and he raped Physcoa in the classical style, without the need for tricks. This god of drunkeness and ecstasy was well known for the frequent orgies he organized, with his entourage including satyrs (often represented with erect penises), nymphs (minor nature deities, famous for their sexual freedom) and maenads (called bacchae by the Romans), who had the power to induce uncontrolled sexual behavior in people.
His son, Apollo / Marduk, also did not waste time, kidnapping Cyrene from the Lapiths and taking her to North Africa. He raped Driope from Oeta in the form of a snake, Kelaino, Psamathe, Thero, Roio, Chione and princess Acacallis of Crete being also his victims. The Romans believed that the mother of Octavian Augustus got drunk and fell asleep in the temple of Apollo, where a dragon approached and impregnated her. The Athenians believed that Perictione gave birth to Plato after a relation with the same god, who was also considered the father of Scipio Africanus. And all of these represent only a small part of the divine rapes recorded by the Greeks and Romans.
In Egypt, pharaohs often claimed to be sons of gods and identified themselves with Horus, their father in this case being Osiris. In some cases, however, they chose other deities. Three of the Fifth Dynasty pharaohs claimed to be the children of Ra. Akhenaten considered himself the son of Aten, while Tutankhamun was referred to as „the great son of Aten in Heaven” on an object found in his tomb. Queen Hatshepsut claimed that her father, god Amun, entrusted her with the position of monarch. On the wall of a temple in Luxor, the miraculous birth of Pharaoh Amenhotep III is depicted, with his mother becoming pregnant after being penetrated by the god Amun. Imhotep, the architect of Djoser’s step pyramid in the Third Dynasty, was considered the son of god Ptah and mortal Khreduankh. Another god who engaged in sexual acts with mortal women was Min, whom the Coffin Texts refer to as „the hunter of women„. Descent from gods are also found in the names of many members of royal families, such as Sityah („Daughter of Yah”), Sitamun („Daughter of Amun”), Djehutymose („Heir of Thoth”), Ahmose („Heir of Yah”) and Ramses („Heir of Ra”).
Chinese folklore is also full of demigods, children of gods and mortals. Just like in Greco-Roman traditions, Chinese demigods were skilled fighters and often went on missions impossible for ordinary mortals, in which they were usually required to slay monsters. Like the Egyptian pharaohs, Chinese emperors proclaimed themselves to be the sons of Shangdi or Tian, the god of heaven. Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor of China, was said to have been born after his mother mated with a dragon, just like the mother of the Roman emperor Octavian. And when the monster Ki-Lin approached the mother of Confucius, she was said to have spit out a precious stone, from which the philosopher was conceived.
In Japan, tengu are minor deities, descendants of the rebellious god Susanoo, capable of flight, who often engage in abductions and matings with humans. In Islamic tradition we encounter djinns (anglicized as genies), beings that can materialize and dematerialize at will, who have the ability to change their shape or size and who often abduct people whom they lift into the air, transporting them over great distances. These djinns can have children with mortal women. In Persian mythology, god Ormuzd sent an archangel to give to a woman the Holy Ghost in a plant stem; her body merged with the Ghost, thus giving birth to the prophet Zoroaster. In India, Buddha’s mother became pregnant after a god entered her in the form of a ray of light. In Christianity, Jesus also had a miraculous birth, with his mother becoming pregnant after being permeated by the Holy Ghost.
If initially people assigned to the gods these abductions resulting in rapes, things changed during the Middle Ages. A Christian Europe believed in only one god, the gods of old being considered demons. Unnatural matings continued during this period, with people attributing them to incubi (males) and succubi (females), beings inherited from the Romans and considered by medieval theologians to be demons originating from fallen angels, who used to mate with humans. Tertullian, the first Christian writer in Latin, wrote around 200 AD that incubi were angels temporarily devoted to carnal pleasures with humans. Saint Augustine claimed that he had evidence that „silens or fauns, usually called incubi, had often tormented women, asking for and obtaining sexual favors from them„. Roman historian Suetonius stated that Emperor Octavian Augustus was the result of a relationship between his mother and an incubus. The same was said of Plato, Alexander the Great, Gaius Julius Caesar and Merlin. The writings of the late Middle Ages are rich in accounts of sexual assaults of these beings. In a French calendar from the 15th century, demons are depicted penetrating their victims’ wombs with needles. From the writings of the medieval theologian Sinistrari it appears that, in his time, the clergy were just as confused by the multitude of reports about incubi and succubi as today’s researchers are about the UFO phenomenon. He was intrigued that these demons do not submit to exorcists and are not afraid of sacred objects, concluding that incubi and succubi do not fall into the same category as the devils that possess some people. Martin Luther was convinced that demons conducted sexual experiments on humans, and Thomas Aquinas wrote in his Summa Theologica of 1273: „If children are born from union with demons, it is not from their seed or from the bodies they have assumed, but from the seed taken from certain men for this purpose, since the same demon who acts as a succubus for a man becomes an incubus for a woman„. R. Villeneuve wrote on this subject: „Not being able to produce it themselves, demons extracted sperm from men as succubi, in order to pass it to the women they wanted to enjoy„. Although several medieval authors expressed similar views, Ulrich Molitor, a doctor of law, expressed his doubts in 1489 as follows: „It seems impossible to me that the Devil, acting as a female demon with a man, could collect semen and then pass it, as a male demon, to a woman, and so a descendant is born„. Also in the Middle Ages there were witches’ sabbats, which ended with sexual orgies attended by demons, and often even by the Devil himself, as it was believed. „Witch” Marie Zoraya, arrested at the age of 18, confessed about this: „The Devil sits on a black chair at the Sabbath and he is so terrifying and horrifying that it is impossible to describe him. He has a crown of black horns, three of which are very large like those of a smelly, ugly goat, and the others are smaller. He also has two more on his neck and another on his forehead, which he uses to illuminates all those who are at the Sabbath, shining brighter than the Moon and slightly weaker than the Sun, so that everything that happens at the Sabbath can be seen and known. His hair is messy, his face pale and distorted. He has round, large and very open, fiery and hideous eyes, a goat beard and the shape of his neck and the rest of his body are poorly made. His body has the shape of a man and a goat, with hands and feet like those of a humanoid creature, except that the fingers are all equal and pointed, with long nails, and the hands are curved like those of birds of prey and the feet like those of a goose, with a tail as long as that of a donkey, with which he covers his shameful parts. At the Sabbath he appears under a canopy, sometimes wearing very poor clothes, but presenting a hundred thousand strange forms…„. When the Devil mated with a witch at the Sabbath, a thick veil, a curtain of fog or a cloud covered them. The incubus that tormented Saint Teresa of Avila was able to condense vapors, fluids or any ethereal matter to perform „the most animalistic operations„. Inquisitor Pierre de Lancre from Bordeaux stated that „the women and girls Satan wants to couple with are covered by a cloud„, a detail reminiscent of how, in Greek mythology, Zeus raped Io hidden in a cloud. Wizard Georges Groeber claimed in 1619 that Satan approached humans in the form of a man dressed in black or an animal, Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Chinese mythology often mentioned the animalistic aspect of the gods when they raped their victims. Considering all these similarities, we can assume that the demons of the Middle Ages, incubi and succubi, are the gods of Antiquity, Enki’s Watchers.
Besides demons and gods there are other beings that abducted and raped humans. In his doctoral thesis at Indiana State University, folklorist Thomas Edward Bullard wrote that, in many traditions, fairies abduct people and take them to underground realms where time flows differently from Earth. Astrophysicist Jacques Valle quoted a large number of writings about the insatiable erotic desires of fairies and spirits towards humans, and the belief that fairies or other fantastic creatures lurk on children to abduct them. This detail is abundant in the folklore of Native Americans, who have legends about star people who mated with earthy women. One such legend tells of an Amerindian woman who was looking at a star and wished to go there; she was immediately pulled up and found herself in front of the one associated with the star, then became his bride. According to Amerindian mythology, these women gave birth to star children, who were raised by their mothers until the age of six, after which they went to live with their fathers in the stars.
The Watchers can also be found in the occultism of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1875, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society, whose doctrine was based on the teachings received from a group of spiritually „evolved masters„, whom she called „masters of the flames„, who live in the underground world of Agartha, where they secretly watch over the world. Their leader, Sanat Kumara, named Lucifer by Christianity, came from an etheric plane of the planet Venus 18.5 million years ago. He receives energy from higher planes in the sign of Aries, which he shares with others in the sign of Taurus. At the cosmic level he is called Subrahmanya, Sanatana, Sanaka or Sanandana. „Master of the World„, „The Only Initiator” and „The Ancient One” are some of his titles. Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, the founder of Synarchysm, claimed that in 1885 he was contacted by spiritually evolved beings from Agartha, one of these „masters” being Prince Hardjij Scharipf. In 1918, occultist Rene Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz, an adept of Theosophy and Synarchy, founded with his wife, Isha, the group Les Veilleurs („The Watchers”), but also a newspaper initially called L’Affranchi („The Emancipated”), then Le Veilleur („The Watcher”). The Thule Society, a group of German occultists, based on the teachings of the Theosophical Society, regularly organized sessions where participants communicated with a „hierarchy of superhumans” who lived in Agartha, which some believed they were demons that appeared as guiding spirits. From these beings, Thule members took the idea of creating a superior race of humans, an idea they also induced to Adolf Hitler. Satanist Aleister Crowley, founder of the Ordo Templi Orientis Masonic lodge, also communicated constantly with superior entities, emissaries of the Egyptian god Horus.
It is not difficult to guess who these entities of occultists are. The first name of Sanat Kumara is an anagram of Satan and the second one comes from the Hittite Kumarbi, both being names of the Sumerian god Enki. The Aries zodiac sign, from which Sanat Kumara supposedly receives energy according to the Theosophists, is one of Enki’s symbols. Even the epithet „Master of the World” is equivalent to the name Enki, which in Sumerian means „Lord of the Earth”. The planet Venus or the Morning Star, along with the Underworld, indicates his connection with Lucifer of the Christians, the same Enki. In fact, Helena Blavatsky correctly matched Sanat Kumara with Lucifer. And Crowley’s Horus was the Egyptian name of Marduk, Enki’s son in Mesopotamia. Therefore, these „evolved masters” are the ancient Watchers, thus explaining the name attributed by Schwaller de Lubicz to the group and the newspaper he founded.
The mating of the Watchers with humans indeed refers to sexual relationships, or is it about artificial insemination carried out in a laboratory? The ancient gods, demons, djinns, fairies or „evolved masters” seem to perfectly describe today’s extraterrestrials, who abduct and subject humans to various genetic experiments, especially of a sexual nature. Often, extraterrestrials confess to earthlings with whom they come into contact that they have been watching over human evolution for many millennia, implying that they are the ancient gods. An inscription made on the Stele of the Vultures by King Eannatum of Lagash proves that the gods engaged in artificial insemination:
„Lord Ningirsu, Enlil’s warrior,
Implanted Enlil’s seed for Eannatum
Into the womb of […]
Inanna attended his birth,
Named him ‘Worthy for the Eanna Temple,’
Placed him in the sacred lap of Ninhursag.
Ninhursag offered him her sacred breast.
Ningirsu rejoiced for Eannatum,
The seed implanted in the womb by Ningirsu.„
The Sumerian text claims that Ningirsu / Ninurta „implanted Enlil’s seed” into Eannatum’s mother’s womb, a clear reference to artificial insemination. A well-known process among the gods, as revealed by ancient writings. For example, in an Egyptian myth, goddess Isis was able to conceive with the help of Thoth, who introduced her deceased husband’s seed into her womb, thus giving birth to Horus. In the Sumerian text Enki and Ninhursag, Enki became pregnant after eating the fruits of eight plants that sprouted from his buried semen, which Ninhursag extracted from Uttu, whom the god of wisdom had impregnated. To save his brother, who had fallen ill due to the lack of a female genital organ that would have allowed him to give birth, Ninhursag extracted the semen from his body and implanted it in her own womb. Also, the biblical story of Jesus Christ seems to describe the same process of artificial insemination, as his mother became pregnant after being visited by an angel and the Holy Ghost entered her. Also after a visit from an angel, the mother of Samson in the Old Testament became pregnant and gave birth to a boy with extraordinary strength, unlike common mortals.
Who are these extraterrestrials who are currently performing artificial inseminations? In 1954, Dorothy Martin, who adopted the pseudonym Marion Keech, began receiving automatic writing messages from extraterrestrials she called „the Watchers„, led by someone named Sananda. On 25th January 1981, the Lab Nine group, led by Dr. Andrija Puharich, made contact with an entity that called itself Ra and claimed to speak on behalf of the Council of Saturn, made up of nine entities supported by 24 Watchers who offer their services when needed. The Nine confessed to Puharich that they are the reincarnation of the Egyptian god Horus and, as we have seen, Horus is Marduk, the son of Enki. The Watchers who support Horus are the same beings that Aleister Crowley contacted; Crowley even drew a picture in 1918 of an emissary of Horus, named Lam, who has a very large head, just like today’s gray aliens. And Sananda’s name, the leader of the Watchers who communicated with Dorothy Martin, is almost identical to Sanandana, one of the epithets of Sanat Kumara in Theosophy.
American sociologist and professor Courtney Brown claims to have made contact with extraterrestrial civilizations through clairvoyance, discovering that the „grays” are the main race tasked with monitoring us. From thousands of testimonies of those who have had close encounters of the third kind, it appears that these „grays” are the ones who carry out abductions and various experiments on humans. In the book The Interrupted Journey from 1966, John Fuller described the case of the spouses Barney and Betty Hill, who were abducted by a UFO on 19th September 1961, on the road between Canada and Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Under hypnosis, they recalled being subjected to medical examinations, him having his sperm collected with a bizarre device while the extraterrestrials telepathically explained to her that she was given a pregnancy test. In December 1977, Debra Tomey was abducted by two „grays” and shortly afterward she realized she was pregnant. The following year, in March, she miscarried. In 1983 she spontaneously remembered being taken aboard a ship where she was introduced to her hybrid daughter, who was pale, had rose-colored lips, large blue eyes and a head that was somewhat larger than normal, especially in the frontal and occipital areas. In May 1986 she remembered under hypnosis that she had reunited with her daughter, who was accompanied by a newborn. She was told that those children of her were only two out of nine. While pregnant with Tommy, Debra received systematic mysterious phone calls, in which incomprehensible phrases were uttered, apparently addressed to the future child. The boy started speaking very late, in his early years using phrases similar to those heard on the phone. In addition to these two cases, there are also those of several thousand people who claim to have been abducted by UFOs, where they were medically examined by small, gray creatures. Romanian researcher Dan D. Farcas wrote in the book Abducted by Extraterrestrials (2003) about these abductions: „Some analysts of the abduction phenomenon estimate that 50% of them have a component related to reproduction, and in 5% there are sexual contacts with non-earthly entities„. Many such victims claim that aliens collect human genetic material; using long needles, they collect eggs from women and sperm from men with the help of vacuum instruments and then use them in artificial insemination processes. The genetic information of the conceived product is modified, after which it is implanted in the uterus of an earthly woman. After three or four months, the embryo is extracted from the surrogate mother and moved into an artificial uterus, where it develops until „birth”. Betty Andreasson-Luca reported that in 1973 she witnessed the extraction of two fetuses from an earthly surrogate mother; asked why they conduct such horrible experiments, the grays replied: „because, as time passes, humanity will become sterile (…) The human race will become sterile because of pollution and bacteria living on Earth„. She remembered this conversation under hypnosis on 8th December 1987. In March 1994, the little gray men told Dr. Courtney Brown that they perform genetic mutations on humans for a more harmonious development of the connection between body and soul, but also to reduce human tendencies. On another occasion, they confessed that their main problem is sterility, which is why they abduct humans, using women as „surrogate mothers” and mixing certain earthly genes with theirs. Other contactees have been told that the purpose of genetic experiments is to create superhumans. In Abducted by Extraterrestrials, Dan D. Farcas stated that „some of those abducted were told that the visitors resort to genetic experiments, wanting to create a new species of humans, either because ‘as time passes, humanity will become sterile… because of pollution,’ or because they want to create superhumans„. About the hybrids resulting from the artificial inseminations of „extraterrestrials”, Professor-Doctor David Jacobs believes that they are being created increasingly closer to humans in terms of physicality and closer to extraterrestrials in terms of intelligence.
Due to the different information received by contactees or abductees, we can conclude that these beings do not want to be known the true purpose of the experiments conducted on humans. However, we have already learned that Enki created humans as soldiers for a future war, in which he would take revenge against his rival, Enlil. Along with his Watchers, he combined human DNA with that of animals, and even with the DNA of the gods. Through numerous genetic modifications he tried to transform his creatures into true soldiers. However, considering that the experiments continue to this day, we can assume that the Watchers have not yet achieved the desired result.
Not only „the sons of Elohim” mated with „the daughters of men„, as the Bible and the Book of Enoch claim, but also the goddesses with mortal men. For the Greeks, Aphrodite seduced Prince Anchises of Dardania and the Argonaut Butes, Harmonia seduced King Cadmus and Thetis seduced Peleus, the king of the Myrmidons. In Homer’s Odyssey, the hero of the epic was the lover of nymph Calypso on the island of Ogygia for seven years and of witch-goddess Circe for one year. In Jewish tradition, Lailah is a female angel who deals with conception and childbirth; the Talmud claims that Lailah takes a drop of sperm from men and presents it to god Yahweh, who decides the fate of the future human. Sargon the Great, who went from a simple gardener to the ruler of the Akkadian Empire, swore that his ascent was due to goddess Ishtar, who had become his lover. Their relationship began after she fell asleep in the garden he tended. „I saw her from the edge of the garden; I kissed her, I mated with her„, boasted the gardener-king. Like all goddesses of love, Ishtar / Inanna had many lovers, both divine and earthly. Here is how she tried to seduce the hero of the Epic of Gilgamesh:
„Come, Gilgamesh, she said, to become my lover,
Give me, yes, give me the seed of your body!
I want you to be my husband; and I will be your woman!
I will have a chariot made for you of lapis lazuli and gold:
Its wheels will be of gold, its axles of electrum,
I will harness it with demons like whirlwinds instead of mules.
In our house you will enter among the scents of cedar,
In our house, when you will enter,
Priests and dignitaries will kiss your feet.
Before you, kings, dignitaries and princes will kneel,
Bringing you the treasures of mountains and valleys as tribute.„
During his journey home, Odysseus encountered sirens, very beautiful beings who seduced sailors, drawing them towards rocks. In addition to sirens, the nymphs (from which the word „nymphomania” comes) and the maenads (bacchantes for the Romans) were famous for their sexual freedom in Greece. In Hinduism and Buddhism, Apsaras are seductive nymphs, gorgeous companions of the gods. Satapatha Brahmana recounted that a beautiful Apsara descended to Earth, married the mortal Pururavas, bore him a son and then returned to heaven. In medieval Europe, alongside male incubi there were also female succubi, demons who seduced men. Fairies, present in many cultures, had the same role as seductresses of mortals. Even today, many of those abducted claim to have had sex with extraterrestrial women, usually very attractive. One of these is Antonio Villas Boa, who was abducted on 15th October 1957 near the Brazilian city of Sao Francisco de Sales. Taken aboard a red egg-shaped object, he had sex with a well-proportioned woman who was 1.35 meters tall. In the following days, Antonio vomited constantly, could not sleep for several nights due to nightmares and for a month suffered from eye irritations and tearing, headaches, drowsiness and the appearance of spots on his body. Lebanese Peter Khoury claimed that on 23rd July 1992, in Australia, he woke up at around 7:30 AM with two naked women in his bed. One was blonde, very tall, with tousled hair, almost white, a prolonged face, a sharp chin, raised cheekbones and extremely large eyes. The other was of ordinary height, with black hair and Asian features. The blonde grabbed him by the neck and pulled him towards her left breast. He bit her and something remained stuck in his throat, which irritated him and caused a cough for three days. He found two thin, almost white hairs wrapped around his penis, one 10 – 15 centimeters long, the other 6 – 8 centimeters long. In 1998, the hairs were analyzed in a professional laboratory; the DNA had five mutations in addition to the normal one found in Homo sapiens Cro Magnon, mutations that are rarely encountered, only in Mongoloid populations and never all in the same person.
It seems that the troubles caused by so-called extraterrestrial women to their earthly lovers have always existed. In the myths of the Greeks, the giant hunter Orion was killed by his lover, goddess Artemis, apparently by mistake. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the king of the city of Uruk rejected the indecent proposal of goddess Ishtar, listing all those who had suffered as a result of their relationships with her:
„What would I get if I marry you?
You are a brazier that goes out when it freezes,
A flimsy door that keeps out neither wind nor draught,
A palace that crushes a warrior,
A mouse that gnaws through its housing,
Tar that smears its bearer,
Waterskin that soaks its bearer,
Weak stone that undermines a wall,
Battering ram that destroys the wall for an enemy,
Shoe that pinches its wearer!
Which of your lovers lasted forever?
Which of your heroes went up to heaven?
Come, I call you to account for your lovers:
He who had jugs of cream on his shoulders and […] on his arm,
For Dumuzi, your girlhood lover,
You ordained year after year of weeping.
You fell in love with the brightly colored roller bird,
Then you struck him and broke his wing.
In the woods he sits crying ‘My-wing!’
You fell in love with the lion, perfect in strength,
Then you dug for him ambush pits, seven times seven.
You fell in love with the wild stallion, eager for the fray,
Whip, goad and lash you ordained for him,
Seven double leagues of galloping you ordained for him,
You ordained perpetual weeping for his mother, divine Silili.
You fell in love with the shepherd, keeper of herds,
Who always set out cakes baked in embers for you,
Slaughtered kids for you every day.
You struck him and turned him into a wolf,
His own shepherd boys harry him off,
And his own hounds snap at his heels!
You fell in love with Ishullanu, your father’s gardener (…)
You struck him and turned him into a scarecrow,
You left him stuck in his own garden patch,
His well sweep goes up no longer, his bucket does not descend.
As for me, now that you’ve fallen in love with me, you will treat me like them!„
The matings of gods with earthlings were not always just random rapes, but sometimes turned into lasting relationships. Professor John Mack noted in his 1999 book, Passport to the Cosmos, that several abducted individuals ended up having permanent bonds with extraterrestrials, a kind of secret marriage. In the Buddhist story Sudhana Avadana, the hunter Philoka captured the celestial girl Kinnari Manohara, whom he married; after a few years, she returned to her people among the spirits. In a Tibetan folk tale, a boy with a deformed head married the daughter of the Fairy King, who lived in heaven. She stayed with him for nine years, then returned to her father. By saving a sacred griffin from the claws of a dragon, the boy was taken to the heavens, where he found his wife; the gods were moved by their love and allowed the girl to return to Earth, where she lived happily with her human husband. In a Japanese legend, the fisherman Urashima Taro married the daughter of the Dragon Emperor and lived together in the imperial castle at the bottom of the sea; after a while, the young man missed his parents and returned to his hometown, where he learned that he had been missing for about 400 years. In the myths of the Trojan War, Peleus, the king of the Myrmidons, married the nymph Thetis; almost all the Olympian gods attended their wedding on Mount Pelion. Also, in Walter de Mapes’ medieval chronicle De Nugis Curialium, Saxon patriot Edric the Wild married in 1070 a beautiful young woman from heaven, whom he even presented at the court of William the Conqueror. Their son, Alnodus, became famous for his wisdom and piety. The space wife returned to heaven at some point, leaving Edric with a broken heart.
The great national poet of the Romanians, Mihai Eminescu, also wrote about the Watchers, hiding their story in his works. In 1883, at the age of 33, he wrote the poem The Morning Star („Luceafărul” in Romanian), telling the story of the brightest star, the morning star (named Hyperion), who descended to Earth to join „a very beautiful girl” of noble lineage („from great, imperial kin„), named Catalina. Watching her from the sky, he appeared to her dreams every night to seduce her: „He trembled in the mirror / For he followed her deep in her dreams / To cling to her soul„. The girl could not resist the charms of the morning star, so she quickly called him to her: „Descend, gentle morning star, / Sliding on a beam, / Enter my home and my mind / And light up my life„. When Hyperion descended to Earth, he first plunged into the sea: „And from an unknown depth / A proud young man grows„. His appearance was identical to that of the gods of old, his physical qualities making him irresistible to any earthly woman: „He seemed a young ruler / With soft golden hair, / A purple cloak tied in a knot / On his bare shoulders. / And the shadow of his transparent face / Is white as wax – / A beautiful corpse with living eyes / That sparkle outward„. Seeing him, Catalina fell in love: „Oh, you are as beautiful as only in dreams / An angel appears„. The morning star, who „holds a staff / Crowned with reeds„, first explained his descent: „the sky is my father / And my mother is the sea„, because „I descended with my clear light / And was born of the waters„. To convince her to accept his love, Hyperion, whom she called „Lord of the waves” and „Lord of my sweet night„, promised the girl what no mortal could offer her: „I will take you to pearl palaces / For many centuries, / And everybody in the ocean / Will listen to you„. But the girl rejected his proposal and he sadly returned to the sky. After three days, Catalina missed him and called him back. Hyperion descended to Earth again, this time with a different physical appearance: „Red flames in the air / Stretch over the whole world, / And from the valleys of chaos / A proud face takes shape; / On his black hair vines / His burning crown shines, / He comes floating in truth, / Bathed in the fire of the sun. / From his black cloak unfold / The marble arms, / He comes sad and thoughtful / And with a pale face; / But his large and wonderful eyes / Shine deeply unreal, / Like two insatiable passions / And full of darkness„. Even his parents were different this time: „And the sun is my father / And the night is my mother„. Again, the girl was pleased with his physical qualities, even though they were different: „Oh, you are as beautiful as only in dreams / A demon appears„. Hyperion again invited her to accompany him, this time to the sky. Catalina refused, but asked him to give up his immortality to stay with her on Earth. He returned to the sky, asking his father to take away his immortality. But his heavenly father rejected his request, showing him that his chosen one did not deserve this sacrifice, as she had already found a new lover, named Catalin. He was a „crafty child of the house, / Who fills cups with wine / For guests at the table, / A page who hold step by step / The empress’ robes, / A bastard and unwanted boy, / But daring with his eyes„. Hurt and deeply disappointed, Hyperion chose to remain „immortal and cold” in his world.
Regarding this poem, Mihai Eminescu said: „The allegorical meaning I gave it is that if the genius knows no death and his name escapes the night of oblivion, on the other hand, here on Earth, it is neither capable of making someone happy nor of being happy. He has no death, but no luck either. It seemed to me that the fate of the morning star in the story resembles that of the genius on Earth and I gave it this allegorical meaning„. However, the story of the morning star does not seem to be about earthly geniuses, but about a Watcher. The gods were matched with stars in Antiquity, the Book of Enoch calling „fallen stars” the Watcher angels who mated with „daughters of men„. The morning star of Eminescu, who descended to Earth with the same erotic intention, is such a „fallen star”. The leader of the Watchers was matched by the ancients with the planet Venus or the morning star, just like the hero of the poem, and even the name of the angel Lucifer in Christianity comes from the Latin name of this planet, Luciferus. Eminescu named him Hyperion, who in Greek mythology was one of the Titans, that is one of the old gods, the first rulers of Earth. In Greek literature, Hyperion was often called „the god of watchfulness, wisdom and light„, and Lucifer means „the light-bringer”, being for our ancestors the god of wisdom. The Homeric Hymns and Hesiod’s Theogony claimed that Titan Helios, the Sun, was Hyperion’s son. And the son of Enki / Azazel was considered the god of the Sun in Mesopotamia until the Babylonian king Hammurabi elevated him to the status of supreme god. Eminescu’s morning star first claims that his father is the sky, then the Sun. In Mesopotamia, Greece and other parts of the world, Enki’s father was the god of heaven, and in Egypt was the god of the Sun. The morning star holds a staff „crowned with reeds„, which resembles the caduceus of the gods Hermes, Dionysus and Ningishzida, three of the many names given by the ancients to the leader of the Watchers. His initial physical appearance – blonde with white skin – is identical to that of the old gods. He changed his appearance after being rejected by Catalina, becoming brunette, just as Lucifer in the Christian legend who, after his fall, from an angel of light became a demon of darkness. In fact, when the girl praises his beauty, she initially compares him to an angel, and after the transformation to a demon. For the ancients, Enki lived in the depths of the waters; when he descended to our planet, Hyperion plunged into the sea and she called him „Lord of the waves„. He proposed to Catalina to live with him for many centuries in palaces in the depths of the ocean, becoming the mistress of the aquatic world, an impossible thing considering that her lifespan was limited and we do not know if he was capable of offering immortality or at least longevity. However, his invitation makes sense through the Japanese story of the fisherman Urashima Taro, who lived for some time with the Emperor of the Dragons’ daughter in a castle at the bottom of the sea, without realizing that four centuries had passed in the human world.
In the poem Calin (Story Pages), Mihai Eminescu included the myth of the flyer, a story similar to that of his morning star. In Romanian mythology, the flyer was an evil spirit who tormented young girls at night, similar to medieval incubi and ancient Watchers. Even the names Calin – Catalin, the antithesis between them (the flyer Calin is brunette while the human Catalin is blonde) and the fact that both seduced a young girl from the imperial family shows a connection between the two poems of Eminescu. If the poet really hid the story of the Watchers in his works, this should not surprise us too much. He studied philosophy in Vienna and Berlin, where he also took classes of Egyptian history, Roman history, physical geography, national economy, general history of philosophy and logical principles of experimental sciences. By that time, he had already accumulated a solid literary and historical culture, so there is a good chance that he had accumulated certain information unavailable to everybody, which he may have hidden in his poems. Although his opinion about religion can easily be seen in Emperor and Proletarian („Religion – a phrase invented by them / To bend you to the yoke with its power„), Eminescu often used names of Christian saints in his poems. But also names of gods, especially Greco-Roman ones, for example Vesta and Mars in What I Wish For You, Sweet Romania, Apollo, Vesta, Eol and Erato in At Heliade, Venus and Demiurge in Emperor and Proletarian, Allah, Christ and Apollo in The Third Letter or Oceanus in Venice. Which shows his particular interest in both ancient and contemporary religions. In We Were Both Children, he says that, when he was young, „I built the Tower of Babel / Out of playing cards and I would say / Stupid things„. I don’t know how many children would build the Tower of Babel for fun, aside from those passionate about religion, nor do I know who would name a toy Tlantaqu-Caputli, a name that seems Aztec and which, when anagrammed, could read „atlant cu cap util” in Romanian („atlant with useful head” in English). In The Morning Star we encounter an allusion to reincarnation („For all are born to die / And die to be reborn„), but also the concept of a light-year, the unit of measurement for distance in cosmic space: „The morning star set out. His wings / grew in the sky / and paths of thousands of years passed / In just as many moments„. This space-related knowledge also arises from To the Star, where he says: „To the star that rose / It is a path so long, / That it took thousands of years / For the light to reach us„. However, it is possible that he did not receive all this information in Berlin and Vienna. In the poem As a Boy I Roamed the Woods Eminescu tells that he had a close encounter of the third kind in his childhood. Asleep one night in the forest, by the side of a spring, he saw „A wave of silvery mist over the fields, / Glimmers in the sky, vapors over the water„. In addition, he heard loud noises, as if a horn was playing while herds of deer approached. Suddenly a linden tree opened up and „from it a young empress came out„. That woman „with large eyes and barely closed mouth” enchanted him at first sight. „And ah, she was so beautiful, / As only in a dream once in your life / A gentle angel, with a radiant face, / Coming from heaven, can appear; / And her hair was blond and soft like silk / Her white neck and shoulders revealed. / Through her thin, fine clothes / Her entirely white body could be seen„. That blonde woman with white skin, big eyes and stunning beauty, similar to an angel, is physically identical to the ancient gods. The poet does not tell us what happened that night but we see that, after meeting the „young empress„, the boy began to be passionate about religion, mythology, philosophy and history, his unmatched literary talent arose and her physical appearance became his ideal of beauty, a fact that is easily deduced from his poems. That night in the forest, which influenced his life so much, may have been Eminescu’s first sexual experience, thus explaining his obsession with flyers / Watchers.
According to the Book of Enoch, Enki’s Watchers made an oath on Mount Hermon, one of the most important mountains in the area, located on the border between Palestine, Israel and Syria. It was called Senir by the Amorites, Sirion by the Sidonians and Baal-Hermon, Sihon, Sion or Zion in the Bible. In the New Testament, the transfiguration of Jesus took place here. In the Canaanite religion, Mount Hermon was the home of the god Baal Hermon („Lord of Hermon”). The meaning of the mountain’s name is still unknown, but this does not stop us from trying to find it. The main center of Sun worship in Egypt was called Heliopolis by the Greeks, On by the Jews and Assyrians, and Iunu or Anu by the Egyptians. „Anu” is the Akkadian word for „heaven”, which comes from the Sumerian word „an„. For the Egyptians, Iunu represented heaven on Earth; just as the house of the Sun is the heaven, so the city was the house of the god Ra. More precisely, the biblical principle „as above, so below” is exemplified in The Emerald Tablet by Hermes Trismegistus, who believed that Egypt is the image of heaven or the representation of the projection of heaven on Earth. The name „On” for Jews and Assyrians is equivalent to the Sumerian „an„. This is best exemplified in the name of the Semitic god of fertility, called Dagon and also Dagan, where „on” and „an” mean the same thing. The term „on” was included in the names of many deities throughout the world to emphasize their celestial nature, such as Poseidon, Triton, Typhon, Python, Orion, Bellerophon, Persephone, Cronus, Hyperion, Dionysus, Pontus, Deucalion, Harmonia, Hepione, Coronis, Ammon, Aton, Khonsu, Dagon, Iunona, Horon, Tonacatecuhtli, Tonacacihuatl, Cipactonal, Machaon, Brontes, Rongo, Shannong and so on. For the same reason it was included in the names of countries, cities, rivers, streams or mountains (Nihon, Babilon, Heracleion, Amazon, Hebron, Hermon, Sion, Zaphon). Therefore, the suffix „on” in the name of Mount Hermon means „heaven”. Also, a herm is a rectangular stone or a square stone column, at the top of which is a bust, usually representing the god Hermes. For the ancients, Mount Hermon was such a stone, of gigantic dimensions, on top of which was not the bust of the god, but the god himself. The association with the word „on” suggests that Mount Hermon was not an ordinary herm, but a divine celestial one, on which the god Hermes / Baal Hermon / Azazel lived. The Greeks used the herm as a border sign; in the Bible, Mount Hermon represents the northern border of the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 3:8), as well as the northern limit of Canaan conquered by the Israelites (Book of Joshua 11:17, 12:1, 13:5). Why did Enki’s gods choose that place for their oath?
Mount Hermon, which is 2,814 meters high, is located on the 33rd parallel north. At the opposite end of the Earth, on the same parallel, there is Roswell (New Mexico, USA), the famous location where a UFO crashed in 1947. As we have already seen, 33, as a percentage, represents one-third of a whole. The most important trinities are the divine ones, so the number 33 symbolizes one-third of the trinity, that is one god. Considering that this number is of great importance to Freemasons, common sense logic suggests that 33 represents their god, that is Lucifer / Enki / Azazel / Hermes. In this case, we understand the role of the 33rd parallel north. But why just the one in the northern hemisphere? The Egyptians had also this answer. On the Shabaka Stone it is written that during the battle for supremacy between the two brothers, Heru-ur (Horus the Elder) and Seth, their father, Geb, divided the country: Seth received Upper Egypt and Horus received Lower Egypt. After the cult of Osiris emerged, when he replaced Horus the Elder in the legend, it was believed that Ra had given Osiris Lower Egypt, and Seth Upper Egypt. Also, in ancient Egyptian belief, the vulture goddess Nekhbet was the protector of Upper Egypt and the serpent goddess Wadjet of Lower Egypt. Contrary to appearances, Upper Egypt does not represent the northern part, but the southern part, and Lower Egypt is the northern part. Therefore, Osiris / Heru-ur received the north of the country and Seth the south. Although this myth has been interpreted as symbolizing a division of Egypt, it actually refers to the division of the entire planet. The north was the domain of the serpent Osiris / Horus the Elder / Enki, and the south of the vulture Seth / Enlil.
The Sumerians had divided the sky into three parts: the north was the path of Enlil, the middle of An and the south of Enki. Although it seems to contradict the division of the Egyptians, it is not. Hermes Trismegistus said that Egypt is the image of the sky, an idea encounter in many cultures, exemplified in the New Testament by „as above, so below„. As we have seen, the Egyptians assigned the planet’s division to their country. Therefore, it can be considered that, for the ancients, the Earth was the image of the sky, but a mirror image. Therefore, things in the sky were reversed on Earth. The northern part of the sky, assigned by Sumerians to Enlil, becomes the southern part of our planet, while the southern strip of the sky, Enki’s domain, represents the north of the planet. This is why the Watchers chose Mount Hermon, located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, because it was within their territory. This division of the planet occurred following the rebellion of the Watchers / Igigi, which led to the creation of humans. In order to stop the revolt and create the new beings, Enki was in a position to make demands. Anu was forced to accept the conditions of the god of wisdom to stop the conflict. Some ancient peoples mistook this division of the Earth for drawing lots. The Sumerians believed that Anu received the sky, Enlil the land and Enki the Underworld, while the Greeks believed that Zeus received the sky and the land, Poseidon the seas and Hades the Underworld. Considering that most of the Earth’s landmass is located in the northern hemisphere, Enlil was not at all satisfied with this division of the planet, so he soon left for his home in the realm of the aeons. With no choice, Anu entrusted Enki with the administration of the Earth and the supervision of humans, a moment described in Egyptian myths by Geb’s change of heart regarding the division of Egypt and the offering of the entire country to Horus the Elder. Finally free of his rival, Enki began his genetic experiments on humans, which led to the emergence of demigods.
The Book of Jubilees claims that there were three types of angels’ offsprings: the giants, the Nephilim and the Eliouds, only the third class showing cruelty towards mankind. In the biblical Genesis there are not three categories of angelic offsprings, but only one: the Nephilim. They are also encountered in The Book of Numbers, where they were seen by Israeli spies sent to Canaan: „And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, which come of the Nephilim: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight” (13:33). From the „sons of Anak” we understand that the Nephilim giants were indeed the children of the gods called Anunnaki in Mesopotamia. The name „Nephilim” (singular „Naphil„) comes from the root „nphl„, which means „fall”. Surprisingly, from the same Hebrew root, also written as „nfl„, Niflheim (one of the nine worlds, a primordial realm of ice and cold) and Niflhel (the lowest level of the Underworld) were formed in Scandinavian mythology. Researchers acknowledge that the origin of the two names is unknown, suggesting that Icelandic „nifl” could mean „darkness” or „fog” if it were derived from Germanic „nebel” („fog”) or from Anglo-Saxon „nifol” („darkness”). However, the striking similarity to Hebrew „nphl” / „nfl” suggests that Niflheim is correctly translated as „Realm of the Fallen” and Niflhel, the equivalent of Tartarus for the Greeks, represents the underground prison of the fallen gods.
The Bible claims that the children of gods and humans „became mighty men which were of old, men of renown” (Genesis 6:4). Regardless of the culture that depicted them, the demigods had unusual characteristics: physical beauty, strength, agility and courage, all far superior to those of mortals, genetically inherited from their divine parents. The legends of all peoples are full of the heroic deeds of the demigods. Here are some of them:
– Gilgamesh, son of King Lugalbanda and the goddess Ninsun, was the fifth king of the Sumerian city of Uruk, ruling for 126 years around 2500 BC. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, he and his friend Enkidu defeat the monster Humbaba. Then, the two heroes kill the Bull of Heaven, sent by the goddess Ishtar to punish the king of Uruk for rejecting her love. After Enkidu’s death, Gilgamesh is determined to find the secret of immortality. At the end of a long and perilous journey, the hero meets Utnapishtim, the survivor of the Flood, who teaches him where to find the plant that offers eternal life. After obtaining it, Gilgamesh loses it because of a serpent. In The Book of Giants, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gilgamesh and Humbaba are two of the giants before the Flood, children of the Watchers. Gilgamesh was not really a demigod, but two-thirds god and one-third man, a statement that researchers do not understand and, therefore, interpret in various ways. However, logic can help us unravel this enigma. The DNA of each child is formed from that of their parents, inheriting one branch from each. Therefore, the child receives genes from their parents equally. Although was considered the son of the demigod Meskiangasher, the Sumerian legend Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta names Enmerkar, Gilgamesh’s grandfather, the son of the god Utu. If he was indeed the son of the sun god and a mortal, Enmerkar had 50% divine genes and 50% human ones. His son, Lugalbanda, inherited half of his genes (25% divine and 25% human) and half from his earthly mother (50% human), having 25% divine genes and 75% human genes. Lugalbanda had Gilgamesh with the goddess Ninsun, therefore the boy inherited 50% divine genes from his mother, and 12.5% divine genes and 37.5% human ones from his father. Thus, Gilgamesh had 62.5% divine genes and 37.5% human genes in his DNA, which for our ancestors meant that the hero was two-thirds (66.6%) god and only one-third (33.3%) human.
– Perseus, the legendary founder of the Perseid dynasty, was one of the first heroes of Greece. His father was Zeus and his mother was Danae, the daughter of King Acrisius of Argos. He became a hero after cutting off the head of the Gorgon Medusa, with the help of which he petrified the sea monster Kraken, who had attacked Ethiopia. He married Princess Andromeda and then founded the city of Mycenae. He was killed by his cousin Megapenthes, the king of Argos. According to Emperor Xerxes, the Persians considered themselves descendants of Perseus.
– The most famous of the demigods is the Greek Herakles („The Glory of Hera”), called Hercules by the Romans. He is believed to have lived between 1264 – 1226 BC. Named Alkaios or Alkeides at birth, he changed his name to Herakles after killing his wife and children in a fit of madness caused by the goddess Hera. Hercules was the son of Zeus and Queen Alcmene, daughter of the king of Mycenae, great-granddaughter of Perseus and wife of Amphitrion. He gained fame after completing 12 labors, mainly due to his extraordinary strength. Among his heroic deeds there were the killing of the Nemean lion, the Hydra of Lerna, the Stymphalian birds and the monster of Troy, the capture of the Ceryneian Hind, the Erymanthian Boar, the Cretan Bull and Cerberus from the Underworld, the theft of the giant Geryon’s herd, Diomedes’ mares, Hippolyta’s girdle and the golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides, as well as the cleaning of the huge stable of King Augias. He is also credited with founding the Olympic Games and the city of Tarentum in Italy. His travel with the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece and his participation in the war against the giants alongside the Olympian gods are equally important. He was also superior to ordinary mortals in love: he was married to four women and had at least nine lovers. He was killed by his third wife, Deianira, who gave him a shirt soaked in poison. After his death he was taken to Mount Olympus by his father, Zeus, where he became a god and married the goddess Hebe. Roman Emperors Commodus and Maximian declared themselves reincarnations of Hercules. Buddhists also considered him to be Vajrapani, the protector of Buddha.
– Theseus was the son of god Poseidon and Queen Aethra, daughter of King Pittheus of Troezen. He was the king of Athens, captured the Cretan Bull, killed the Minotaur of Knossos and managed to escape the labyrinth with the help of Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos. He abducted Helen, the princess of Sparta, and tried to abduct the goddess Persephone, but was captured and imprisoned in Tartarus. He was freed by Hercules, then married the queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta, who bore him a son. After getting bored of the Amazon, he chose a new wife, Phaedra (daughter of King Minos, sister of Ariadne). He was killed by Lycomedes from the island of Skyros, who feared that the demigod would try to take his throne.
– Helen (name translated as „Torch”) was the daughter of Zeus and Queen Leda of Sparta. Her beauty, which led to the Trojan War, was praised by all who had the fortune to see her, with the elders of Troy stating, according to Iliad, that Helen „looks like a goddess„. Because of her beauty, she was abducted at the age of 14 by the demigod Theseus, king of Athens. She was brought back to Sparta by her brothers, the twins Castor and Pollux (Kastor and Polideukes for the Greeks). Later she married prince Menelaus and they became the rulers of Sparta after King Tyndareus abdicated. Years later she was seduced by prince Paris, who abducted her and took her to Troy. After the end of the Trojan War, she returned to Sparta with Menelaus, and after her death she was given as a wife to Achilles, with whom she ruled on the Snake Island in the Black Sea.
– Achilles („Sorrow of Men”), son of nymph Thetis and King Peleus, is the main character of Homer’s Iliad and the greatest hero of the Trojan War. According to legend, his skin was invulnerable, except for one of his heels. About his physical appearance, Phoenix remarked in the Iliad that he was „handsome like a god„. Raised by the centaur Chiron on Mount Pelion, Achilles dedicated his life to seeking glory, which is why he accepted to fight against Troy. From the Iliad we learn the love story between him and princess Briseis, who became a slave, but also the homosexual love between him and his good friend, Patroclus („Glory of the Father”). Demigod Memnon, Amazon Queen Penthesilea (also a demigoddess) and prince Hector, the hero of the Trojans, were among those killed by Achilles. The son of Thetis was killed with an arrow shot by Paris, Hector’s brother, aimed at his vulnerable heel by the god Apollo. After death he was granted immortality and lived on the Snake Island in the Black Sea, with the goddess Hera giving him Helen, daughter of Zeus and Paris’ former lover, as his wife. Since Achilles’ grandfather was the demigod Aeacus, he also had 62.5% divine genes and 37.5% human genes, like Gilgamesh, and could be considered two-thirds god and one-third mortal. However, the Greeks chose not to complicate things with such calculations, unlike the Sumerians.
– Arjuna, the only undefeated hero of the Indian epic Mahabharata, was the son of god Indra and mortal queen Kunti. Being exiled for 13 years, he visited his father’s heavenly abode where he received weapons from the gods, used to destroy some palaces of the Asura demons. In the Kurukshetra War he was considered the best archer and the most fearless warrior. God Krishna called him Purusharshva, meaning „the best among men”.
– Although not explicitly stated, Shimshon (Samson for the Greeks) in the Bible was also a demigod. The Old Testament claims that one day, while his mother was alone in a field, she was visited by an angel of Yahweh. After the angel left, she became pregnant. Samson proved to be extremely strong, like the Greek hero Hercules. If such children were born after visits from gods in all world cultures, Samson cannot be an exception. Like many other demigods, Samson exhibited immorality, spending his time in brothels or killing humans and animals. The Bible describes an episode in which Samson tied 200 foxes together by their tails and set them on fire, and another in which he killed 30 men just to take their clothes, because of a lost bet. Who was Samson’s true father, the angel who visited his mother? We can find out by analyzing the hero’s Greek name. In many ancient cultures, someone’s name was accompanied by that of their father. The Norse also had this tradition, with names like Eriksson meaning „son of Erik”. And the Norse brought their culture from Asia, as can easily be seen from the names of their deities. Therefore, having a common origin, it is possible that the name Samson also means „son of Sam”. In Hebrew mythology there is no character with this name, Sam actually being a shortened form of the name Samael, the fallen archangel of accusation, destruction and seduction, called Satan in The Bible. With such genetic inheritance, Samson could only be immoral, a killer of humans and animals.
Enki did not only limit himself to creating demigods. He did not forget his desire to have a male heir who would reclaim his lost throne. Considering that his wife, daughter and granddaughter could only bore him daughters, the future heir needed to be born with the help of genetics. Enki already knew how to achieve this, having experience from creating demigods. In Kingship in Heaven, the Hittites said that god „Kumarbi went furiously to Nippur„, where
„He mates with the Big Rock,
And she knows his manhood,
Five times he embraced her,
Ten times he held her in his arms.„
Kumarbi was the Sumerian Enki, and the „Big Rock” was Ninhursag, „Lady of the High Mountain”. Nippur was the city of Enlil, where he lived with his new wife, Ninhursag, renamed Ninlil. The Hittites did not know that Nippur did not exist at that time, being built much later, and Enlil actually lived in Eridu, the former city of Enki. The fact that Enlil was not at home when Kumarbi / Enki came to mate with his sister suggests, as we have said before, that Enlil was away from Earth, not being satisfied with the southern hemisphere that his father gave him following the revolt of the Watchers / Igigi. If Ninlil / Ninhursag could not bore a son to Enki by that time, we assume that this time they did not have a normal sexual relation, but the god used genetic engineering to introduce the Y chromosome, which is responsible for male sexual traits. By artificially impregnating his sister, Enki could be sure that he would have the much-desired son.
After nine months of pregnancy, the Myth of Ullikummi tells that
„At birth, the midwives arrived,
The goddess of fate and the mother of the gods,
Took the child in their arms,
Putting him on Kumarbi’s lap.
Immediately he began to caress the child
And was ready to give him his beloved name.
Kumarbi then said to himself:
‘What name shall I give
To this child that
The goddess of fate and the mother of the gods have given me?
Come out of him like a blade of grass.
Let him be called Ullikummi,
Let him grow up to the heavens and become
Ruler of Kummiya, the beloved city!
Let him strike Teshub,
Let him shatter him like a grain of sand
And crush him underfoot like an ant.
Let him break Tashmishu like a dried reed
And scatter the gods of heaven like birds.
Let him crush them all like an empty vessel!’„
In turn, the Babylonian epic Enuma Elish stated that
„In the Chamber of Fate, the place of Destinies,
A new god stood, the most skilled and wise.
In the heart of the Deep, Marduk was born.„
The description of Marduk seems to be taken from Eminescu’s The Morning Star:
„His face was attractive, his eyes shone brilliantly;
Proud was his gait, imposing as in the old days…
And he was far above all other gods, surpassing them greatly…
He was the noblest and the tallest;
With his immense limbs he surpassed them all.„
For the Egyptians, Osiris had sex with his brother’s wife, Nephtys (who was also his sister), and the goddess gave birth to Anubis. In another myth, when Isis became the wife of Seth, Osiris returned from the Underworld and impregnated her with Horus. In Canaan, Dagon had Baal Zephon with his brother’s wife. For the Celts, Dagda had a son with his sister-in-law, Boand, and the child was named Oengus by the Celts and Belenos by the Gauls. For the Greeks, Typhon was the son of the Earth goddess, Gaia, and Tartarus, the personification of the Underworld. A Homeric hymn for Apollo considers Typhon to be the son of the goddess Hera, Zeus’ wife, whom she supposedly conceived alone. But as Hera conspired with her brother, Poseidon, to dethrone Zeus, we can guess who the father of the giant was. And all these myths show us that Enki had a child with his sister, Ninhursag / Ninlil, after she had become Enlil’s wife.
After the boy was born, Kumarbi summoned the gods Irshirra and asked them to hide him until he grew up. „The child will not be seen by the great gods„, he told them. In Egypt, Isis hid Horus on the banks of the Nile, so that he would not be seen by Seth. The Greeks took up the story and assigned it to Zeus, who was raised in a cave, far from his father’s eyes. It seems that Enlil learned about the child, but was convinced by Ninhursag that he was his own; therefore, he raised Marduk as his own son, without knowing that the boy’s true father was his great rival, Enki. This is why in Greece Apollo was considered the son of Zeus, in Scandinavia Baldur was Odin’s son and in Canaan Baal, Dagon’s son, called his uncle, god El, his father. The same is true in Sumerian religion, where Enlil was a bull-god and Martu / Marduk was called Amar Utu, meaning „Solar Calf”. Since Enlil’s celestial gods had the Sun as their symbol, his son was considered the god of the Sun, as can be seen in the cases of Apollo, Shamash, Utu, Belenos and Baldur. Although he was raised by the Celestial / Anunna group, Marduk knew who his true father was. He played his role as Enlil’s son until he was old enough to confront his rival for the throne of Earth.
In the CBS-14061 tablet, mentioned by Edward Chiera in Sumerian Religious Texts, the gods took earthly wives, an obvious allusion to the Watchers. The young god Martu complained to his mother that he was the only one unmarried. So, his mother chose the daughter of a priest as his wife. If Marduk was too young to have sexual relationships when the Watchers were mating with earthly women, his birth is confirmed during that period. It appears that after he grew up, Martu / Marduk decided to mate with as many women as possible. The historian Herodotus wrote that every year in Babylon a virgin was chosen to be Marduk’s wife, and was taken to a room on the upper floor of the Etemenanki ziggurat (the Tower of Babel in the Bible). The god appeared and, after consummating his one-night marriage, withdrew into his world.
It seems that Marduk was not only Enki’s son but also his clone, as the world religions left numerous clues in this regard. In Babylon, when he became the supreme god, Marduk took on the attributes and functions of the other gods. However, he did not do the same with his father, Enki, who was always honored as an equal with his son. This is also symbolized by the twin towers, very common in Arabic architecture; although for Arabs they represent Abraham and his son, Ishmael, in reality they represent Enki and his son, Marduk. This equality is also evident in the two great pyramids of Giza, considered by some chroniclers to be the tombs of the two gods: Khephren’s pyramid is smaller than Khufu’s, but being built on higher ground, it is at the same height as Khufu’s. In the Book of Revelation, Enki is described as a red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, who was cast out of heaven. The son of the Dragon, the Beast, has an identical appearance, with John presenting him with seven heads and ten horns, this being the author’s way of suggesting the physical similarity between the two. The Revelation confirms that these two deities were worshipped together: „And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (13:4). Cloning Enki is a logical hypothesis. Considering that he created Marduk with genetic engineering, it was only natural that the god of wisdom would use his own genetic material to make the boy truly his son. A son who was not identical to him only physically, but also spiritually. We know that Sophia was initially divided into two entities: Enki and Ninhursag. When the Divine Twins birthed Ishtar, Sophia was divided into three bodies. With Ishtar Enki had Ninkurra, who gave birth to Uttu, which means that, at some point, the aeon Sophia was divided into five different entities. Marduk was the sixth.
After her forced union with Bythos, Sophia became made of both positive and negative energy. We do not know the proportions of each, but we suspect they were in equal amounts, as in the spirits that first arrived in the material world. Every time Sophia divided herself because her parts gave birth to a child, the negative energy in that child grew and the positive energy decreased. We do not know by how much, but we can assume that it was the proportion represented by that division. For example, at the birth of Ishtar, which represented the third division of Sophia, the negative energy increased by a third from the initial amount. If that were the case, it would mean that mathematics can help us better understand the deities into which Sophia was divided. Therefore, the spirits of Enki and Ninhursag were each made up of 50% positive energy and 50% negative one. Their first daughter, Ishtar, received half of each parent’s energy (both positive and negative), and she kept the same percentages at a theoretical level. However, as we mentioned earlier, with each division of Sophia through birth, the amount of negative energy in the newborn was greater than the initial amount, in this case by a third, as it was the third division of the fallen aeon. Thus, we can assume that Ishtar was made up of 66.66% negative energy and 33.33% positive one. Her child and Enki’s, Ninkurra, also received half of their parents’ energies, theoretically being made up of 41.66% positive energy and 58.33% negative energy. However, the increase in negative energy and the decrease in positive energy by a quarter (the fourth division of Sophie) turned it into an entity made up of 27.08% positive energy and 72.91% negative energy. Uttu, her and Enki’s daughter, went through the same process, being made up of 26.25% positive energy and 73.74% negative one. After Enki assimilated Ninkurra, his energy balance disappeared, simple mathematical calculations indicating that, from that moment on, he became an entity made up of 38.54% positive energy and 61.45% negative energy. After assimilating Uttu, the percentage of energies he was made up of changed again: 32.41% positive and 67.59% negative. And Marduk, the son of the Divine Twins, the sixth division of Sophia, became the most evil deity, made up of 68.59% negative energy and only 31.41% positive energy. With a one percent difference between him and his father, Marduk was almost identical to Enki; a clone both physically and energetically. Marduk, „the most skilled and wise„, was the hope of the Watchers, the one who was to defeat Enlil, take over the Earth’s leadership and find a way for everyone to escape the material prison and reach the world of aeons. But there was a longer road ahead than they expected…
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