In most ancient cultures and even in current religions, Enki, the leader of the exiled gods on Earth, was nicknamed „the Serpent„. Why did he get this epithet? In the Old Testament, the word for serpent is „nahash„, which comes from the root „nhsh„, meaning „to decipher, to find out”. In other words, it describes the god of wisdom, Enki. However, it is also possible that the serpent represents the spermatozoon; it creates life and Enki was the humans’ creator. The spermatozoon is shaped as a serpent, so Enki can be considered the „serpent” that creates life. In addition, considering that Sophia created the entire fauna of the Earth, the Divine Twins in which she was separated, symbolized as two coiled serpents, represented on Enki’s caduceus in Sumerian, Greek and Roman cultures, could symbolize DNA. Enki and Ninhursag, Sophia’s halves, could be identified with the two organic chains of DNA (or the two „serpents”). However, since neither of these variants seems satisfactory, there is still one that could explain the nature of the god of wisdom’s nickname.
Using cuneiform writing, the Sumerians represented both the sky and the supreme deity through a cross. This symbol was adopted by many subsequent cultures, which mostly kept its original significance. Whether we’re talking about Brahma’s swastika in Hinduism, the Christian cross or the Egyptian ankh, they’re all symbols of celestial deities or of the world from which they originated. If the sky / heaven where the gods lived is actually the world of aeons, why did the ancients choose to represent it with a cross? What does this symbol really mean? The two perpendicular lines suggest an intersection or a crossroads. But what could intersect in the world of the gods? Two roads? Two worlds? What kind of roads or worlds? Ancient myths or modern messages from extraterrestrials offer no clue in this regard. Therefore, it is possible that this symbol does not represent an intersection, but something else. Most likely a cross-breading, a word that, incidentally, has the „cross” as root. What kind of cross-breading could it be?
We have already learned that Sophia (and later Enki) constantly modified the animals and plants she created. These genetic modifications were often accomplished by cross-breeding species, which led to the improvement of some and the emergence of new ones. Considering these cross-breeds, we can understand why the world of the gods was symbolized by a cross. However, genetic experiments are not a general characteristic of the gods, so cross-breeding does not define them. Therefore, it is possible that cross-breeding does not represent what the gods do, but what they are, that is they may have been created by cross-breeding species. Not as spiritual entities, but as their material bodies. We saw that human bodies were created by crossing the genes of primitive monkeys with those of the gods. This highlights the possibility that even the bodies of the first gods, the Divine Twins, may have been created in a similar manner, from the animals existing on Earth at that time. Additionally, we propose the possibility that, over time, the gods may have attempted to improve their genetic material through repeated cross-breeding with various animal species, in order to acquire the characteristics of those beings. If they are capable of such genetic cross-breeding, as we have seen, why wouldn’t they do it with themselves? In support of this hypothesis, we see representations of gods as animal-human hybrids in almost all ancient cultures. The Egyptian gods often had animal heads, in other cultures they had wings or animal bodies and human heads. Additionally, many deities had sacred animals as symbols. Perhaps this was the way of the ancients to suggest that the gods were actually hybrids between humanoids and animals. Let us not forget that many people, created „in the image” and „after the likeness” of the gods (or from the genetic material of the gods), have animal-like physical features (horse or dog-like faces, aquiline nose and so on), which may be a genetic reminiscence of those creatures. Even today there are peoples (such as Native Americans) who believe in the communion of humans and animals; each individual chooses an animal as their totem, their soul merging with that of the respective animal. The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa even go into trance to create a connection with animals, believing that a deep state of trance transforms them into animals. More specifically, it makes them touch the animal part that exists in each of us.
This hypothesis may explain why Enki was called „the Serpent„: he was created by cross-breeding with a reptile. Followers of the reptilian theory may consider this variant as proof that ancient gods or today’s extraterrestrials are actually reptilians. However, the physical appearance of the gods was human, as the ancients have told us countless times. Therefore, cross-breeding consisted of inserting animal DNA, or perhaps even organs, which would not have modified the physical appearance of the deities, but would have only offered them different characteristics. Enki was not a reptilian in the fantastic sense promoted by writers like David Icke, but a humanoid. Considering that humans were created according to his DNA or, as the Bible says, in his image and after his likeness, looking at ourselves we can realize that Enki was not a lizard. And looking at ourselves we can find out which reptilian organ was inserted to him: the reptilian brain, the fundamental nucleus of our nervous system.
From an anatomical point of view, the human brain is made of four different „subcomputers” that have developed over time, the oldest being the reptilian brain, which is also found in lizards (and implicitly in dinosaurs). It is responsible for the simplest and vital elements of life: reproduction, security, breathing and digestion. Some human behaviors originate in the reptilian brain: obsessive-compulsive behavior, superstitions, conformity to ancient laws, obedient trust in normative acts, reaction to partial representations and deception. Also, everything we consider to be art has its origin in this brain, where dreams are also born. Reptiles are territorial animals and human behaviors based on territorialism (such as rituals, ceremonies, art, aggressive behaviors and other compulsions such as the desire for power and dominance) have their origin in the reptilian brain. In fact, besides the instinct of reproduction, we inherited from reptiles two fundamental judgments: the desire for power and territorial compulsivity. For reptiles, sex, aggression and territoriality are basically the same thing. The main emotions emanating from the reptilian brain are animal affection, hatred, fear and frenzy. When we are overwhelmed by negative feelings, such as hatred, the reptilian brain is the one that stops the high component of reason emitted by the left hemisphere of the brain. In short, the reptilian brain controls behaviors essential for the survival of the species, instincts, reflexes and sexual behaviors. Thanks to it, a territory must be obtained by force, then defended, and aggression must be responded to with either aggression or flight.
Looking at Enki’s actions, as mentioned in ancient writings, we see that they are largely the result of the reptilian brain. Territorialism emerges from the tenacity with which he fought Enlil to keep and then regain the Earth’s throne. Aggressive behavior, the desire for power and domination are some of his main characteristics. Deception as well. According to the ancients, he is the creator of arts and priestly rituals. His unusual sexual appetite led the ancients to often depict him with a giant erect penis. The language of the reptilian brain is imaginative, symbolic, which is why the first forms of writing that humans learned from Enki were symbolic, such as cuneiform or hieroglyphic writing (in which a symbol contained not a letter, but an idea). Snakes are animals that hibernate; in Sumerian myths, Enki often slept in the Underworld. Reptiles maintain their metabolism at a much lower level and are particularly long-lived, which could explain Enki’s longevity. Reptiles have large cerebral hemispheres and Enki was considered the god of intelligence and wisdom. Also, snakes have highly developed vision, hearing and sense of smell and are very agile, showing rapid movement on both land and water. These physical traits probably gave Enki significant advantages in battles, with myths considering him a fierce warrior, whom only Enlil was able to withstand.
It seems that Enki did not receive only the reptilian brain, but also the cold blood specific to reptiles. From myths we know that Enki was often punished by being locked in the Underworld, and not just anywhere, but in the source of groundwater. Why did Enlil choose this form of punishment? Because for cold-blooded animals, such as reptiles, low temperatures slow down their reaction time and action of visual receptors to the point where they can no longer detect movement. For example, the vision and reflexes of a crocodile and a great white shark vary depending on temperature. Before attacking, the great white shark redirects heat to the muscles around its eyes and the crocodile sunbathes to warm up. Therefore, Enki was locked in the cold waters of the Underworld, far from the warmth of the Sun, to keep him in a state where his visual perception and reaction time were greatly slowed down, making him unable to attack. In these conditions, snakes usually go into hibernation. Similarly, to compensate for the lack of food, frilled lizards in Australia go into a state of semi-hibernation, slowing down their metabolism.
It seems that Enki was not only inserted with reptilian parts, considering that he was also associated with other animals, such as fish and goats. We know that goats are very active during the mating season, able to practically strike from any position without needing momentum, causing serious wounds. The force of the strike is very strong, especially if they rise on their hind legs, pushing with their entire body weight. Whether we are talking about the insertion of DNA or a part of the brain, Enki’s cross-breeding with a goat could have given him the strength he needed in battle. And from fish he probably received gills, in order to be able to breathe underwater, where he was believed to have been confined according to the myths of many ancient cultures.
We know that Ninhursag was also created genetically, being a clone of Enki. However, the two were not identical, but rather almost, as she was crossed with other animal species. Being associated with felines (cats or lions) and cattle, and often depicted with wings on her back, we can assume that these were the animals she was crossed with. As Enki’s clone, Ninhursag had the same reptilian parts as he did, with her genius resulting from the same reptilian brain. However, it seems that her reptilian organ was modified. Zoologists believe that over a long period of time, certain reptile species transformed into birds, with several similarities between them. Ninhursag was depicted with wings on her back and sometimes even with claws, which means that her reptilian part was transformed into an avian one. One of the major differences between the two species is that reptiles have cold blood, while birds have warm blood. Enki’s cold blood represented a way to control him when he was confined in cold places. Enlil’s goal was to control only him, so there was no need for her to have cold blood. However, the main reason why Ninhursag’s reptilian side inherited from Enki was transformed into an avian one could be the following: this transformation reduced negative behaviors, such as territorialism, the desire for power and domination, as well as negative feelings such as hatred and fear. In addition, avian qualities would have offered the goddess superior distinctions to those of her brother, necessary in case of conflict between them (we remember that Enlil’s plan was to expel only Enki from the Garden of the Gods, but Ninhursag chose to follow her brother / lover). Thanks to zoologists we know that birds’ vision is superior to ours. They also see the world in colors, but many perceive additional nuances, such as ultraviolets. It is believed that birds see the polarization patterns of sunlight, which are more visible in ultraviolet light than in any other wavelength. These form a map of the sky indicating the position of the Sun, thus helping birds find their nests. The birds’ eyes retinas contain specialized magnetic sensors that detect a color spot indicating the position of the magnetic pole. Birds have very sharp hearing, detecting thunder at a frequency far below our range of perception. Migratory birds, such as geese, have a natural barometer in their inner ear that is sensitive to atmospheric changes. Birds can perceive smaller intervals of time. For a pigeon, for example, a moment passes more slowly than for us, which can give it a superior reaction speed. All these qualities acquired from birds turned Ninhursag into a fierce fighter. However, to be an unstoppable warrior, she was also implanted with feline and bovine parts (she is often symbolized as a cow, which is why the respective bovine became the sacred animal of India). Most likely, she inherited strength from the cattle. We know that although the size and location of felines on the globe differ, all members of this family have common characteristics, both physical and related to social behavior. Felines have binocular vision, which provides superior visual accuracy. Their sight is about six times stronger than that of humans and they can even distinguish colors. Cats’ eyes have a third ocular membrane that allows them to see in very dim lighting conditions. When hunting, felines do not rely solely on their extremely sharp vision, but also on their sense of touch and exceptional hearing. Also, their sense of smell is much more developed than that of humans. Cats can jump up to seven times their own height and run at speeds approaching 50 kilometers per hour, while the cheetah, the fastest animal on Earth, can reach speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour (but only over short distances). Cats, whose brain structure is closer to that of humans, are very affectionate and attach themselves very much to their owners. This extraordinary affection is evident in myths, where Ninhursag was considered the goddess of love. And the attachment to the owner is obvious in both her relationship with Enki and Enlil.
As her mother’s clone, Ishtar also had all these qualities. If felines are exceptional hunters, let us remember that in ancient Greece and Rome, Ishtar was considered the goddess of hunting, under the name Artemis / Diana. However, the genes received from her father made her different from Ninhursag. Due to her reptilian brain, Ishtar had both a desire for power and domination, as well as negative feelings. She was also considered the goddess of love, but more of physical, sexual love. Yet, her attachment to her owner made her stay on her father’s side until the end.
In the material realm, Enlil was the son of Ninhursag and therefore inherited from her the DNA of the animals she had been genetically crossed with. He was also associated with birds, bulls and lions. We know that bulls have an extraordinary strength, which Enlil most likely also inherited. Also from lions he inherited both strength and ferocity. We know that lions are the only truly social felines, forming groups consisting of a single male or a coalition of males, up to 20 females and cubs. Usually, a group has two males who defend the females and territory, with fierce competition for dominance. We know that Enlil, along with his son Ninurta, led the group of the Celestial gods who opposed the Watchers. We also know that he fought fiercely for the control of Earth, against both Enki and Marduk. Lionesses typically participate in hunting, with males appearing only after the prey has been killed, intervening only when their strength is needed to take down large animals. Egyptian myths suggest that during the rebellion of humans against the supreme god, lioness Sekhmet (Ninhursag) was sent to punish them. During the Battle of the Pyramids, she fought alongside Ninurta against the Watchers imprisoned in the Great Pyramid of Giza, with Enlil showing himself only at the end. These events confirm the feline traits inherited by Enlil and his mother. We also know that when a lion takes over a group with females already having cubs, they refuse to mate with the new male. Therefore, to mate, the lion kills both the old males and the cubs of the lionesses. These traits are also present in the story of Enlil, reminding us that when he arrived on Earth, he took Ninhursag as his wife and started a war against her former husband, Enki. Lions who reach puberty are excluded from the group, having to live in the wild, seeking their own family. To become members of a new group, young males engage in bloody battles with dominant males of the targeted group, trying to take their place. Similarly, when Marduk was considered the son of Enlil, he left the group of Celestials, sided with the Watchers and then attempted to overthrow his uncle, waging a terrible war against him.
We know that Marduk was Enki’s clone, but he also received characteristics from his mother, Ninhursag, through the DNA he inherited from her. Being a snake-god, like his father, his reptilian brain created both extreme territorialism, the desire for power and superior intelligence, as well as negative emotions and an inclination towards sexuality (Herodotus wrote that every year the god appeared in Babylon to mate with a virgin). From his mother he received parts of a bull, a bird and a lion. Marduk’s Sumerian name, Amar Utu, means „Solar Calf”, the Egyptians represented him with a falcon head when they called him Horus and in Mesopotamia he was sometimes called „The Young Lion„. If he inherited exceptional strength from bulls and ferocity from lions, superior vision and sharp hearing are the qualities he received from birds. In addition, when Enki genetically created him, it seems that he crossed him with a new animal: the dog. The Dacians, who lived in Marduk’s territory, had the serpent with a wolf head as their banner, and the Egyptians claimed that the eldest son of Osiris was Anubis, the god with a dog or jackal head. The cross-breeding of Marduk with a dog could have had only one purpose: to insert the main quality of dogs, namely loyalty. When Enki created Marduk, he did not only want an adversary for Enlil who was superior both physically and intellectually, but also a successor who would be loyal to him. And we know all too well that Marduk always followed his father’s orders, just like a faithful dog.
Therefore, we observe that those animal parts that were inserted into the gods, whether we are talking about DNA or certain organs, are responsible for most of their actions. For others, the negative energy of Sophia is to blame, which all entities that have reached the material world have inherited. Therefore, to discover the true characters of the gods it is not only necessary to understand human psychology, but also zoological knowledge, which can help us understand their way of thinking. Only this way will we be able to know their true face, hidden for thousands of years behind myths, which have become for the majority just simple stories, and perhaps even anticipate their future moves in their great „chess game” that takes place on our planet.
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