To understand not only how Enki, Marduk and Ishtar escaped Enlil’s wrath during the beginning of the Deluge, but also the hidden history of Earth, we must learn how the gods arrive on our planet from their immaterial dimensions. „I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven„, Jesus said in the Gospel of Luke. The most logical possibility is that they were transported by a ship to confirm Jesus’ words. However, unfortunately for him, there is no myth that suggests this. The people of Mesopotamia believed that the Garden of the Gods could be reached through a dark tunnel in Mount Masu, whose gate was guarded by „scorpion-men„. For Scandinavians, the world of the gods (Asgard) was connected to Earth (Midgard) by a bridge guarded by the god Heimdall. Also on a bridge, called Ukibashi (also guarded by a giant god), the Japanese gods arrived from heavens to Earth. In the Descent of Inanna to the Underworld, the goddess did not embark on a ship to reach the „underworld„, but passed through seven gates, also guarded. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, to reach the kingdom of Osiris, the soul must pass through several gates guarded by demons.
This „tunnel”, „bridge”, „gate” or „portal” that connects our world to those of the gods resemble a portal that connects parallel dimensions, or rather a „gate of heaven„, as it was called in Antiquity, or a „stargate„, as it is called today. We saw in a previous chapter that Enlil and his Celestials come from the dimension of aeons to the material world through a portal, which could be inside the Sun. Also through a portal hidden inside the Earth, one can reach the immaterial world that serves as the prison of evil spirits, called Tartarus by the ancient Greeks. Traveling through time and space through such portals is supported by modern physics, where we encounter „wormholes„, topological constructions that link distant areas of the Universe through a shortcut. They were first described in 1935 by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen, hence initially called „Einstein-Rosen bridges„, a name reminiscent of the „bridges” in the Norse and Japanese myths. The „wormhole” name comes from the analogy with a worm that, instead of moving on the surface of an apple, does so through the interior, taking a shortcut. The „wormholes” in physics are made in a similar way, by curving space to produce a shortcut between two points. It seems that these portals are not just a theoretical concept, at least that is what various cultures from different periods of time believed. For example, the Zuni people from Mexico believe that their gods, Kachinas, came from the stars through a special portal called Sipapu. A Sumerian tablet depicts Enki in such a portal, guarded by two frightening beings; Anu is also present, with his hands on his chest, his facial expression denoting a certain aversion towards the god of wisdom. Giovanni di Paolo’s 1445 painting The Creation of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise also depicts a portal through which Adam and Eve are driven out. The circle shaped portal, held by God, has symbols on its edges; inside it, a different rocky landscape full of vegetation can be seen. In another painting, the same Giovanni di Paolo depicted the Roman god Mercury inside another portal. Countless religious paintings depict Jesus in a strange circle, supported by angels. One such painting is Giotto’s 1305 Last Judgment. Indians often depict in their sculptures the god Shiva inside a strange circle, Shiva being the name given by Hindus to Enki. In Val Camonica (Italy), a strange creature similar to gray aliens can be seen in a prehistoric rock drawing, inside a circle where other strange beings, humans and turtles are depicted on the edge; Enki’s symbols, snakes and the Moon, along with some stars, are also present in the image. Mesopotamians talked about the „gate of Anu” or the „gate of heaven„, which was guarded by two deities associated with Enki. In the Myth of Adapa, the hero passed through this gate to reach the supreme god: „When he came to Heaven, when he approached the gate of Anu, at the gate of Anu, Tammuz and Gishida are standing„. A Sumerian stele depicts Enlil’s son, Ninurta, inside a gate with unknown symbols on its edges. This god, who wears a watch on his wrist, an earring in his ear and a cross-shaped medallion around his neck, presses his finger on the edge of the gate, where a button is likely located. A strikingly similar sculpture was discovered in the American continent, depicting an Anasazi god who is inside a gate similar to Ninurta’s, with the same shape and symbols located in the same position. Just like Ninurta, this god also has a watch on his hand and a medallion around his neck. However, unlike his Sumerian counterpart, the Anasazi god wears an animal-shaped helmet from which a tube emerges and attaches to his back. Almost 1300 kilometers southeast of Lima, in Peru, near the shore of Lake Titicaca, there is ”Puerta de los Dioses” („The Gate of the Gods„). According to legends, the first king of the Incas, Aramu Muru (who has a name similar to the Sumerian god Amar Utu), traveled through this gate using a special device to activate the door, transforming the solid rock into a portal. The device was a golden disk that fell from the sky. Aramu Muru (who was said to have come from other world) left through the gate and never returned. From Lake Titicaca, which is near this location, UFOs and tall humanoids with white skin have been frequently sighted.
If such a „gate of heaven” really exists, where is it located? The ancients believed that at one point it was in Babylon (the city of Marduk, the son of Enki), which the Jews called Babel and the Akkadians Babili, meaning „Gate of the Gods”. According to tradition, Esaggila, the temple of Marduk, was first built in the city of Eridu. According to the Enuma Elish poem, the gods raised this temple after Marduk killed Tiamat. Along with Esaggila, there was a ziggurat of unknown origin in Babylon that dates back to before the Babylonians. It was restored in the 7th century BC by King Nabopolassar, the founder of the Chaldean dynasty, and his son, Nebuchadnezzar II, who imposed the hegemony of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in the Near East. Historian Herodotus wrote that the huge ziggurat, called Etemenanki („The House of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth”) or the Tower of Babel, had seven floors and a pyramidal shape, with the base decreasing towards the top. The top floor was made of bricks covered with a brilliant blue enamel, giving the impression that the tower was lost in the infinite sky. The one who started the restoration of the ziggurat, King Nabopolassar, stated in an inscription: „At that time, Marduk commanded me to implant deep in the bowels of the earth the foundations of the Tower of Babel, which had trembled before my reign, ready to collapse, and to raise its peak to heaven (…) the god Marduk commanded me about Etemenanki, the monumental staircase tower of Babylon, which before my era had been demolished and lay in ruins, to strengthen its spiritual foundations in the hearts of men and to make its peaks touch the sky. I took a measuring rod and measured the dimensions myself. For Marduk, my master, I humbled myself and took off my tunic, the emblem of royal rank, and carried dirt and bricks on my shoulders. As for Nebuchadnezzar, my firstborn son, who is dearest to my heart, I made him carry mortar, wine offerings and oil, like my subjects„. It is said that Nebuchadnezzar II built for his wife the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, probably modeled after the ziggurat of Marduk. The Tower of Babel stood until 482 BC, when Babylon, under Persian occupation, rebelled against its conquerors; Emperor Xerxes crushed the rebellion and partially demolished the monument. In 331 BC, Alexander the Great wanted to restore the tower, but he did not get to complete his project, dying of chills. Later, the building served as a quarry for the surrounding constructions. It was reduced to its foundations, over which a building was erected. Until the last century, mankind had forgotten the true appearance of the ziggurat. Renaissance painters imagined it round, with Pieter Bruegel’s painting from 1563 being famous and serving as a model for the European Parliament building in Strasbourg. The ruins of the tower were discovered in 1913 by the German archaeologist Robert Koldewey, and a photograph of the foundation, taken in 1980 by a Soviet satellite, showed that the building was square. The base side was 91.55 meters and was designed from seven truncated pyramids, the floors gradually stepping back. Inside were three stairs: two lateral and one central, perpendicular to the foundation structure, just as Herodotus described it.
The father of history claimed that the god Marduk appeared every year on the top floor of the Etemenanki ziggurat, where he was awaited by a virgin who became his bride for a night. If the city of Babylon was the „Gate of the Gods” and Marduk appeared at the top of the Tower of Babel, it is possible that Etemenanki was a „gate of heaven”. The Sumerian name of the tower was translated as „The House of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth”. But Etemenanki can also mean „The House that Brings Together Heaven and Earth”, a perfect description of a transportation device between two worlds. The shape of the ziggurat is that of a ladder, and the ancients left us numerous descriptions of „ladders” that could be used to reach the heavens from Earth or vice versa.
In chapter 28 of the biblical book of Genesis, Jacob dreamed of „a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of Yahweh ascended and descended on it„. At the top of the ladder, the god appeared and told him that he would leave that land to him and his descendants. After he woke up, Jacob said to himself: „How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of Yahweh, and this is the gate of heaven„. Then he changed the name of that place from Luz to Bethel („The House of God”). Much later, the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven by „the chariot of Israel” from the same place, according to the Old Testament, Israel being the name adopted by Jacob after his fight with an angel.
About this „ladder to heaven”, the Pyramid Texts say that it is „a ladder for reaching the heights„. Its steps are described as „steps to heaven, which are stretched so that the king can climb to heaven„. Statement 478, which mentions the goddess Isis as the personification of the ladder, states: „For any spirit or god who will help me when I climb to the heavens on the ladder of the gods; my bones are gathered for me, my limbs are gathered for me and I climb towards heaven in the presence of the god of the stairs„. Another statement from the Pyramid Texts is: „A ladder is woven by Ra before Osiris, a ladder is woven by Horus before his father, Osiris, when he goes towards the spirits, one on one side, the other on the other side, and me between them„. Also in these texts there is a prayer for allowing Pharaoh Pepi Meryre access to the „divine ladder„:
„Glory to you, divine ladder,
Glory to you, the ladder of Seth.
May you stand straight, ladder of the gods,
May you stand straight, ladder of Seth,
May you stand straight, ladder of Horus,
With which Osiris reached the heavens…
God of the ladder,
To whom will you give the ladder of the gods?
To whom will you give the ladder of Seth,
So that Pepi may ascend to heaven,
To serve Ra as his servant?
Make the ladder of the gods also given to Pepi,
Make the ladder of Seth given to Pepi,
So that Pepi may ascend to heaven in it.„
The Egyptian Book of the Dead claims that demons have ladders for ascending to heaven, but Earth is their preferred place. In its journey, the spirit of the deceased eventually reaches an object called „The One who Raises You to Heaven„, about which it is said that it is „the one that carried Seth to heaven„. Some texts suggest that the supreme god Ra prepares this object „so that the king can climb to heaven„, while in others, various deities are responsible for the preparation. This ladder is depicted as a stepped tower, called „djed” by the Egyptians (an object closely associated with Osiris), which sometimes has an „ankh” at the top, the symbol of life. When the gate to the afterlife was opened to the spirit of the deceased, it exclaimed:
„The gate of heaven is open!
The gate of Earth is open!
The opening of the window of heaven is open!
The ladder to heaven is open,
The steps of light can now be seen…
The double gate of heaven is open.
The double gate of Khehhu is open
For Horus from the east,
At dawn„.
According to Muslim tradition, angel Gabriel took Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and then carried him to the heavens, ascending on a „ladder of light„. After passing through the seven heavens, the Prophet reached Allah. Muhammad received divine commands and was then brought back to Earth with the same ladder.
In Gyelrap, seven gods of light descended on Earth using the „ladder of heaven„. Also, in the Book of Enoch, seven beings „like white men” took Enoch „away from the generations of the earth” and raised him „up to a lofty place„, where there was „a tower raised high above the earth” and low hills. Could that place be Babylon? And could those beings be the seven great Anunnaki worshiped by the Babylonians, the leaders of the Watchers?
The Akkadian name for ziggurat was „zukiratu„. The Sumerians called it „esh„, a word that translates to „rope”. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, when the deceased seeking the „gate to heaven” reached the sixth zone (associated with Osiris), they encountered 12 gods who „hold the rope in Duat” and 12 who „measure the cord„. For Tibetans, 3,000 years ago, sage Shenrab Miwo (who founded the Bon tradition) slid down a rope from the sky, directly onto the top of Mount Kailash. About the exiled Indian prince Nyathri Tsenpo, who became the king of the six Tibetan clans, it was said that he could always reach the world of the gods thanks to a rope of light that tied him to the sky.
If the Etemenanki ziggurat in Babylon was indeed a „gate of heaven”, who built it and how did it fall into ruins? The story of the Tower of Babel was recorded by Babylonian priest Berossus in the 3rd century BC, by Greek scholar Lucius Cornelius Alexandros Polyhistor in the first century BC and by historian Histiaeus. However, the Bible offers the most well-known version of the answer. In Genesis chapter 11, when „the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech„, the people from the east stopped in Sumer and began to build a city and a tower „whose top may reach unto heaven„. What was the reason for building such a colossus? „Let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth„, they said. After they began building it, „Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded” and said: „Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech„. He scattered the people who gave up on the idea of building such a structure, „therefore is the name of it called Babel; because Yahweh did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did Yahweh scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth„. A tower in Babylon that was supposed to reach the sky can only be the Etemenanki ziggurat, whose top floor covered with shiny blue enamel created this illusion, as Herodotus wrote. But instead of providing answers, the biblical story seems to be made up to conceal the truth. We don’t know who could have thought, a few millennia ago, that a group of people believed they were capable of building a colossus that would reach the sky, doing this titanic work just for fame. And a superior being, apparently for no reason, was disturbed by this and decided to scare the humans. Moreover, to mix their languages. Nothing is said about any „gate of heaven” and who those people were. But perhaps the answer lies elsewhere.
Monk Diego Duran, born in 1537, wrote in History of the Indies of New Spain that the old Indians of America told him about „men as tall as mountains who appeared and took over the country„. Those giants decided to build a tall tower up to the sky to reach the Sun. This account is very similar to the biblical one and it is unlikely that the same event happened in two different places. Most likely, the story of the Indians and that of the Jews have the same source. However, there is a big difference between the two legends that can lead us to the truth: the tower builders were not ordinary humans, but rather „men as tall as mountains„. And, as the ancients told us, the gods and their semi-divine children were of gigantic stature.
Who were those giants? The answer can be found in a Mesopotamian myth, which claims that a very long time ago, god Marduk asked his subjects to build a tower up to the sky. Enlil disagreed and destroyed the tower, also confusing the languages of Marduk’s followers. In a stele currently at the Louvre Museum in Paris, made around 2300 BC by Naram-Sin, the king of Akkad, a giant is depicted crushing many people gathered around a tower. Although researchers believe that the stele represents Naram-Sin’s victory over the mountain tribes of Lullubi, it seems to relate, like the Mesopotamian myth, to the legend of the Tower of Babel. Now that we know the characters involved in this story, we can establish the truth behind it.
The one who ordered the construction of the tower was Marduk. He was also the one who asked the kings Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar II to rebuild it after several millennia. If this tower was indeed a „gate of heaven”, Marduk and his family needed it to reach the immaterial world of the aeons. Most likely, the rebellious Sophia, imprisoned in the bodies of Enki, Marduk and Ishtar, was the one who wanted to return to the world from which she was expelled. Hittite and Hurrian myths support the idea that Marduk’s mission was to attack the celestial realm of the gods. The Jewish Midrash confirms this version, through the statement of the tower’s builders: „Yahweh has no right to keep the world above for himself and leave the small world for us; therefore, we should build a tower, with an idol and a sword on top, so that it can appear as if we have declared war on Yahweh„. However, Enlil, the one sent to Earth to oversee the exiles, could not allow Sophia to leave her prison. Therefore, he destroyed the Watchers’ tower, the „gate of heaven” they were just building.
Was the Tower of Babel from myths actually built in Babylon? Apparently not. The Babylonians said that after Marduk killed Tiamat, the gods built a ziggurat for him in Eridu, Enki’s city, identical to the Babylonian Etemenanki. Which makes us believe that it was also a „gate of heaven”. The Eridu ziggurat is much older than the Babylonian one and its ruins have revealed that it was never completed, its construction stopping suddenly for unknown reasons. This is also supported by the Bible, where a god scattered the tower’s builders before they finished their work. Some Babylonian authors who wrote in Greek, such as the priest Berossus, replaced the name Eridu with Babylon in the list of antediluvian kings. Both cities had temples called Esagila and one of the titles of the city of Eridu was Nunki („The Great Place”), which later became a title of Babylon. Therefore, we can conclude that the original Tower of Babel was erected in Enki’s city, Eridu, and Marduk later erected Babylon as a copy of his father’s city, where he also built a new „gate”.
If the Watchers were able to build a „gate of heaven” to escape, why didn’t they do it sooner? Apparently, a ziggurat was not enough and an important component was needed, a device to activate the „gate”. That device was brought by Enlil when he ascended to the throne of Earth, along with the „MEs” that the god guarded fiercely in his temple in Nippur. Therefore, to escape, the exiles not only had to build a ziggurat, but also to steal Enlil’s device to activate the „gate”.
As usual, the Sumerians recorded this event as well. In the Myth of Zu, the bird Zu came one day to Enlil’s palace. At some point the god left his guest alone and went to take a bath. Taking advantage of the moment, Zu, who in a Mesopotamian bas-relief is depicted as a demonic rooster with a third eye on his forehead, stole the god of storm’s scepter and a few other objects, and flew away. Seeing that his things had disappeared, Enlil asked the gods to go after the thief and recover them. But no one had the courage to do so except Ninurta, Enlil’s son. The young god flew on his black „bird”, caught up with Zu and defeated him after a fierce battle. Then he recovered the stolen items and returned them to his father. For this victory he was praised by all the gods, who gave him the epithet „Hero„.
Who was Zu really? His name means „wisdom” in Sumerian. He was also called Anzu or Enzu, which translates to „The Wisdom of Heaven” or „The Lord of Wisdom”, who could only be the god of wisdom, Enki. The Akkadian name of the Moon god, Sin, comes from Enzu. As in Sumerian, the syllables of a word could change places without the word losing its meaning, Enzu became Zuen or Suen, a name from which Sin derived. And this god, called Nanna by the Sumerians, was also Enki. Enlil would not have left a stranger alone in his house with all the „MEs” at his disposal while he went to take a bath. He would only have done this in the presence of a close friend, perhaps even a relative. Zu’s third eye recalls the Hindu god Shiva, the only god depicted with a third eye, none other than Enki. From the fear of the Celestial gods to confront him we understand that Zu was not just anyone but a fierce warrior, exceptionally powerful. In fact, he was the most powerful enemy they had ever encountered, the true leader of the Watchers.
What did Enki try to steal? In Enlil’s house in Nippur, the Ekur temple („The House like a Mountain”), among the many precious objects there was a mysterious one called Duranki. Although researchers have not been able to identify this object, we can try to unravel the mystery. In Sumerian, Duranki means „The Bridge Between Heaven and Earth”; therefore, it was a device that connected our planet to the world of the celestial gods, the object that activated the „gate of heaven”. It is probably the „golden disk” from the Inca legends, used by Aramu Muru to open the „Puerta de los Dioses” or „The Gate of the Gods„.
It now seems that the story of the Tower of Babel has become clear. Trying to escape from the planet where he was exiled with the rest of Sophia’s parts, Enki asked his son to build a „gate of heaven” in their city, Eridu. While the „gate” was being built, Enki managed to steal the device that activated it from Enlil. Sensing the escape plan, Enlil sent his son, Ninurta, to recover the device and he destroyed the „gate” before it was completed. For this reason, the Sumerians often referred to him as „The One Who Separated Heaven and Earth„. This epithet was interpreted as referring to the separation of the gods An („Heaven”) and Ki („Earth”), although in reality it only refers to the destruction of the „gate of heaven”, thus breaking the connection between our planet and the world of the celestial gods. The Kingship in Heaven legend even states that, to defeat Ullikummi, Teshub received from the Council of the Gods „the copper lance with which heaven was separated from earth„. That is the weapon which Enlil used to destroyed the „gate” of the original Babylon, Eridu.
Destroyed in Enki’s city and rebuilt several times in Marduk’s Babylon, the Tower of Babel confirmed its role as a „gate of heaven”, making a final journey not only in space, but also in time. On 16th March 1905, in Uruk, German Helmuth Muller suddenly saw a huge ziggurat appear before him, consisting of seven pyramidal stone floors, the one at the base being almost a kilometer long. The top of the ziggurat seemed to be sculpted in the azure sky. After a while, the image gradually disappeared. The tower seen by Muller could be the Etemenanki ziggurat, perfectly matching both Herodotus’ description and the image captured by the Soviet satellite in 1980. In addition to the fact that the tower was seen in Uruk, not Babylon, and appeared out of nowhere and disappeared in the same way, there is another problem: it was seen eight years before it was discovered. And Robert Koldewey only unearthed ruins in Babylon, while Helmuth Muller saw the tower as it looked over two and a half millennia ago. Could it be a „ghost” of the tower? Or did someone, a long time ago, use it as a gateway in time, reaching the future? If the Tower of Babel had traveled through time, it cannot be the one in Babylon. The distance between the two cities (almost 180 kilometers) is too great to be seen from Uruk. However, Eridu was much closer, about 50 kilometers away, and we can assume that, at a certain point in the past, the tower in Eridu could have been seen from the place where the city of Uruk later stood. Nevertheless, Helmuth Muller did not claim to have seen it at 50 kilometers, but in front of him. The mystery deepens when we realize that the tower of Eridu was never completed, which means that, for an unknown reason, its twin from Babylon appeared in Uruk for a few moments in 1905.
It seems that, although the Tower of Babel was destroyed, other „gates of heaven” were built. The Rig-Veda states that all those who leave Earth stop on the Moon, which is the „gateway to the heavenly world„; only those who answer the Moon’s questions are authorized to go further. This means that, at some point, the „gate” was built on the Moon, probably during the second war of the gods, by Enlil. Let us not forget the „Puerta de los Dioses” in Peru, used by Aramu Muru to leave Earth. And yet, the most famous such „gate” has been in front of us since ancient times…
The Tower of Babel served as a model for the construction of ziggurats, which led to the emergence of the step pyramids found throughout the world. From these came the smooth-sided peaked pyramids. Our ancestors were trying to create „gates” through which they could reach the gods. Following the example of Osiris, pharaohs were buried in pyramids to pass through the „gate of heaven” and reach the other world. Some ancient Egyptian liturgical texts show that pyramids were considered devices designed to „open the doors of the firmament and make a path” for the deceased pharaoh to „ascend in the company of the gods„. The body of the deceased was mummified to be preserved until their return from the world of the gods, just as Osiris did when he returned to his body mummified by Anubis. Who taught humans this process? None other than the gods. According to tradition, Anubis is the one who invented embalming and passed it on to Egyptian priests.
Although step pyramids were built all over the world, the Egyptians (and other peoples after them) moved to an improved model with a pointed top and smooth sides. If all step pyramids and ziggurats were copies of the „gate of heaven” – the Tower of Babel, the Egyptians would not have changed the construction pattern unless they had another model, „divine” as well. And that model can only be the Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest in the world. British linguist Thomas Yeates even wrote in 1833 that „the Great Pyramid soon followed the Tower of Babel, having the same common origin„.
For thousands of years, this colossus has inflamed people’s imagination and continuously created controversy. Conservative Egyptologists have been trying their hardest to prove that the Great Pyramid was built by humans, even though there is no logical way that the ancient Egyptians could have constructed it five millennia ago. While other pyramids and temples have walls filled with hieroglyphics that describe their purpose, the Great Pyramid doesn’t contain even a single marking. After erecting an impressive building (a pyramid or a temple), all pharaohs made sure to have their name inscribed on the walls, so that everyone would know who the author of that construction was. The Great Pyramid has no inscriptions, therefore no pharaoh’s name. If one of the great wonders of the ancient world was built by humans, why did none of them claimed to be its builder? Egyptologists stubbornly insist on attributing it to Pharaoh Khufu (called Kheops by the Greeks), misled by the accounts of Herodotus. However, in 1850, a stele was found in the ruins of the goddess’ Isis temple, which is now located in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo; the inscription on it claims that Pharaoh Khufu laid the foundation of „the house of Isis, the mistress of the pyramid, next to the house of the Sphinx„. If Khufu called Isis „the mistress of the pyramid„, it means that the construction already existed during his lifetime. In addition, the stele also confirms the existence of the Sphinx during that period. But if humans didn’t build the Great Pyramid, then who did it? And how?
In 1979, at the second International Congress of Egyptologists, held in Grenoble (France), petrography chemist Dr. Dietrich Klemm amazed the audience with his research. After analyzing 20 different petrographic samples from the Great Pyramid, he found that each stone came from a different area of Egypt. Although a granite block is usually homogeneous in density, the rocks he examined were denser at the bottom than at the top. In addition, they contained too many air bubbles. Five years earlier, the Stanford Research Institute in California, together with scientists from Ain-Shams University in Cairo, conducted electromagnetic measurements at the Great Pyramid. The results were chaotic, with high-frequency waves being completely absorbed by the rock, indicating that the pyramid blocks contained more moisture than natural rock. Computer calculations revealed that the pyramid contained several million liters of water. French professor Joseph Davidovits concluded: „The blocks are artificial„. The same professor, examining petrographic samples from the Great Pyramid under a microscope, detected traces of human hair and even a complete strand, 21 centimeters long. All of this demonstrates that the stone blocks from which the pyramid is formed were created artificially, a feat impossible to achieve by the ancient Egyptians. The only possessors of the technology capable of creating artificial stone blocks were the gods.
In November 2010, Dr. Ala Shaheen, head of the Department of Archaeology at Cairo University, declared that the hypothesis that aliens built the famous Egyptian pyramids could be true. When asked if these pyramids could contain extraterrestrial technologies or even a UFO within their structure, Dr. Shaheen responded vaguely: „I cannot confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that does not belong to our world„. Although delegates at the conference on the architecture of ancient Egypt were shocked by this statement, Dr. Shaheen refused to make further comments on the connection between extraterrestrials and the pyramids. James Hurtak, one of the leaders of the Lab Nine group, which had long been in contact with nine entities claiming to be the nine great gods of the Egyptian city of Heliopolis, wrote that the Nine confessed to him that they had built the Great Pyramid as a „star gate„. If true, then the extraterrestrial technology referred to by Dr. Ala Shaheen can be explained. But what was he referring to exactly? For the Sumerians, the object that Enki stole from Enlil to activate the „gate of heaven” in Eridu was called Duranki, meaning „The Bridge Between Heaven and Earth”. Duranki was stored in the „center of the four corners of the world„, in Enlil’s temple in Nippur. But this city is not in the middle of the Earth, no matter how we measure our planet. And we have no evidence that the Sumerians would have considered Nippur to be the center of the world. Therefore, that object that was usually kept in Nippur at some point ended up in a place truly at the „center of the four corners of the world„. In 1877, writer and theologian Joseph Zeiss demonstrated that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was built at the intersection of the longest latitudinal and longitudinal lines. In other words, in the middle of the surface of our planet. This implies that this Duranki ended up in the Great Pyramid, confirming the Sumerian writings, the information received by James Hurtak and the discoveries of Dr. Ala Shaheen.
It’s been noticed that, for the ancients, the „gates of heaven” had guardians, usually called cherubs or sphinxes. Statues representing sphinxes were posted at the entrances to temples or ziggurats throughout Mesopotamia, „guarding” them from intruders. The pyramids of Giza are also „guarded” by the Great Sphinx, called by the Book of the Dead and the Pyramid Texts „The Great God who opens the gates of the Earth„. For the historian Plutarch, the word „sphinx” is the Greek pronunciation of the Egyptian „shespanch„, which means „living statue”. The Sphinx’s gaze is directed along the 30th parallel north, on which not only the Great Pyramid is built, but also the city of Eridu, the site where the Watchers attempted to build the first „gate of heaven”, the real Tower of Babel. In addition to this stone guardian, there seem to have been others, according to the 15th-century collection of Hitat. It is said here that the king who built the pyramids placed an idol under each of them to fight off possible invaders. One „stood upright and had a sort of lance with him. A serpent coiled around his crest, which attacked anyone who approached the guard„. Another sat on a throne, also carried a lance and had bright, wide-open eyes. Anyone who looked at him remained petrified and unable to move. Meaning that the idol paralyzed him with a glance, just like the Greek Medusa. The guardian of the third pyramid caught intruders, pulled them towards him and held them tightly until they gave their last breath. From the descriptions, these „idols” appear to be robotic mechanisms, like the „scorpion-men” of Sumer or the „demons” of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Why did the gods abandon the ziggurat model and switch to the pyramid model to build their „gates of heaven”? According to James Hurtak, pyramids are devices that capture energy from space and one of the entities in the Lab Nine group, named Tom, said that the Great Pyramid was used to bring energy from other civilizations to Earth. This huge amount of energy was captured through the narrow corridors that lead from the two main rooms, conventionally called the „king’s” and „queen’s” chambers. As the Belgian writer Robert Bauval demonstrated, the southern corridor of the „queen’s chamber” is aimed at the star Sirius, the northern one towards Kohab in the Little Dipper, the southern one of the „king’s chamber” targets the star Zeta in Orion’s Belt and the northern one is aimed at Alpha Draconis. These corridors captured the energy of the respective stars, channeled it into one of the two main rooms and then redirected it towards the actual gate in the other room. In Dirga, located in the „center of the four corners of the world„, precious „tablets of destiny” were stored alongside Duranki, the „Bridge Between Heaven and Earth”. As we have already seen, it was not Nippur that was at the center of the Earth’s surface, but the Great Pyramid of Giza, built at the intersection of the longest latitudinal and longitudinal lines. „Dirga” means „dark room” or „upper room”, which can be one of the two main rooms of the Great Pyramid, the „king’s chamber”. The Sumerians noted that Dirga was
„Mysterious as the ether above,
Like the zenith of the sky.
Among its emblems…
The stars were its symbols.
The ME was brought to perfection.
Its words are commands…
Its words are divine oracles„.
Emblems of the stars… Ibrahim B. Wasif Sah al-Katib noted in News About Egypt and its Wonders that, on the order of King Saurid, all the secret sciences of the Egyptians were „incorporated into the pyramids, and the constellations were drawn on them„. In addition, „in the eastern pyramid (i.e. the Great Pyramid) he ordered different arcs from the sky and the planets to be represented (…) There are also fixed stars there„. Meaning what was found in the Sumerian Dirga, which was only the upper room of the Great Pyramid, a kind of control center for the „gate of heaven”, full of celestial maps. Also in this room there was Duranki, the „golden disk” of the Incas. Our ancestors preserved the memory of that disk divided into quadrants containing different constellations, transforming it into the zodiac circle. The Maya used it as a model for their calendars, both solar and Venusian. In an Egyptian bas-relief, a strange circle with buttons is depicted next to Pharaoh Tutankhamun and his wife, Ankhesenamun. On a Sumerian tablet from Sippar, 5,500 years old, a circle divided into eight quadrants is depicted next to a giant god. Duranki, the „Bridge Between Heaven and Earth”, the mysterious object needed by those who used the „gate”, was an address-dialling device. Perhaps its best representation is the Mesopotamian zodiac, which was a circle divided into 12 quadrants, inside of which there was another circle, divided into seven, in the middle of which there was a third circle, each of these 20 quadrants containing a constellation. If indeed the constellations are immaterial dimensions, as suggested in a previous chapter, the „gates of heaven” allows travels to these worlds.
The hypothesis of the Great Pyramid of Giza as a „gate to heaven” has been studied (and partially demonstrated) from a scientific point of view. In 1977 and 1987, electronic engineer Joe Parr conducted experiments in the Great Pyramid. Using apparatus he invented, Parr measured the magnetic, electric and radioactive properties of the pyramid. Thus, he discovered that the pyramid is surrounded by an energetic field. Not just the Great Pyramid, but all of them. That weak energetic field led Parr to develop a method in his laboratory to increase its power. In a mini-pyramid he generated a new electromagnetic field that, combined with the energy of the pyramid, managed to create a kind of energetic bubble around the pyramid, which blocked all known types of electromagnetic radiation, including gamma rays. After further experiments, Parr observed another strange phenomenon: his mini-pyramid lost weight inside the electromagnetic field. Moreover, it started moving in a certain direction. Parr calculated the direction of the energetic field where his pyramid was attempting to move, realizing that it was the Orion constellation. He concluded that his mini-pyramid had the ability to enter hyperspace. Although he did not manage to prove this, Joe Parr believed until his death that pyramids can travel through space and time if the key that activates them is discovered. Taking into account the string theory in physics, which supports the existence of six additional spatial dimensions, other researchers have suggested that pyramids could be devices capable of interdimensional travel. Dr. Patrick Flanagan stated about the Great Pyramid: „I believe it is a gateway or portal to multiple dimensions, which allows the transmission of people, objects or consciousness from other dimensions to our dimension„. Therefore, from a scientific point of view, whether it is capable of time travel, space travel or travel to other dimensions, the Great Pyramid is essentially a „gate of heaven”, as the ancients have believed thousands of years ago.
The Djed of Osiris, a tall stepped tower that symbolized the „gate of heaven”, often had an ankh, the Egyptian cross, depicted at its top. Present in all the funerary chambers of the pharaohs and essential in the iconography of Osiris, the ankh did not symbolize life, as Egyptologists believe, but eternal life in the world of the gods. The Egyptians believed that the deceased pharaoh would step through the „gate of the gods”, where he would live forever alongside Osiris. Shaped like a cross (the symbol of heaven in Sumerian culture) combined with a circle (the Earth), the ankh was a symbol of the connection between these two elements, that is the „gate of heaven”. The Djed represented the ziggurat or pyramid, at the top of which there was the ankh, the portal that allowed the travel. The Egyptian ankh can also be viewed as an object similar to the Greek letter „omega” on the top of a tower. The tower is the pyramidal construction and the object in the shape of „omega” is strikingly similar to the portal. On a Sumerian tablet, a god is depicted holding this object in his hand, and next to him there is a circle with eight quadrants (Duranki, the dialing device). The names of pharaohs and gods were always written in a cartouche, formed by the elongation of the Greek letter „omega”. Writing the names of gods and pharaohs (who were considered semi-divine) in the „omega” symbol represented the Egyptians’ way of suggesting that the „gate of heaven” was reserved only for those of divine origin, not for ordinary mortals. For this reason, in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the deceased pharaoh declares to the gatekeepers that he is the son or reincarnation of a god; otherwise, he would not be allowed access. By naming each gatekeeper and uttering certain words, which seem to be access codes, the pharaoh demonstrates his divine origin. Who could know the access codes and know the gatekeepers if not a god or a son of a god? The same thing was done by the hero of the Epic of Gilgamesh: to be allowed to pass to the garden of the gods, he had to announce to the gatekeepers that he was a demigod. The Rig Veda also speaks of access codes when it affirms that only those who answer the Moon’s questions receive authorization to step through the „gate of the celestial world„. The Necronomicon, written in the 8th century by Abdul Alhazred, nicknamed the „Mad Arab”, contains the magical formulas necessary to open the „gate to the beyond„, such as: „Gate of the Great Gates of the Spheres, open to me! Lord of the Igigi, open the Gate to me! Lord of the Annunaki, open the Gate to the Stars!„. Something similar is found in the Greek myth of Oedipus, who had to answer the Sphinx’s riddle to continue his journey. And as we have seen, the Sphinxes were the guardians of the „gates of heaven”. The use of an access code to open a gate was also described in fairy tales, the most famous being that of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves.
The object in the shape of the Greek letter „omega”, which represents the portal, was the symbol of the Sumerian goddess Ninhursag. Even her name indicates the connection with the „gate”: Ninhursag means „Lady of the High Mountain”, that is the pyramid / ziggurat. For the Hittites she was „the Goddess of the Mountain„; Pharaoh Khufu called her „the mistress of the pyramid” and some pyramid texts describe her as a personification of the „ladder to heaven„. We do not know the exact connection between her and the „gate of heaven”, but there is a good chance that Isis / Ninhursag was the one who designed it when she was part of the Watchers’ group before becoming Enlil’s consort.
In a Sumerian myth, called Inanna and Enki by the Assyriologist Samuel Noah Kramer in Sumerian Mythology: Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium BC (1944), Enki was the guardian of the celestial „MEs„, those unknown objects that contained the plans of the gods. One day, Inanna (Ninhursag) visited him, traveling in the Boat of Heaven. Delighted beyond measure, the god invited her to a meal, where wine was served in abundance. After Enki got drunk, Inanna asked him for some „MEs„. Drunk and enchanted by the goddess’ beauty, he offered her seven, which contained information about temples, masonry, carpentry, metalworking, writing and mathematics, among other things. Seeing herself in possession of these valuable data, Inanna boarded the Boat of Heaven and fled. When he sobered up a few hours later, Enki noticed the precious plans were missing and sent a servant to retrieve them. When the servent caught up Inanna, she refused to return them, claiming that the god had given them to her willingly. Reporting the situation to Enki, the servant was ordered to bring the Boat of Heaven to Eridu, recover the „MEs” and then release Inanna. Once in Eridu, the goddess sent her ship’s pilot „to save the Boat of Heaven and the MEs given to Inanna„. While she continued to argue with Enki’s servant, the pilot managed to sneak in and fulfill her orders. We do not know how the story ended, but it is certain that the goddess remained in possession of those „MEs„, as proved by the numerous hymns dedicated to her. This episode seems to be a continuation of the Myth of Zu, in which Enki stole the scepter and several other objects from Enlil, including the important „MEs” and the device for activating the „gate of heaven”. After defeating the thief, Ninurta recovered the stolen objects, but not all of them. It seems that Enki kept some „MEs„, devices that contained various information, so Ninhursag, his sister and former wife, had to try to retrieve them. What information did they contain? If we eliminate those about priestly rituals and arts, we are left with exactly what is needed to build a „gate of heaven”: architecture, masonry, carpentry, metalworking and mathematics. They were probably the plans for building the „gate” that the goddess had made before joining the Celestials’ group. Inanna / Ninhursag tried to seduce Enki, aided by copious amounts of wine. To seduce him, she probably appealed to his feelings for her (which still existed, considering they were truly soulmates) and to memories of times gone by. After charming her twin brother, Ninhursag recovered the „MEs” and fled to Nippur. Caught by Enki’s vizier and forced to return to Eridu, the goddess handed the „MEs” over to her ship’s pilot, who managed to escape. However, it was too late; Enki had already transmitted the data to Marduk, who had begun building the Tower of Babel in Eridu. Enlil found out in time and destroyed the „gate” before it was finished, but the Watchers did not give up and eventually built it in Giza, Egypt, on the same 30th parallel.
The Hitat collection helps us find out the period in which the pyramids of Giza were built. The chronicler Al Haukali wrote that they were erected only as a defense against the Deluge. Chapter 33 states that the god Hermes Trismegistus read in the stars about the coming of the Deluge, so he ordered the construction of the pyramids in which he hid treasures, writings of scholars and everything that needed to be saved from disappearance. The scholar Ibrahim B. Wasif Sah al-Katib noted in News About Egypt and its Wonders that King Saurid had a dream in which „the Earth turned upside down with its inhabitants, horrified, people ran everywhere, the stars fell, hitting each other, making a deafening noise„, which for his prophets meant that the Deluge and a storm descended from the constellation of Leo will pass the world through fire (which happened during the final battle between Enlil and Marduk, just before the Deluge). Hearing these, Saurid decided to build the pyramids at Giza. „In the pyramids and in their roofs, in walls and columns, all the secret sciences of the Egyptians were incorporated, the constellations were drawn on them (…) plus the science of talismans, arithmetic and geometry (…) clear for those who knew their writing„. As the Copts reported, the following inscription was found on the pyramids: „I, Saurid, the king, erected this pyramid at this time and it took me six full years until it was completed„. This unknown king, Saurid, was identified with the one called Hermes Trismegistus by the Greeks, that is Enoch of the Jews or Nabu of the Babylonians. If the pyramids were built as „gates of heaven” before the Deluge, undoubtedly their purpose was to help the Watchers to save themselves from the imminent calamity. To avoid attracting Enlil’s attention again, just as in Eridu, Marduk entrusted the mortal Nabu / Enoch / Saurid with the construction of the pyramids. For the curious people, the Great Pyramid was the temple of Marduk, and the other two were only residences for Nabu and his wife (as the biblical myth of Solomon states). He was shown the plans of the pyramids (according to the Book of Enoch) and Nabu went to work, hiring thousands of people and even Watchers (the „demons” from the legends of Solomon) to build them. Hitat argues that only the first two pyramids were built in that period, the smaller one being erected later. Two „gates of heaven” mean travels to two different locations, which could be the closest planets to Earth, Venus and Mars.
On 21st August 1993, under suspicious circumstances, NASA definitively lost contact with the Mars Observer probe. Until that moment, seven American and Soviet probes had been completely, partially or temporarily taken out of service between Earth and Mars. On 24th September 1999, the Mars Climate Orbiter crashed onto the „red planet„, instead of entering its orbit. Also, on 8th December of that same year, contact was lost with the Mars Polar Lander, which was supposed to land softly on the Martian surface along with the Deep Space 2 microprobes. The causes of the incidents remain unknown, although the answer was given a few years before. On 7th July 1988, the Soviets launched the Phobos 1 probe towards Mars, and five days later its twin, Phobos 2. After two months, contact was lost with Phobos 1; the second probe reached the vicinity of the planet Mars, but on 25th March 1989, contact was suddenly lost. Three months after the incident, the Soviet authorities made public the last image received from Phobos 2: an elliptical, black, extremely elongated and sharp-ended shadow, estimated to be 20 kilometers long, profiling itself on the surface of the „red planet„. In 1991, at a UFOs conference in the United States, Dr. Marina Popovich officially presented the last image from the probe that she had received from astronaut Alexei Leonov. The recording, shown to the public on 22nd November 1991 on Larry King’s TV show, depicts a cylindrical object, 20 kilometers long and one and a half kilometers in diameter, floating near the Martian satellite Phobos; a beam shot out of that object and hit the Earth probe.
In 2002, the Mars Odyssey robotic spacecraft detected huge stretches of ice beneath the Martian soil. And where there is water, regardless of its state of matter, there may be life. Matt Golombek, a collaborator of NASA’s Pathfinder mission, wrote that there are furrows on Mars that appeared as a result of catastrophic floods. Mariner 9 photographed in the equatorial region of this planet some strange formations that resemble two gears, around which there are several double, curved or straight lines. The Russian probe Phobos 2 identified on Mars an area covered with a network of straight, short or long, thin or thick lines, as well as rectangular shapes. Doctor John Becklake from the Science Museum in London compared them to „the model of a city, 60 kilometers wide„. It is said that on Mars, relief forms resembling pyramids have been discovered, imitating the constellation of Pleiades, and strange structures called „Fortress„, „City” or „Shoreline„. At the foot of the Martian volcano Olympus Mons, 22 kilometers high, there are some rectangular excavations, which led to the assumption that they could be quarries or mines. In 1983 and 1984, Professor Courtney Brown made several „research trips” to Mars through clairvoyance, where he saw a pyramid and a volcano erupting near it, with survivors living in the underground complex of Cydonia; these Martians were at the technological level of ancient Egypt. Also, on the surface of the Martian moon Phobos, several formations of mysterious origin have been found, including a vertical parallelepiped monolith that resembles a 30-40-story tower block, its height being three to four times its width. In Two-Thirds of 1993, David P. Myers and David S. Percy wrote that extraterrestrials from Altea have colonized Mars, where they built the Cydonia complex, and on Earth they erected the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. The Nine, the entities with whom the Lab Nine group had been in contact for several decades, were saying the same thing.
If one of the pyramids of Giza was used as a gateway to Mars, then the presence of cities similar to those in ancient Egypt and the pyramids on the „red planet” is explained. But what about the second refuge of the exiles?
Venus, which is 108 million kilometers away from the Sun, has a diameter similar to that of Earth: 12,140 kilometers compared to 12,756 kilometers. Every 19 months, Venus reaches the closest distance to Earth: 40 million kilometers. With a temperature of 460 degrees Celsius, winds of 350 km/h and 50 kilometers thick sulfuric acid clouds, Venus does not seem like a planet capable of sustaining life. However, George Adamski claimed that he was taken by „space brothers” on a journey to Venus, where he saw the wonders of a civilization much more advanced than ours. He described in his cosmic journey the effects of crossing a radiation belt around the Earth. Although initially ridiculed, the Van Allen radiation belts were discovered a few years later, and in 1962 astronaut John Glenn reported surprisingly similar effects to those described by Adamski. Ruth Norman claimed to have made numerous journeys through „astral projection” and to have had countless clairvoyant contacts with beings from Mars and Venus. In an interview conducted under the supervision of the American military services, the Venusian Estes Plateau claimed that the ancestors of the Venusians left Earth a long time ago and that an interplanetary government is currently headquartered on Venus, „the main planet in our solar system„. The extraterrestrial Val Thorn, who spoke in March 1957 with the then-President of the United States, Richard Nixon, claimed to come from Venus, where he had an underground dwelling. German author Jan Van Helsing wrote that Hitler and Stalin received visits from Venusians in 1943, and later so did Winston Churchill. The three tall beings, occupants of the crashed UFO in the United States on 7th January 1948, claimed to come from Venus to observe humanity’s progress in interplanetary travel and atomic warfare. Around 400 AD, the Sanskrit grammarian Panini noted in Panini’s Travels that initiates were often taken by extraterrestrials to Venus. In the 17th and 18th centuries, a mysterious artificial satellite was seen near Venus by eminent astronomers such as Montagne, Cassini and Short. Also, the Russian mathematician Mates Mendelevich Agrest claimed that there is a drawing in a cave in Kohistan (India) depicting Earth and Venus united by arrows. Later, Reuth Reyno, a physicist at the University of Punjab, sent information to NASA stating that she was absolutely convinced that Venus is inhabited by the descendants of an ancient civilization from the Indus Valley, who left in the 3rd millennium BC to save themselves from a planetary cataclysm. Space probes have discovered that there was water on Venus, even seas and oceans, making the presence of life possible. It is also said that on 6th October 1952, Colonel John B. Richardson and seven young pilots received instructions for a double trip from American President Dwight D. Eisenhower: inside the Earth and to Venus. In the logbook, of which only a small part was made public, Colonel Richardson wrote that the distance between Earth and Venus could be traveled in hours or days, depending on the speed of the ship. Venus is very similar to Earth, there are no problems with oxygen and it is ruled by an emperor. The Venusians are the descendants of Earthlings, their ancestors coming from the city of Phantuum beneath the ice of Antarctica, whose ruins were discovered a few years ago and investigated by Americans, English and Canadians. Additionally, Venusians can cure any type of illness within 24 hours using laser guns. Canadian Major Lynch, Colonel Richardson’s deputy, wrote a comprehensive report upon returning from Venus, which revealed that 90% of Venusian fertilizations occur in a test tube, which is why there are no newborns with malformations or sexual crimes. According to existing laws, those with undesirable traits are not allowed to have children (a tradition also found among the Incas). Their general attire is a white garment and sandals, and when it rains, Venusians walk barefoot. Their diet is genetically based: vegetables are grown in giant greenhouses and their juice is compressed into highly concentrated pills. Their homes are made almost entirely of synthetic materials. But this incredible story seems to belong more to the realm of science fiction than reality and has a high likelihood of being just an invention.
Venus was the only „star” worshipped by the Aztecs and their veneration was manifested through bloody human sacrifices. The Mayans used two calendars: a solar one and a Venusian one. In Theosophy, Sanat Kumara came 18.5 million years ago from an etheric plane of Venus to help humans evolve spiritually. Venus is Earth’s twin planet, both being halves of proto-Earth that was hit by Jupiter a long time ago, which may explain why it was worshipped by almost all cultures. However, it is possible that it was also a refuge for the Watchers, along with Mars. According to the historian Herodotus, the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza was covered with crystalline copper plates, a metal associated with Venus. Mars was associated with iron and Hitat tells us that King Saurid, in addition to various treasures, hid iron tools in the second pyramid. This leads us to believe that the Great Pyramid was used as a „gate of heaven” to Venus, and the second one, attributed to Khafre, to Mars. These two „gates” could represent the two towers so often found in Arab architecture, as well as the two djeds (step towers) placed in front of the temple of Osiris / Enki in Abydos. Taking into account the existence of the Van Allen belt around Earth, which prevents the passage of any living organisms, the „gates of heaven” are the only way to leave the planet, using a form of teleportation based on the so-called „wormholes„.
Fleeing from the Deluge, the Watchers split in two groups, with one part being evacuated to Venus and the other one to Mars. Thanks to our ancestors, we can also find out who led the two groups. Enki and his daughter, Ishtar, were associated with the planet Venus, while Marduk, Enki’s son, was associated with Mars. Therefore, people associated the deities with the planets on which they took refuge. „Even the gods were afraid of the flood. They retreated, climbed to Anu’s sky and curled up at the edges„, tells the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Champion of the Watchers, Marduk, fled after being defeated by his uncle in the final battle of the second war of the gods. Upon reaching Venus and Mars, the fugitives did not stay long, as they were discovered by Enlil, who destroyed both planets, forcing them to return to their „prison”, Earth. The inhospitable living conditions on both planets, which once supported life, are the result of an attack with weapons similar to atomic ones. For this attack, Enlil probably used his giant ship, the Moon, brought to create an ice age on Earth. Chinese history even records that Venus entering the Moon was considered by predictors as a sign of the death of a large number of people. Mathematicians Dionos from Naples and Adrastus from Cyzicus argued that under the reign of the Pelasgian king Phoroneus, some unidentified celestial bodies changed the color, size and orbit of the planet Hesperia (Venus), after which the Deluge was triggered. Recent calculations establish that Venus was once closer to Earth by 17 million kilometers. The old Chinese astronomical text Sut-Sheu asserts that, at one point, „Venus was visible in broad daylight, and on Earth it rivaled the brightness of the Sun„. Another Chinese work made of 4,320 volumes, which was said to have been inherited from ancient times and contains „all knowledge”, claimed that before the Deluge, „the planets changed their trajectories. The sky descended further north. The Sun, Moon and stars changed their movements„. In the Norwegian myth of the Deluge, before the same catastrophe, „the stars had gone mad from the sky, falling into the open pit„. Ibrahim B. Wasif Sah al-Katib wrote in News About Egypt and its Wonders that in the dream that foretold King Saurid’s Deluge, „the stars fell, colliding with each other, making a deafening noise„. In Bundahish, when Angra Mainyu (Enlil) sent „the devastating and merciless frost„, he also „attacked and disturbed the sky„, giving him the opportunity to rule „a third of the sky, infesting it with darkness„. At the same time, the planets rebelled against the sky, causing chaos throughout the Cosmos. The Cahto people of California only say that „the sky fell„, which refers to the same event: Enlil’s attack on the two planets where the exiles had taken refuge. „And when the light of a thousand suns explodes in the heavens, I will be the Death, the destroyer of worlds„, he says in the Bhagavad Gita through the mouth of Krishna, considered his avatar by Hindus.
The Great Pyramid offers another clue that supports the hypothesis of planet Venus’ displacement from its orbit following a devastating attack. Several authors have demonstrated that the Great Pyramid hides astronomical data in its dimensions. Each side measures approximately 230 meters. Currently, a Venusian year lasts 225 Earth days, slightly below the number indicated by the pyramid. I do not think it would be wrong to consider that 230 was the number of Earth days of the Venusian year before the modification of the planet’s orbit, considering that the Great Pyramid was built before the catastrophe, as a „gate of heaven” towards Venus. Another clue is provided by the two Mayan calendars, the lunar and the Venusian, which gave cycles of 52 years when combined – exactly the inclination of the faces of the Great Pyramid. This calendar was offered to the Mayans by the feathered serpent Kukulcan, associated with the planet Venus. Also, for the Egyptians, number 52 was associated with Thoth, the god of wisdom. Both Kukulcan and the first Thoth were alternative names for the Sumerian Enki, who used the „gate of heaven” in Egypt to take refuge on Venus. Another bizarre detail, far from being a coincidence, is the number 40. The smallest distance between Earth and Venus is 40 million kilometers, the circumference of the Earth at the equator is just over 40,000 kilometers and 40 was the number attributed by the Sumerians to Enki. The destruction of the planets Mars and Venus can also be found in the story of the continents or islands of Lemuria and Atlantis. One in the Pacific Ocean and the other in the Atlantic, they are said to have been inhabited by extremely technologically advanced civilizations. At some point they were destroyed overnight. Tradition says they were submerged in the waters of the oceans, but many attribute their destruction to nuclear weapons. Although eagerly sought, Lemuria and Atlantis have not been discovered. While the shape of the Earth’s continents excludes the possibility of the existence of other continents or even giant islands in the Pacific and Atlantic, it means either that Atlantis and Lemuria are simple fables, or that they represent something else. Not places on Earth, but outside of it. The oldest mention of Atlantis is found in Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias. He said that the Egyptian priests of Sais told this legend to Solon, one of the Seven Sages of ancient Greece. Solon shared it with a relative, Dropides, who passed it on to his son, Critias the elder. In turn, he narrated it to his grandson, the younger Critias, from whom Plato learned it. According to the Greek philosopher’s account, Atlantis was a city made of concentric walls built by the god Poseidon. The circular shape of the city resembles that of a planet. Poseidon, the builder of Atlantis, was the Sumerian Enki. The submergence of Atlantis and Lemuria in water can be regarded symbolically, rather than literally. For the ancients, space was a vast ocean, from which planets were born. The Egyptians, from whom Plato learned the legend of Atlantis, called this cosmic ocean Nun. Therefore, the ocean in which the two places populated by highly technologically evolved beings sank can be the cosmic space that „swallowed” the two planets, Mars and Venus. The positioning of the two islands on either side of the American continent represents the positioning of the two planets on either side of the Earth. As with Mars and Venus, it is said that survivors existed from both islands / continents. Moreover, current „extraterrestrial” Venusians have told contactees many times that they are descendants of the Atlanteans.
The metaphorical transformation of planets into continents was often encountered in ancient times to hide the truth from the general public, accessible only to initiates. The Tibetans provide the best example, for whom Mount Meru, the abode of the gods, is located at the center of the Universe. Around the mountain stretches a vast ocean of saltwater, on which four continents are found. The southern one, Jambudvipa, is populated by people who live up to 100 years. In this place, where the sky and the sea are blue, animals, ghosts and a few gods live alongside humans. Beneath them lies the realm of the Underworld. On the eastern continent, where the ground, sea and sky are white, the inhabitants have moon-shaped faces, are twice as tall as humans and live for about 300 years. On the western continent, where the landscape is red, the beings have round faces and live for five centuries. And on the northern continent, which has a golden hue, creatures with horse heads, eight times taller than humans, are found. Mount Meru, the abode of the gods located at the center of the Universe, is not a mountain per se, but a planet. The ocean that surrounds it is the cosmic space, an identical analogy to that of many ancient peoples. The four continents in this „ocean” are four celestial bodies. The southern „continent” (the bottom one), beneath which lies the Underworld, with a blue landscape inhabited by humans, spirits and a few gods, can only be the „blue planet„, Earth. The one on the east (on the right), with a white landscape where giants with moon-shaped faces live, is Venus, with white being the color associated with this celestial body. The western „continent” (on the left), with a red landscape, is Mars, the „red planet„. And the northern „continent” (on top), with a golden hue, can only be the Sun. If these continents from the Tibetan myths are actually celestial bodies, why wouldn’t it be possible to make this analogy for the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria? Those who are still searching for them in the Earth’s oceans may want to look to space, towards Venus and Mars.
There is also a recent testimony that supports the hypothesis of the nuclear destruction of the planets Mars / Lemuria and Venus / Atlantis. In 1996, a boy named Boris was born in the Russian region of Volgograd. When he was only two weeks old, his parents noticed that he could hold his head up on his own, which usually doesn’t happen until the baby is six to seven months old. He spoke his first words at four months old. A year later, he could read newspaper headlines without difficulty, and at two years old he began painting. Shortly thereafter he was enrolled in a state kindergarten, where the teachers noted his exceptional abilities for his age: he made extremely rapid connections, mastered a complex language and had an extraordinary memory. According to the newspaper Pravda, Boris regularly visits a place of anomaly called Medvedetskaya Gryada, where he literally charges himself with energy. „Sometimes he sits in the lotus position and starts telling us all sorts of details about the planet Mars, planetary systems or other civilizations. He leaves us speechless„, Boris’ mother said. She also remembers that her child has been constantly talking about the world beyond and planets since he was two years old. One day, Boris told his parents that 70,000 years ago, during the Lemurian civilization, he lived on Mars, a planet that suffered a catastrophe in the past that led to the loss of its atmosphere. The boy also claimed that Martians now live in underground cities. Regarding the catastrophe that led to the loss of the planet’s atmosphere, Boris said: „It was a nuclear war. Everything was burned to the ground. Only a few of them survived. They built new shelters and developed new weapons„. He also added that the Lemurians, who were nine meters tall, stopped evolving spiritually, although they had a high intellectual capacity.
In addition to these „gates of heaven” there is another one, even closer than we might think. Dale E. Graff, former director of the US military’s remote viewing program called Stargate, said that „The stargate within each of us can be discovered by anyone who wants to search for it„. And some have not only discovered it, but also activated it. Ancient Egyptians used hallucinogens such as opium (imported from Crete), henbane and cannabis. Some of these are mentioned in the Ebers Papyrus (around 1500 BC), the oldest known medical text. According to the last episode of Channel 4’s Sacred Weeds series, blue lotus was also an ancient ritual drug. Like priests in ancient Egypt, modern-day shamans use hallucinogens, with the most effective being the ayahuasca vine, known in Colombia as the „ladder to the Milky Way„. Czech psychiatrist Stanislav Grof described shamanic initiation as follows: „The career of many shamans begins with the dizzying experience of an unusual state of consciousness, with the sensation of falling into the Underworld, where they are attacked, dismembered, then put back together to reach the celestial realms„. The Egyptian god Osiris, closely associated with the „gate of heaven” in both the Book of the Dead and many pyramid texts, was attacked and dismembered by his brother, sent to the Underworld, then put back together by his wife and resurrected, ultimately returning to the afterlife. Swiss anthropologist Jeremy Narby said that the shamans he studied „speak of a ladder, of a vine stem, of a rope, of a spiral ladder connecting heaven and Earth, which they use to reach the spirit world. They believe that the spirits descended from heaven and created life on Earth„. In his first shamanic experience with ayahuasca, he encountered a pair of giant serpents. Ladder or rope that connects heaven and Earth? The exact description of the „gate of heaven” in Antiquity. Could that vine stem be ayahuasca? Or ivy, which the Egyptians called chenosiris („herb of Osiris”), as Plutarch and Diodorus of Sicily claimed? Anthropologist Michael Harner, who lived among the Conibo people of the Peruvian Amazon in the 1960s, wrote: „A few hours after drinking the potion, I was, in a way, sober, but in a world beyond the most fantastic dreams. I met bird people, but also dragon-like creatures who explained to me that they are the true gods of this world„. Is it possible to open the „gate” with the help of hallucinogens? Did ancient priests and modern shamans actually succeed in traveling to the dimensions of the gods, if only spiritually?
If it is possible to reach the dimensions of the gods through clairvoyance or shamanic experiences, then Dale E. Graff was right when he said that „the stargate within each of us can be discovered by anyone who wants to seek it„. Where is that something that allows extracorporeal travel to other dimensions? More than likely it is somewhere in our DNA, hidden in the 97 percent still undeciphered by modern science. The structure of DNA really looks like a ladder, being made of two elastic organic chains, connected by „steps” made of hydrogen bonds (in humans there are 3.27 billion „steps”). Thus, we understand that the true „ladder to heaven” from myths is actually DNA. Additionally, the two coiled snakes from most ancient cultures represent nothing more than the double helix of DNA. However, traveling to other worlds through the „gate” hidden in DNA has a major disadvantage: it can only be done temporarily, never permanently. The gods exiled on Earth needed a way to leave their prison forever. For this reason, they built the Tower of Babel, the Great Pyramid and other „gates of heaven”.
In February 1913, at the University of Cambridge in England, mathematics professor Godfrey H. Hardy received a letter with complex mathematical theorems and formulas from the 26-year-old Indian Srinivasa Ramanujan, who claimed to often communicate in dreams with the goddess Namagiri. According to the Indian, his formulas could help people create portals to other dimensions or planets. We do not know if there were any practical applications for those formulas, which were much too complicated for mathematicians of that time. However, it is certain that people have tried to open portals. After the failed Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project followed, named after the Long Island base where Dr. Neumann invented the „psychotronic chair” which a medium used to open portals by traveling through spiraled tunnels from one place to another. These experiments were never officially recognized and most likely won’t be anytime soon. However, there are natural „gate” zones where people are accidentally teleported.
In the so-called Luana’s Country, in the Buzau Mountains (in Romania), inexplicable phenomena often occur. The elderly say that people disappear in a kind of blue mist or are thrown to other places by an invisible force. Usually, teleportation occurs after they discover treasures. One night, above the former Gavanele monastery, on the Manciu’s Bridge, people saw flames that are said to dance above treasures. Some of them dug in those places and „were haunted by all sorts of monks and devils who drove them crazy and took them to other places„. Another story says that „a certain Matareanu, digging for a treasure, found himself, after a week, far from that place, in a clearing in the forest, where people found him dazed„. If the „gates of heaven” all over the world were guarded by different creatures, in Luana’s Country there are „spirits” that guard treasures. In the 1980s, a military experiment took place in an area of Luana’s Country where devices indicated an energetic turbulence. Here, a medium used his extrasensory abilities to find out where people go when being sucked in by that blue mist. After entering a trance state, he disappeared completely from the sight of those accompanying him. He was discovered after about an hour, unable to speak, several hundred meters from where he disappeared. After recovering, his first words were: „I have come from the Other Side„. Later, he recounted being sucked into a gray tunnel, similar to the Montauk Project mediums, at the end of which there was a bright light. „It’s a bright radiation that I estimate to be 300,000 Kelvin„, said the medium. He described the landscape of the „Other Side” as being similar to Earth’s, but in much purer colors. There, he even met people: a woman and a girl similar to her, who looked like a clone, an old man and another man with gray skin, „different from us„. He could not contact them because they seemed to be wandering in time and space, although it was he who was wandering in their space and time. The medium believed he spent only a fraction of a second in the otherworld, remaining very surprised to hear that he had been missing for an hour.
What is happening in Luana’s Country? The locals call this region „The Gate of God” and the reports suggest a „gate of heaven”, but no one mentions a device that would achieve teleportation. Everything seems natural and accidental. How can a portal be opened without an actual „gate”? And why do teleportations not seem to work as they should, since travelers return „dazed„, just like in the failed Philadelphia experiment? Most likely, there is a rupture in time and space in Luana’s Country, caused by the destruction of a „gate of heaven” while it was active. What kind of weapon could destroy a „gate”? Probably the same as the ones used on Venus and Mars, an atomic one? The answer seems to be affirmative.
Also in Buzau Mountains, on a large plateau, giant human settlements from the Stone Age were found. Researchers have determined that the settlement was instantly destroyed by a blazing fire, with the soil being burned to a depth of about half a meter. A local legend says that long ago there was the land of Luana, where a fortress with immense walls stood, over which a kind of „sun” shone day and night. The people in the fortress were brave, righteous and fearless. „Those people lived many happy years until enemies came upon them on fire chariots and brought down the sun of Luana. Great devastation happened then on the earth„, the elders in the area tell. The fortress was burned by enemies, so that no grass grew and no animals walked in that place again. In a nearby cave there is a drawing of a spaceship propelled by a long jet of flames attacking Earth from the stars. In front of the spaceship is a stretched bow with an arrow and two rocket-like objects are launched from the ground toward it. The high level of radiation is undoubtedly the cause of the absence of plants and animals in the area. These radiation, together with the soil burnt half a meter deep, are the effects of an atomic bomb, most likely launched by the spaceship in the rock drawing. A fortress with immense walls, built in the Stone Age, which had a „gate of heaven”, could not belong to the people of those times, but to the gods.
Who were the ones who lived in that fortress? „Luana was an old sovereign, a great wise man, an all-powerful being„, the elders say. When the inhabitants of the fortress were injured in wars, Luana healed them using remedies known only to him, with the living and dead waters from the Valley of Springs. The Slanic River passes through there and the locals still use its waters today to treat various conditions. The name of Emperor Luana can be found in the Sumerian King List as Enmenluana, which means „Lord of the Crown, Man of Heaven”. He was the ruler of the city of Bad-tibira, the place where royalty moved after leaving Eridu. His city was surrounded by a great wall, even the name Bad-tibira meaning „Wall of Copper Workers”. Although it has been identified by researchers with Tell al-Madineh in southern Iraq, it is possible that Enmenluana’s city is the one in the Buzau Mountains. The high wall of Bad-tibira reminds us of the fortress with giant walls in Luana’s Country. Luana was „an all-powerful being„, that is a god in the ancient conception. The Sumerian King List claims that Enmenluana ruled for 43,200 years, which excludes the possibility of him being a human being. This wise sovereign, „Man of Heaven”, who had the power to heal, can only be the god of wisdom, Enki. Myths say that he was the leader of the Watchers who, through cross-breadings with humans, made a new species of beings with impressive stature: the giants of the world’s legends. As if to confirm the local legends it is said that, in Scaieni village, near the Luana Valley, 2.5 – 3 meters high human skeletons were found in the 1980s. Dacian legends claim that Zamolxis, the supreme god of all Thracians, lived in today’s Romania long ago, being most likely the same Luana. Thus, we can conclude that the city where Enki moved after leaving Eridu, Bad-tibira, is the one in the Luana’s Country. He chose this place mostly because of the extremely powerful energy centers here. In his new home he was followed by his daughter, Ishtar, the leaders of the Watchers, and later his son, Marduk. The fortress in the Luana’s Country seems to be the one described in the Indian epic Ramayana, where the final confrontation between Rama and Ravana took place, not the one in Sri Lanka, as it is officially believed. No traces of atomic bombs or other terrible weapons from the Indian poem have been found on the Asian island, but they do exist on Romanian territory. Local legends claim that King Luana healed his wounded subjects in wars, although no war is mentioned except for the final one that destroyed the city. Therefore, Luana lived there during the second war of the gods, which lasted for 92 millennia. The „enemies” came in „chariots of fire„, similar to the vimanas from Ramayana. In the Indian epic, „the brave Matali guided his chariot, drawn by horses resembling the rays of the Sun„, a description that perfectly matches the one narrated by the elders in the Buzau Mountains. Luana’s fortress was burned by the enemies so that grass no longer grew and animals no longer walked in that place, while in Ramayana Hanuman set Ravana’s city on fire. The weapon with which Rama attacked Lanka from his vimana is described by the Indians as an „arrow” that „had the energy of all beings gathered in it„, and the drawing in the Buzau cave depicts a ship with a bow and an arrow in front of it. Indians say that Hanuman healed Lakshman with the help of herbs brought from the Himalayas, while Romanian myths claim that Luana healed his wounded men with remedies known only to him, using the waters from the Spring Valley. To reach Ravana’s city, Prince Rama’s army built a bridge that is presumed to connect India to Sri Lanka. However, if it was Luana’s fortress, the invaders coming from Mesopotamia (where Nippur, Enlil’s city, was located) would have had to cross the Danube from the south or east. In the southeast of present-day Romania, near the town of Braila, in the middle of the Danube River at a depth of about two meters there are traces of a mysterious construction called „The Giants’ Bridge” by locals. The depth and fury of the river do not allow for the construction of a bridge in that location even today, so it cannot be a human construction from ancient times. The passersby of the area claim that sometimes moans can be heard from the depths, always followed by someone’s drowning there. Locals believe that the spirits of the giants still guard the sunken bridge, but the truth is that no one has been able to discover the origin of the construction or the cause of the strange phenomena surrounding it.
In an alternative version of the Romanian legend, Luana was a very beautiful girl who came from the sky in a chariot of fire. She fell in love with a local and stayed in the area of the Buzau Mountains. She taught people medicine, writing and reading. When they fell ill, Luana healed them using living and dead water. At some point, her former lover found out where she was and started a fierce war against the locals in an area later called „The Martyr’s Plateau„. Luana taught them to hide in the rocks, because only there they could be saved from the flames thrown by enemies on the ground. This would explain the multitude of cave settlements in the Curvature Carpathians area, especially between Colti and Bozioru villages. This version of the legend also presents the story described in Ramayana, this time more clearly, considering the war fought to recover Rama’s wife, who was abducted by the demon Ravana. „Great devastation occurred then on earth„, the elders of the Buzau Mountains area tell about the war that destroyed the fortress. Or, more specifically, „the two armies thought the end of the world had come. The shaking of the air threw them down. The earth trembled to its fiery bowels„, according to Ramayana. The guardians tried to escape the attack through a „gate of heaven”, but Rama / Enlil’s weapon hit at that exact moment, causing the rupture in time and space that still exist after so much time and still teleports treasure-seeking locals.
Returning to the first „gate of heaven”, a question arises: how did the Tower of Babel seen in 1905 by Helmuth Muller manage to make a journey not only in space, but also in time? Why did an hour pass in a fraction of a second for the medium investigating the phenomena in Luana’s Country in 1980s? What is the connection between time and these teleportation devices?
The „gates of heaven” were used to reach the multiple worlds of the gods, the immaterial dimensions parallel to our own. However, in these worlds, time seems to flow differently than on Earth. For Tibetans, on Mount Meru, the home of Brahma (known as An to the Sumerians), one day is equal to 100 years on Earth. The Indian Purana scriptures state that „one year of mortals is equal to one day of the gods„. In the Quran, Allah „regulates all affairs, from the heavens, to the earth. Then it ascends to him on a day the length of which is a thousand years by your count” (32:5). All of these show us a different time than our own. World folklore is full of such stories, always related to the place where the deities lived. In The Vision of Isaiah, the prophet was taken by an angel to heaven, before the supreme god; although for Isaiah it had only been a couple of hours, the angel told him that 32 years had passed on Earth. In the legend of Mohammed’s journey to heaven, when he returned, he found his bed still warm and the water spilled from his cup had not fully flowed. In a Japanese story, the fisherman Urashima Taro married the daughter of the Dragon Emperor and lived with her in the imperial castle at the bottom of the sea; after a while, the fisherman missed his parents, so he went back to his hometown. To his amazement, he found out that he had been missing for about 400 years. In the Romanian fairy tale Youth Without Old Age and Life Without Death, Prince Charming went to look for immortality, like the Sumerian hero Gilgamesh. He arrived in the land of the fairies and stayed in their palace for a few days. After he returned home, he realized that he had been gone for several centuries.
Not only the distant past has preserved such stories, but also the present. Travis Walton was abducted by a UFO for almost a week, but for him only a few hours had passed. In April 1977, in Chile, Sergeant Armando Valdes disappeared for 15 minutes. When he reappeared, he had a five-day beard and his calendar watch showed a date five days later. He even reported being abducted by extraterrestrials, who kept him for five days. In the book The Middle Kingdom Troubled by UFOs („L’Empire du Milieu troublé par les OVNIs” in original) from 1993, Chinese researcher Shi Bo relates the case of soldier Wang, abducted by extraterrestrials from his post and found a few hours later with considerably grown hair and beard. In fact, the entities that contacted Betty Andreasson-Luca told her that their time is not like ours, which they know well, and that they can reverse the flow of time. Many reports of extraterrestrial encounters contain statements such as „our time is different” or „we live simultaneously in the past, present and future„. This could also explain magical circles, where phenomena occur according to different laws and time flows at a different speed.
If indeed time flows differently for these entities, this could explain the gods’ extremely long lifespans. For Tibetans, gods live for 1000 celestial years, which is equivalent to 36 million earthly years. In Theosophy, Sanat Kumara came from an etheric plane of Venus 18.5 million years ago. The Babylonian priest Berossus wrote that ten kings ruled the Earth for 432,000 years before the Deluge. According to the Egyptian Manetho, gods, demigods and Spirits of the Dead ruled Egypt for 24,925 years. For humans, these entities with enormous lifespans seemed immortal, but as we learned from the hidden history of the Earth, even gods can die, or at least their bodies. Since our time is different from that in the gods’ worlds, a traveler through a „gate of heaven” would experience a temporal displacement. The gods do not seem to be affected by this phenomenon, especially if they can manipulate time, but human brains do feel the effects. The treasure hunters in Luana’s Country returned „dazed” due to „all sorts of monks and devils who had taken over their minds„. The medium in 1980s returned unable to speak, needing some time to recover. The real reason for the failure of the Philadelphia Experiment was that the passengers on the teleported ship suffered from mental disorders due to temporal displacement; some of them only recovered after realizing our time. Stanislav Grof best exemplified what happens in the human brain during such a journey, speaking of „the dizzying experience of an unusual state of consciousness, with the sensation of falling into the Underworld, where they are attacked, dismembered, then put back together to reach the celestial realms„. To eliminate this effect, the Montauk Project emergd, with Dr. Neumann finally inventing the „psychotronic chair” that can open portals to allow travel through spiral tunnels from one place to another. And so a natural question arises: why does time flow differently for gods?
To find the answer, we must try to find out which worlds can be reached with the „gates of heaven”. Ancient teachings have revealed to us that the Universe is made of several etheric worlds and only one material world. Both the world of aeons and the other parallel dimensions of positive and negative entities are immaterial. Taking into account the string theory in physics, some researchers have suggested that pyramids could be devices capable of interdimensional travel. American doctor Patrick Flanagan claims about the Great Pyramid: „I believe it is a gateway or a portal to multiple dimensions, which allows for the transmission of people, objects or consciousness from other dimensions to our own„. Electronic engineer Joe Parr, who conducted experiments in the Great Pyramid in 1977 and 1987, suspected that pyramids could perform space and time travel if the key that activates them is discovered. Ancient Egyptians also believed that pyramids were devices that could travel to the world of gods only on a spiritual level, not material. They buried the mummified bodies of pharaohs or high-ranking officials in pyramids, waiting for the return of the spirits of the deceased who had passed on to the other world; the opening of the mouth ceremony was performed to ensure that the spirit of the deceased left the body to begin its journey to the kingdom of Osiris. Embalming was intended to preserve the bodies for the spirits that will return at some point and want to recover their bodies. The mummies were stored in pyramids because they were the „gates of heaven” through which the spirits returned from the other world; the deceased had to find their body immediately upon entering the material world so as not to become a wandering spirit. This tradition comes from that of god Osiris, who also passed into the other world with only his spirit, leaving his body here on Earth (initially locked in a box and then cut into pieces, which were scattered throughout Egypt). Isis, the „mistress of the pyramid„, could not bring her husband back to the material world until she had rebuilt his body with the help of Anubis, who also mummified it for preservation. Without a proper „gate”, shamans also travel to the world of gods with their spirits. Some clairvoyants have also made similar journeys. This means that the previous hypothesis regarding the escape of the Watchers to Mars and Venus can only be false. In addition, information about possible traces of civilizations on these planets comes from obscure sources. Official information, such as photographs from Mars, has often been subject to fanciful interpretations and cheap manipulations. For example, the famous face on Mars, which some consider to be evidence of a sphinx similar to the one at Giza, has been proven to be a simple hill; the shadows falling on it at a certain angle created the illusion of a face, which no longer exists in photographs from other angles. Professional manipulators have modified photographs from the Martian surface to make it seem there are traces of a civilization on the „red planet”, some of which are extremely embarrassing, such as the head of a statue, a rat, stones similar to those at Stonehenge, the silhouette of a woman and even the face of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti! Not long ago it was proven that the photographs presented by NASA were not taken on Mars, but in various locations on Earth. The same applies to Venus; the only evidence are some obscure stories that cannot be verified, apparently coming from so-called Venusians, former military personnel or occultists. The only truth is that we do not have a single piece of evidence of the existence of any civilization on the planets Mars and Venus. In this case, where did the Watchers flee at the beginning of the Deluge using the Giza „gates of heaven”? The only possible variant is that of intermediate parallel dimensions, located between the world of aeons and the prison of evil entities (Tartarus of the Greeks). The world religions speak of the existence of many immaterial worlds, so two of them could have been the refuge of the Watchers. However, they did not spend too much time there, being driven by Enlil back to Earth. We do not know how things work in the immaterial dimensions, but we can suspect that none of the Watchers could be an entity as powerful as Enlil, the son of the supreme aeon Bythos / Anu, who managed to imprison the powerful Sophia in the material world. Therefore, in order to have even a chance of victory, the Watchers had to avoid the battle in an etheric world in favor of that in our world, where the energy differences between spirits are not as pronounced and the limitations of matter affect everyone.
Under the influence of ayahuasca, the American writer Louis Whitley Strieber had a vision of „golden cities” and exotic structures from another world. The Space Children, in a hypnotic trance induced by Dr. Andrija Puharich, described extraterrestrial cities. During several sessions of clairvoyance, sociologist Courtney Brown found himself transported to a planet, in a huge metal building shaped like a tower. Under the influence of ayahuasca, shaman Pablo Ameringo saw cities with sophisticated technology, full of pyramids, Babel towers and minarets. The Babylonians even believed that there was another Babylon in the sky, similar to the one on Earth. This was confirmed by the Ionian philosopher Democritus in the 5th century BC, through the statement „what is above is also below„, in accordance with the words of Jesus in the New Testament: „as in heaven, so on earth„. This is absolutely logical, of course. If there was a „gate of heaven” on Earth, there certainly must have been some in the worlds of the gods, which were most likely identical to the one in Babylon. This can explain the „Babel towers” seen by Pablo Ameringo or Courtney Brown’s immense tower. Also, if the „gates” of the gods were identical to the one in Babylon, the seven gates through which Inanna / Ninhursag passed in the Descent of Inanna to reach the „underworld” could be the seven floors of a ziggurat. These floors could also be the seven customs of Catholicism, corresponding to the seven heavens (Orthodox have nine), just like in Islam, through which the soul must pass on its way to heaven. But if the „gates of heaven” only allow travel to immaterial worlds, where are those so-called extraterrestrial cities located? Based on the data accumulated so far, we suggest two possibilities. One would be the Moon which, according to Rig-Veda, represents the „gateway to the celestial world„, from which we understand that Enlil’s Celestials at some point relocated their base to the Earth’s satellite, the most suitable place for monitoring the Watchers without intervening in the evolution of mankind. There they built a „gate of heaven” for travel to and from their world, to which the Watchers confined to Earth had no access. The second possibility is the underground world or the so-called Agartha kingdom, consisting of several cities inhabited by the Watchers; these could be the cities of the gods seen through clairvoyance, hypnotic trance or shamanic experiences. Researchers such as American geophysicist Raymond Bernard, Swiss physicist and mathematician Leonhard Euler or Russian geologist Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev supported the existence of a small sun inside the underground world. In an earlier chapter we proposed the possibility that the Sun of our solar system could function as a portal to the dimension of aeons, a hypothesis also supported by Swiss amateur physicist Nassim Haramein. Therefore, the small sun inside the Earth could also serve as a „gate of heaven”. Ancient myths have suggested that there is indeed a portal in the underground world that connects the material world to the dimension where evil spirits are imprisoned, called Tartarus by the Greeks.
Because several UFOs have been filmed heading towards the Sun, Nassim Haramein claimed in 2010 that extraterrestrials use the star as a portal to other places in the Universe. He also believes that solar flares are actually black holes of varying sizes that, under certain conditions, form vortexes that can remain open for weeks or even months. And Nassim Haramein is not the only one who has noticed a connection between stars (such as the Sun) and black holes. In 1939, Robert Oppenheimer and Solomon Halbert Snyder suggested the possibility that neutron stars with more than about three solar masses could become black holes following collapse, concluding that it is unlikely that any law of physics would prevent stars from turning into black holes. Black holes are a kind of rupture in the fabric of space and time that attract everything within their reach. At the edge of a black hole there is an invisible „border” called the „event horizon„; once this „border” is crossed, nothing can escape the black hole, not even light. For this reason, everything that happens inside a black hole remains invisible. Despite appearances, it is assumed that the interior of such a hole is extremely bright, as light is also trapped in the black hole. At the center of a black hole lies one of the most mysterious physical phenomena: the singularity – a volume point that tends towards zero but contains a mass that tends towards infinity. Singularity has a colossal gravitational force, generating the attraction force of a black hole. The matter absorbed by the black hole is subjected to various physical effects, as well as compression, which means that a black hole can incorporate a huge amount of matter. Matter attracted by a black hole does not enter it in a straight trajectory, but rotates in a spiral shape. Modern science assumes that everything that falls into a black hole disappears forever, breaking down into its component parts. However, a new theory claims that black holes do not destroy matter but send it to other universes, acting as portals. This theory was developed by Jorge Pullin from Louisiana State University (USA) and Rodolfo Gambino from the University of Uruguay. The two scientists, who applied quantum gravity equations to a non-rotating black hole, concluded that matter does not disappear in the middle of the hole, but continues its path to another universe. Before them, Damien Easson, a physicist from Arizona State University, reached the same conclusion, referring to „a wormhole in the general theory of relativity, which acts as a passage from the outside of the black hole to the new inner universe„.
A black hole does not necessarily have to be of colossal size and does not form only from the collapse of neutron stars of about three solar masses. There have been reports of observing microscopic black holes on Earth, in particle accelerators, although their existence could not be proven. Besides, scientists from the University of Miami and ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich) have discovered specific features of black holes in whirlpools in the South Atlantic, where water behaves exactly like light trapped by black holes. Therefore, we can advance the possibility that inside the Earth there is not a miniature sun, but a very small black hole that serves as a portal to Tartarus. This could explain the gravitational force of the Earth, which is still an enigma for scientists. After four centuries of research, started by Isaac Newton, gravity has not yet been understood. What is it actually? How can it act in the vastness of empty space? Why does it exist and what generates it? It is certain that gravity could not have slowly arisen from mutation or natural selection, therefore it was present from the beginning of the Universe, which constitutes new evidence for a planned creation, not a random one. Scientists believe that the gravity of Earth is due to the molten metals in the planet’s center. Gravity depends on the amount of matter contained in the respective body; thus, a body with a large mass of matter also has a large gravitational force. This hypothesis of scientists may be valid in the case of the Earth filled with matter, but not in the case of a hollow planet. And, as we have seen, there is a good chance that there is indeed an underground realm inhabited by Watchers. In this case, if the molten core of the Earth is absent, what could generate the gravitational force of our planet? Could it be that miniature black hole, which serves as a portal to Tartarus? We know that black holes attract everything around them towards their center, including light, thus generating a gravitational force. Albert Einstein said that gravity is not a force like others, but an effect of space-time deformation. Physics teaches us that black holes deform not only space, but also time; the closer one gets to a black hole, the slower time flows. Also, the theory of relativity suggests that time passes more slowly as gravity increases. And all of this points to a hypothesis suggested since ancient times: inside our planet there is not only the realm of the Watchers, but also the portal to Tartarus – a small black hole responsible for generating the gravitational force of the Earth. But why do some reports speak of a sun in the Underworld? British physicist Stephen Hawking said that „black holes are not as black as they seem” and scientists are convinced that the inside of a black hole is extremely bright, considering that it attracts light. Therefore, a black hole, even a small one, is very bright when it attracts light, which can be mistaken for a small sun. In Luana’s Country in the Buzau Mountains, where we suspect there was once a „gate of heaven” (or, more precisely, a small black hole), local legends even say that a kind of „sun” shone day and night above the giant fortress ruled by Luana. The medium who in the 1980s traveled in clairvoyance to the „Other Side” from Luana’s Country was sucked into a gray tunnel, at the end of which there was „a bright radiation that I estimate to be 300,000 Kelvin„. Which makes us think of a small „sun” or a black hole.
This hypothesis can also explain the long lifespans of the gods. According to physicists, time slows down as one approaches a black hole. Thus, a few hours in the capital of the Underworld (where, most likely, the portal is located) could be equivalent to a few days (or even more) on the surface of the Earth. Examples supporting this theory can be found in the myths of the world. One of them is the Japanese legend of the fisherman Urashima Taro, who married the daughter of the Emperor of the Dragons and lived in her father’s palace on the bottom of the sea (most likely located in the Underworld, the entrance being through the sea); upon returning to his village after a while, the fisherman learned that he had been missing for about 400 years. In the Romanian fairy tale Youth Without Old Age and Life Without Death, collected by Petre Ispirescu, the hero Prince Charming lived „several days” in the palace of the fairies; upon returning home, he learned (like the Japanese fisherman) that he had been missing for several hundred years. Both Urashima Taro and Prince Charming ended up in the land of the gods, which can only be the Underworld, often called Agartha; the slow passage of time in that world makes sense through the hypothesis of the existence of a small black hole – the portal to Tartarus. Many of those who have traveled to the world of the gods or who believe they have reached the planet of extraterrestrials (physically or through extrasensorial experiences) have also mentioned changes in time. This means that they were not taken to other planets or parallel dimensions, but in the world inside the Earth, with the gods giving them the false impression of a world outside our planet. For example, in The Vision of Isaiah, the prophet was taken by an angel to heaven, before the supreme god; although he was gone for about two hours, 32 years had passed on Earth. For the medium who, in the 1980s, traveled through clairvoyance to the „Other Side” from Luana’s Country, an hour passed in a fraction of a second. And for Travis Walton, only a few hours had passed on board of the UFO that abducted him, although he was missing for almost a week. Moreover, some „extraterrestrials” (Watchers) have often shared with the humans they have contacted that their time passes differently, which cannot be understood without the hypothesis of the Underworld black hole / portal. Thus, we can also understand why for Tibetans, on the mountain of the gods, a day is equal to 100 Earth years, why the sacred Indian scriptures Purana say that „a year of mortals is equal to a day of the gods” and why the Quran says that a day for Allah „is a thousand years by your count„. But also why the gods have enormous life spans compared to humans.
The hypothesis of small black holes could explain not only the gravity of Earth, but also that of other celestial bodies. For example, the amateur physicist Nassim Haramein claimed that sunspots are actually black holes of different sizes that, under certain conditions, form vortices, and that the Sun is a huge portal that connects to other places in the Universe. The Rig-Veda states that the Moon represents the „gate of the heavenly world„, which means that Earth’s satellite also has a „gate of heaven”, possibly a small black hole responsible for the gravity of the Moon. The other planets in our solar system may also contain miniature black holes or portals to other dimensions inside them, although there is no evidence to support this hypothesis except for UFOs observed near those planets. This does not mean, however, that this possibility should not be taken seriously.
It seems that the Americans have not given up on their search for the „gate of heaven” represented by the Tower of Babel. In 2003, after invading Iraq, American troops occupied the ruins of ancient Babylon. The invasion took place two decades after Saddam Hussein, the fifth President of Iraq, began digging up and restoring the ancient Babylon. Although the city was open to the public, American troops banned visitors from accessing it, guarding the ruins diligently day and night. Why? They were probably searching for something. What could they have been looking for in an ancient city called „The Gate of the Gods”? Most likely, the „gate” of Marduk. It is possible that Saddam had even discovered it, as the United States National Security Agency (NSA) published a photo on its website showing two Arabs in a cave next to a circular device similar to the „stargates” in the Stargate franchise. We do not know if it was a fake, but we do know that the NSA was involved in the famous remote viewing program called Stargate. In 2009 in Norway, in 2010 in Australia and in 2012 in the Middle East, strange bright spirals were seen in the sky, similar to portals, the phenomenon even being called „Star Gate” by scientists. Since the „psychotronic chair” of the Montauk Project travels through spiral tunnels and physicists claim that matter attracted by a black hole does not enter it in a straight trajectory, but rather by rotating in a spiral shape, the portal hypothesis still stands.
If Americans had really discovered the Babylonian „gate of heaven” in 2003, they would have needed at least a few years to study it. Then, to activate it, an enormous amount of energy would have been required. After discovering how it works and solving the energy problem, tests would have taken place. It seems that all of this secretly happened. In 2008, the CERN experiment took place in Geneva, about which we know very little. Scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research built a particle accelerator in a 27-kilometer-long tunnel, about 100 meters deep beneath the border between France and Swizerland. The official version is that this huge underground particle accelerator was used to create the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. Anyone who believes that this fraction of a second is so important as to deserve such an effort, especially financially, is mistaken. The global economic crisis that began in 2007, which worsened in 2008, would not have allowed for the funding of such an extravagant project just to create a fraction of a second after the Big Bang (which, moreover, would not have helped us in any way). The size of the project suggests that something very important was being pursued. And that something could be the opening of the „gate of heaven” discovered in Babylon five years earlier. Therefore, those bright spirals in 2009, 2010 and 2012 could be attempts to open the „gate”. In August 2015, a strange vortex was observed inside a cloud above the CERN headquarters. As if to reinforce our suspicion that an attempt is being made to open a „gate of heaven”, in front of the CERN headquarters there is the statue of the Indian god Shiva (Enki of the Sumerians) in a circle that strikingly resembles the „gate” allegedly discovered by the Iraqis in Babylon. If someone will eventually manage to activate the portal, we will probably all find out.
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